看板 GBR_Tennis 關於我們 聯絡資訊
因為是網球迷,所以我都會在出考卷的時候,常用一些像是Federer, Nadal, Nole, Murray, Jamie之類的名字。去年暑假的暑期輔導考試,我編了一篇murray跟jamie在北京 練球時的對話式的克漏字測驗,短短的一篇,後來忘記po上來。這次月考的範圍因為課文 內容跟運動有關,所以我就很不客氣的寫的一篇關於Murray的故事的閱讀測驗。因為是要 適合國中生閱讀的,而且還要配合現在正在教的單字和句型,所以寫的有點蠢,請大家不 要認為這是我的英文程度。內容可能有一點瞎掰,但是大致都對啦!我把它po上來,並 附上題目,大家無聊可以做做看! Andy Murray is a tennis player. He was from a small town in Scotland and spent his childhood there. He was good at all kinds of sports since he was very young, but tennis is his favorite. He played tennis so well, so he couldn't find any competitor in Scotland soon. When he was thirteen, he left his howntown alone and went to Spain for practicing with excellent players from other countries. In Spain, he spent five hours playing tennis every day, and he also made many friends there. Murray started to play professional games in 1995. Last year is an impor- tant year for him. He improved a lot last year and won many important games. He became the world number 4 tennis player. However, it's not enough for him. His dream is to win Grand Slam Chammpion and to become world nomber 1. It's very difficult, but many people believe he will make it. He is gifted and works hard. Above all, he won't quit until his dream comes true. Question: 1. Murray spent his childhood in Scotland means: A. He lived in Scotland when he was a child B. He left Scotland when he was a child. C. He spent much time playing when he was in Scotland. D. He spent time with his child in Scotland. 2. Why did Murray go to Spain? A. He wanted to make more friends. B. He wanted to win more games. C. He wanted to spend more time playing tennis. D. He wanted to practice tennis with good players from other countries. 3. When did Murray become world number 4 player? A. In 1995. B. In 1994. C. In 2008 D. In 2009 4. Many people believe Murray will be the world number 1 some day. Which one is not their reason? A. He is gifted. B. He worked hard. C. He never quit easily. D. He won the Grand Slam champion. 題目很簡單,可是有一題很少學生寫對,大家可以猜猜看! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: curran 來自: (03/29 11:28)
Makaay:[置]入性行銷才對阿XD 03/29 11:27
※ 編輯: curran 來自: (03/29 11:30)
curran:已修改!中文是我最弱的一科....囧 03/29 11:31
wop875:第三行的tenni"i"s 我猜第四題 03/29 15:31
yevvi:第一題吧,陷阱....XDD 03/29 16:27
dfllnick:第三行應為he played so well that he....吧 03/29 16:34
curran:回樓上,要配合學生的程度,不能有沒教過的句型! 03/29 16:55
curran:基本上,因為學生不看網球,所以沒有先備知識,我們覺得 03/29 16:57
curran:很理所當然的答案,他們反而會錯。 03/29 16:57
※ 編輯: curran 來自: (03/29 16:58) ※ 編輯: curran 來自: (03/29 17:00)
yevvi:那答案呢 03/29 17:00
yevvi:第四題的d選項,Grand 03/29 17:02
curran:就是我們會覺得最簡單的第3題!很多程度很好的學生都被前面 03/29 17:02
curran:那個1995的數字騙了!哈哈! 03/29 17:03
※ 編輯: curran 來自: (03/29 17:05)
curran:謝謝大家努力的挑錯,讓我以為這裡是教師版。xd 03/29 17:05
yevvi:嗯,的確,那一題沒出好。我還以為一般都會錯1,4的其中一個 03/29 17:07
curran:第1題是真的考程度,因為我們在教學生spend這個單字時不會 03/29 17:09
curran:教這樣的用法,所以不會應用的中等程度學生就錯了,而程度 03/29 17:10
curran:好的學生反而因為自信會錯第3跟第4題!通常仁慈一點的老師 03/29 17:10
curran:會在第4題的那個not上面加粗體字或畫線,unfortunately, I 03/29 17:13
curran:am not......... 03/29 17:13
yevvi:公布答案吧...XDD 03/29 17:14
curran:我說啦! 03/29 17:18
yevvi:不是啦,1到4題的答案..sorry 03/29 17:19
yevvi:won't=will not,never有否定的意思,這個選項出得好,這學生應 03/29 17:20
yevvi:該要知道 03/29 17:20
curran:adcd 03/29 17:26
yittahung:耶 我都對 :p 03/29 19:26
curran:別這麼開心好嗎?這只是國二程度的英文xd 03/29 20:15
yittahung:XDDDD 配合一下啊 :p 03/29 20:27