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※ 引述《joanzkow (星浪)》之銘言: : Iguodala:Klay自評高光時刻是在我的質疑下投進超遠三分 : 虎撲6月19日訊 據《Time》雜誌報導,勇士前鋒Iguodala在即將發行的回憶錄《The Si x : Man》中講述了一個有關隊內後衛KT的趣事。 : 在勇士隊內曾經的一次團建活動上,每位球員都要分享一個他們覺得最高光的時刻。“ : 到Klay的時候,我們都以為他要講他對陣國王時單節37分的那天,我的意思是,這可是 : NBA紀錄啊老兄!但他沒有,他說:‘我最精彩的記憶是有一次在離籃筐50英尺(約15. 24 : 米)的地方接到傳球,我正準備投籃的時候,突然聽到Iguodala對我說‘Klay,你他媽 : 離筐有50英尺呢’,然後我思考了一秒,但最後還是出手了。那球最後進了,我當時就 : 想說‘安德列,去你媽的,我能投進’’。我們在場所有的人都笑得不行,這居然是 : Klay-KT記憶中最高光的時刻。” : https://bbs.hupu.com/28036467.html 有點好奇小AI跟湯神如何互嘴所以去找了原文,其實整篇挺長的, 僅補充互嘴部分如下: In his upcoming memoir, The Sixth Man, Warriors forward Andre Iguodala recalls a team-building exercise in which players were asked to recall the moments in a game during which they felt the highest. “When Klay’s turn came, we all a ssumed he was going to say that his highest moment was the the day he scored 3 7 points in a quarter against Sacramento,” Iguodala writes. “I mean, that wa s an NBA record! But he didn’t. Instead he said, ‘My best moment was one nig ht I caught a pass and I was like fifty feet from the basket and I was about t o shoot it. And all of a sudden, I hear Andre being like, ‘What the fuck, Kla y? You’re fifty feet out.’ And I thought about it for a second and shot it a nyway. It went in, and I was like, ‘Yeah, Andre, fuck you.’ We all had a goo d laugh about that. I was like, ‘Wow, really dog? That was your best moment?' ” 最後補上出處 https://time.com/5608475/golden-state-warriors/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/G-S-WARRIORS/M.1560953258.A.BF3.html
sylviehsiang: 外電都能把F WORD完整表述,台灣都不行,怪哉 06/20 02:42
yeustream: :p 06/24 11:57