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http://tinyurl.com/3lv2grj Oh, it was Twitter’s fault that Andy Murray lost at the US Open ANDY MURRAY HAS sworn a vow of social media abstinence. Why? Because it’s making him a better tennis player apparently. With callous disregard for his legions of Twitter followers (over 620,000 at the last count), the Scot hasn’t tweeted in over a month, a period which has coincided with a particularly fruitful run of on-court form and wins at the Thailand and Japan Opens. Andy doesn’t really understand how the whole cause and effect thing works though, and now believes that he would’ve beaten Rafa Nadal in the US Open semi-finals if it wasn’t for the crippling effects of the Twitter machine. “I just stopped doing it and I’m not missing it to be honest, it was fun for a while but I just stopped and surprisingly I haven’t lost a match since I stopped tweeting,” Murray told Sky Sports. 簡單翻譯: M娃發現自從他不再更新Twitter之後,就一直贏球,所以現在乾脆都不更新了。 他說這是他小小的迷信。 ~DONE~ 短評: 比起不洗臭襪子,褲襠,頭盔內裡或帽子,M娃的迷信讓人非常的舒服,女生果然比較 愛乾淨...... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Escude:難怪最近比較常用臉書XDDD 10/15 22:42
curran:都不要上網努力練球搞不好可以早點拿到大滿貫。 10/15 22:44
yevvi:重點是M娃這個笨蛋近期有一些戰術改變,至少跟美網比就差很 10/15 22:46
yevvi:多 10/15 22:46
tinybaby:XDDDDD 近25場贏24場 10/16 00:23
crystal1115:如果可以一直贏一直贏的話就永遠不要更新好了 10/16 12:54
crystal1115:上海奪冠了 真的不要更新了XDDD 10/16 18:37
tinybaby:荒廢到明年XDD 10/16 20:08
curran:要不要賭,他連勝中斷後的第一件事,就是去更新。如果沒有 10/16 20:33
curran:那恭喜他脫離青少年時期了XDD 10/16 20:33
Makaay: 女 10/16 23:09
curran:ATP標題很有趣,用Asian hat-trick來形容Murray 10/17 20:02
wop875:可是他開微博了耶... 10/18 07:39
tinybaby:他在中國受訪二選一,居然選正拍耶 10/18 20:35
tinybaby:該不會這小子一直以來都認為自己正拍比較強吧(爆炸) 10/18 20:35
curran:XDDDDDDDDDD 10/18 21:15
curran:說到二選一,也有一個白目的中國記者讓他豆豆跟Nole二選一, 10/18 21:16
curran:結果他選了豆豆,那些支持nole跟小andy在一起的腐迷也整個 10/18 21:17
curran:爆炸了XDDDD 10/18 21:18
intercom:他已經否認要當nole的伴娘了(無法忍受失去愛人的痛苦)XD 10/18 21:54
kasndjo:也太可愛...XD 10/19 02:26
arjbt:那個二選一根本亂選吧XDD 10/21 15:47
solemnity:他還是無法接受Nole要結婚了... 10/21 16:22
ForgerEames:連勝中斷後第一件事就是去更新XDDDDDDDDDD 10/23 20:58