看板 GBR_Tennis 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.tennis.com/tournaments/2009/wimbledon/wimbledon.aspx?id=17843 WORD GAMES: Andy Murray apparently views every opponent as a tasty snack. Murray spent Thursday evening trying to come up with variations of player names to make them sound like food items, and then posted his best suggestions on Twitter. “Tennis player-snack name game going on,” Murray wrote. “Lleyton chewit, james flake, boris doubledecker, dorito starace. Get thinking…” He then updated his feed shortly later, with even more names. Among them: John MacEnrolo, Juan Martin del Popcorn, Mardy Fishcakes, Prawn Borg and Martina Haggis. 小Andy在twritter上玩的文字遊戲,把球員的名字全改成點心,然後在論壇上國外 網友也接著玩,http://www.menstennisforums.com/showthread.php?t=146773, 這幾個網友接的蠻棒的:ernests gulbiscuit,Mikhail Muesli,Soda lime Candy Murray聽起來很sweet,超喜歡! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
yittahung:他最喜歡的是Juan Maartin del Popcorn XD 06/28 21:41
我覺得橘子汽水最贊,但是好像是網友接的。 ※ 編輯: curran 來自: (06/28 21:49)
mallina:Tommy Hagen Daas XDD 另外看到金莎就會想到蚊子 06/28 21:53
mallina:還有Joachim Johansson的綽號就是PIMPIM糖 還滿有趣的 06/28 21:54
mallina:ATP可以考慮出一系列球員零食 XDD 06/28 21:55
yittahung:喜歡Tommy Hagen Daas這個梗XD Ferrero真的就是巧克力耶 06/28 22:14
a111156987:推金莎想到蚊子XD 06/29 00:15
nicholasJCF:每次蚊子生日我都會買金莎慶祝一下XD 06/29 03:14