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PRACTICING WITH: TIM HENMAN 跟韓曼一起練習 It's hard to believe that an 11-year tour veteran would need to reevaluate his game, but at the start of this season that's exactly what 30-year-old Tim Henman did. With new coach Paul Annacone, the former sage of Pete Sampras, Henman streamlined his strategy to play more to his strengths, namely his net games. The idea is to structure matches and practices so that every time Henman strikes a ball, he's either moving forward to hit a volley or getting his opponent out of position so he can get inside the court and attack the net. The two strokes with the greatest potential to make this happen are Henman's serve and backhand. 真是令人難以相信,對於一個十一年的巡迴賽老手來講,要重新評價他的比賽,不過在這 個季初,30歲的韓曼的確作到了。跟前代傳奇彼得.山普拉斯的教練保羅.安那康合作, 韓曼更有效率的應用他的戰略,他的長處,換句話說是他的網前比賽。這個想法是架構在 比賽及練習上所以所以無時無刻韓曼都在攻擊球,他更能移位前更前面攔截到截擊或使他 的對手失去重心,所以他才能更往場內並且在網前攻擊。兩種最優秀的隱藏武器發生在韓 曼的發球和反拍身上。 TURNING THE SERVE LOOSE 轉換鬆散的發球 Henman is one of few classic serce-and -volleys left in professional tennis .But his serve itself has never consistently been a weapon,"He almost had a little bit of baseliner's serving mentality,"Annacone says,"He used it to start points too much instead of serving to spots."So Annacone has been directing Henman to be more offensive with the serve by going for more lines and trying to drag his opponent out of position. 韓曼是少數在職業網壇裡頭僅存的經典發球上網選手。但是他的發球卻沒為他帶來持續 性的武器。他時常保有一些底線打者的習性,安那康說。他過去時常在開賽時太多分都 不是用發球點拿。所以安那康決定韓曼的發球要更有侵略性,發向線邊和嘗試使他的對手 偏離重心拉向場外。 YOUR TURN: Do a drill where you play out points in which the server must come to net by the third ball.This forces you either to hit a serve that's string to follow into net or shot.Don't simply go for a lot of pace, as placement of the serve can be just as important as power. 你的做法:做一個訓練無論哪裡發球都必須要在第三球上網結束這一分。這可以強迫使你 擊出發球之後更能連結靠近網前打擊。不要只走大多數的路徑,發球的重要地 位可以使你更具威脅性。 BACKHAND ATTRACK 反拍攻擊 Henman can drive through his backhand, and his slice is one of the best in the men's game. That kind of variety throws his opponents off-balance and creates more opportunities for short balls and opening to comes to net. " The best baseliners are guys who like patterns and balls hit to them the same way every time,"Annacone says. So Henman will do a drill where he'll hit a sequence of backhands and no two in a row an be hit the same way, He'11 vary slices, short angles, topspin rolls, and drives to all parts of the court to try to create an opening so he can move foreward. 韓曼可以擊出反拍穿越球,而且他的切球也是男子比賽中最好的其中之一。這種變化使 他的對手陷入失去平衡和創造出更多的短球機會,開始往網前移動。最好的底線選手像 他們時時刻刻用同樣的擊球方式。安納康說。所以韓曼將要做一個訓練,當他將連續用 反拍擊球而且沒有連續兩球用同樣的擊球方式。他將嘗試創造出變化於切球,短角度和 上旋球,而且擊出所有球場的每個角落,所以他才能向前移動。 YOUR TURN: Try Henman's drill: You can't hit the same type of backhand on two consecutive shots, Perhaps the most difficult to hit is the deep slice; Annacone recommends keeping the stroke simple, almost like an extended backhand volley. The racquet starts above the ball and should only drop down a bittle bit, allowing you to drive through the line of the ball and create a biting and skidding slice. If you have a chopping motion, the ball will float and sit up after it bounces.-JON LEVEY 你的作法:嘗試韓曼的訓練。你不用在連續兩拍之內擊出同樣的方式。可能最困難的就 是擊出深的切球。安納康要求保持簡單的攻擊,幾乎像一個反拍截擊的延伸 一樣。球拍開始時在球之上,而且應該會有一點往下掉落,跟隨你球在線上 的揮動以及開始咬到球心和滑動的切球。如果你有做出切球的動作,在它彈 跳之後球將會浮在半空中而且而且突然墜下。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: yevvi 來自: (07/20 00:22)