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http://tinyurl.com/locfle5 原文 Discovery of rare bats could slow work on Andy Murray's luxury hotel Andy Murray may be the master of racquets after his historic Wimbledon victory, but he is having a little trouble with bats. He has bought a 1.8 million country hotel near his hometown of Dunblane which he wants to turn into an exclusive five-star retreat complete with a restaurant run by a Michelin-starred chef. However, his plans could be held up after a colony of rare bats was found in the roof and walls of the historic building. Murray, 26, wants to complete the renovation of Cromlix House Hotel in time for the Ryder Cup at nearby Gleneagles in September next year, and the venue is already fully booked for the event. He has lodged planning applications seeking consent for a range of alterations, including new lighting in the roof. But the Scottish Wildlife Trust said the site was known as a home to the scarce Natterer's bat, and a survey of the hotel last month also found at least three other species of the protected flying mammal. 看標題就知道內容了。Murray之前買下哥哥結婚的旅館,想要裝修成五星級大飯店, 還要在裡面開米其林等級的餐廳。結果旅館裡面發現稀有品種的蝙蝠,工程必須延宕, 後續會怎樣沒說? --------------------------------------------------------------- 想到他澳網的時候被畫成蝙蝠俠,原來其實蝙蝠洞都有了 而且早期因為皮膚太白皙,被形容成吸血鬼,真是巧啊....... 蝙蝠西方不喜歡,但是聽說中華文化裡面蝙蝠有帶來好運的意思, 搞不好溫網蝙蝠們有帶來一些好運啊!XDDD -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
tungnancy:咦?不是該開網咖嗎XD 開飯店也太跳TONE 07/12 01:21
tungnancy:這人腦袋真夠怪耶 07/12 01:24
yevvi:他本來是打算買飯店來賺明年萊德杯的錢....結果.... 07/14 08:57
curran:原來如此XDDD 07/14 09:53
wenever:英國又推出溫網郵票了~ 07/18 22:20
wenever:http://ppt.cc/dFps 07/18 22:21
wenever:怯生生地問,這次會有團購嗎?好想要啊啊啊~ 07/18 22:21
Escude:我已經衝動購物發作買了 這次可能要看有沒有別人要開團啦XD 07/18 22:41
wenever:可以寄台灣嗎?我現在在首爾,系統說不寄>"< 07/18 22:45
wenever:不知道是海外都不寄,還是地址的個別原因(?)不寄? 07/18 22:46
winnie20306:想要跟團!!! 07/18 22:48
Escude:寄台灣是ok的~ 07/18 23:26
tungnancy:想跟團+1 07/18 23:39
Gronkjaer:想跟團+1!! 07/19 00:29
wenever:嗚嗚,可是付款時網頁上說,the following items cannot 07/20 08:50
wenever:be delivered to addresses outside of the United Kingdo 07/20 08:50
wenever:>"< 07/20 08:51
wenever:啊,我本來四種都各買一套(迷妹無誤),刪掉這一項就可以 07/20 08:57
wenever:First Day Cover UK Address 07/20 08:57
wenever:購買成功真開心~~ 07/20 08:58
winnie20306:謝謝w大的資訊~~~ 我也訂購成功了^^ 07/20 14:20