看板 G-Basketball 關於我們 聯絡資訊
我們來看看 FIBA 是怎麼解釋的吧。 採自 FIBA BASKETBALL STATISTICS MANUAL: TURNOVER Turnover is a mistake by an offensive player that results in the defensive team gaining the possession of the ball without the offensive team having attempted a field goal or free throw, except when period time expires without such an attempt. Any offensive violation by a player will result a turnover being charged, for example three second violation, offensive foul, offensive goal tending, double dribble, etc. Likewise, an offensive mistake such as passing the ball directly out of bounds or fumbling the ball in such a way it is recovered by the defensive team wil result a turnover being charged. It is important to understand when a team has the control of the ball, so that the statistician understand the opportunity lost when they turn the ball over. A team is in control of the ball when: ‧A player of that team is holding or dribbling a live ball. ‧The ball is at its disposal for a throw-in during an out-of-bounds situation. ‧The ball is at its disposal of a team for the first or only free throw. ‧The ball is passed between teammates. If the offensive team is forced into a held ball by the action of a defensive player the result of the alternating possession rule will determine the statistic to be awarded: ‧If the offensive team wins possesion as a result of the alternating possession rule - NO statistic are awarded. ‧If the defensive team wins possession as a result of the alternating possession rule - award a turnover to the offensive player at fault and a steal to the defensive player that intiated the turnover. It can sometimes be difficult to decide if the passer or reciever is responsible for a turnover when the reciever fumbles a pass. If the statistician considers the pass should have been caught, award the turnover to the reciever, but the general rule is that the passer is responsible for the pass. In some situations, a turnover could be classified as more than one type, for example, when a bad pass causes a teammate to commit a violation by stepping out of the court to retrieve the ball. The statistician must recognize how the turnover was originally caused. In this example, the bad pass caused the violation so credit the player that passed the ball with a passing turnover. Examples: 1. A5 has the ball stolen from him as he is dribbling down the court. → A5 is charged with a ball handling turnover. 2. A5 passes the ball and it goes straight out of bounds. → A5 receives a passing turnover. 3. A5 makes a good pass but A4 drops the ball, resulting in B5 picking the ball up. → A4 is awarded a ball handling turnover, B5 does not receive a steal as they simply benefited from a mistake. 4. A5 commits a violation (travelling, double dribble, etc) that results in the opposition receiving the ball. → A violation turnover is credited to A5. 5. A5 fouls whilst his team is in offence (either charges a player or fouls without the ball). → An offensive foul turnover is charged to A5. -- 翻譯等等就來 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: aquariuX 來自: (09/30 09:51)