看板 Geography 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 Gossiping 看板 #1PsaiqgH ] 作者: ckTHU (XD) 看板: Gossiping 標題: [FB] 台灣的區域均衡與民主發展(二) 時間: Sun Oct 8 23:58:38 2017 FB卦點說明: 本篇承上篇 §台灣的區域均衡與民主發展(一) § 追求區域均衡的聲音 A call for regional balance in development 台灣長久的區域均衡,是過往經建會、研考會乃至今天國發會都難以解決的問題 究竟台灣各地失衡如此之大的困境在哪?社會又該如何面對? ★☆發錢☆★,望更多人關心台灣,且關注這塊土地的 區域均衡 及 首都機能 議題 為促進討論,需附加評論,純"推"一個字會設定跳過~ 本版每 5 推 30p 至 20 名,至 6:00 am FB連結:https://www.facebook.com/NCPBT/posts/1702060549805443 FB內容: 台灣的區域均衡與民主發展(二) Calling for regional balance and democratic development in Taiwan - Part 2 § 台灣的區域經濟失衡 § The imbalance of regional economy in Taiwan 總統蔡英文曾在 2015 年的「國土基盤整備與國家永續發展會議」發表看法 『首先是「區域落差」。政府的資源大量投注於人口較多的北部, 其他地區的經濟活動減少,民眾無法在地就業,自然會人口外移, 在地人口高齡化也更加惡化。第二個問題,是「鄉村破落」。年輕人大量的外移, 也使得鄉村發展的可能性越來越少,就算地方政府引進工業與觀光, 也因為欠缺整體發展的規劃與資源,導致鄉村地景的破壞與瓦解, 鄉村地區的活力喪失殆盡。第三個問題,是「首都圈發展令人擔憂的現象」, 因為大量人口往北部集中,造成土地及房屋價格高漲,連中產階級都無法立足, 對年輕人更是一場噩夢。也因為過度擁擠,都市生活品質一直無法提升。』【 5 】 President Tsai Ing-wen commented regarding regional economy imbalance at the "2015 National Land Consolidation and Sustainable Development Conference" that the first issue is 'differentiation between regions'. As the government invests predominantly in the more concentrated north, other regions see a decrease in economic activities. Consequently, residents in those regions suffer from unemployment, thus moving to other cities to seek employment, which then worsen the problem of ageing population in those regions. The second issue is 'deterioration of villages'. As large numbers of youngsters move away, it reduces the possibility of rural development in those areas. Even with the local government's effort in introducing industries and tourism into the area, the rural landscape ends up destructed due to lacking in resources and overall developmental planning, which ultimately leads to these villages losing their vitality over time. The third issue lies with 'the troubling phenomenon of development of the capital district'. As large numbers of people pour into the north, landed property and housing cost skyrockets. It makes it makes it a nightmare for the middle class, especially the younger generation to maintain their lives in the north. Furthermore, it becomes increasingly difficult to improve the quality of urban life due to overcrowding cities. 【 5 】 受商業歷史悠久的華人社會影響,當代中國商人圍繞著象徵最高權力的「京城」 從事商業活動,經常錢權相伴。在台灣,也深受這種商業行為所影響, 經濟活動朝著政治中心移動、依附且不斷壯大,在亞洲社會是一種常見的商業行為。 With the long commercial history of the Chinese community, contemporary Chinese businesspeople often engage in commercial activities surrounding the ‘capital’, a symbol of ‘the highest power’. More often than not, money and power go hand in hand. Taiwan is deeply affected by this commercial mentality, with her dependent and ever-growing economic activity constantly moving towards the political centre. It should be noted that such commercial development is not unusual in other Asian societies. With the long commercial history of the Chinese community, contemporary Chinese businesspeople often engage in commercial activities surrounding the ‘capital’, a symbol of ‘the highest power’. More often than not, money and power go hand in hand. Taiwan is deeply affected by this commercial mentality, with her dependent and ever-growing economic activity constantly moving towards the political centre. It should be noted that such commercial development is not unusual in other Asian societies. 台北市長柯文哲(Ko Wen-je)曾表示過:「相信只要努力就會成功的價值, 年輕一代已感受不到,因台灣政商關係複雜已經到世襲程度。」引述自由時報,【 6 】 因產業與資金過度集中於台北的現狀難以想像,例如, 在 2014 年高雄市發生大規模氣爆事故後, 市府實施高雄市既有工業管線管理自治條例 (Kaohsiung City Autonomous Statutes for the Management of Existing Industrial Pipeline), 使得台灣最具規模的經濟部所屬國營事業,台灣中油(CPC Corporation, Taiwan) 等 14 家能源石化及管線業者,將總部遷至高雄市,才扭轉石化業總部、 管理階層聚集於幾乎沒有廠房的台北市,工業污染在其他縣市的現象。 As quoted in the Liberty Times, Taipei Mayor, Mr. Ko Wen-je once said, “the youth of this generation no longer has faith in the values of success that would come with perseverance and hard work because of the complexity of the political-commercial situation in Taiwan.”【 6 】 It is difficult to picture exactly how concentrated the industry as well as capital is in Taipei. For instance, in the aftermath of the large-scale gas explosion accident that occurred in Kaohsiung in 2014, the municipal government put into place an industrial pipeline autonomous management regulation ( Kaohsiung City Autonomous Statutes for the Management of Existing Industrial Pipeline), thus making Taiwan's largest business owned by the Ministry of Economic Affairs (CPC Corporation, Taiwan) and other 14 energy and petrochemical and pipeline industry relocate their headquarters to Kaohsiung City. This regulation finally ended a phenomenon whereby petrochemical industry headquarters concentrated in Taipei without their industrial plants, while other counties and cities endured the industrial pollution for years on end. https://imgur.com/dyhGBBl ※ 圖 B:2016 年 12 月-公司登記實收資本額-按行業別及縣市別【 7 】 ※ Figure B: Summary of company registered capital in December 2016 【 7 】 圖 B 為去年 12 月由台灣的經濟部商業司(Department of Commerce, MOEA) 所公布的資料,不難發現到,大多數的產業資本在台北都會區聚集, 環繞著政治權力中心的現象在台灣存在許久。 Figure B shows data released in December 2016 by Taiwan Department of Commerce, MOEA. It is not difficult to see that most of the companies’ headquarters are gathered in the Taipei Metropolitan Area. This phenomenon of economic development surrounding the political power hub has existed in Taiwan for a long time. 當經濟活動與政治權力集中於一地,假如缺乏相應的法治精神,與相互制衡的制度 ,這對於政府的廉能、其他區域的均衡發展,及偏遠地區的人們理應享有的基本權利 ,會不會有間接性地損害呢?又官商綿密的關係會不會就此滋長勾結與腐敗的溫床呢? In the case where economic activity and political power are concentrated in one place, while it lacks corresponding regulations to keep all parties in check, it raises the possibility of indirect impairment to the government’s honesty, the balanced development of other regions, and the basic rights that should be enjoyed by the people in remote areas. On another note, might the close relationship between the government officials and businesses lead to corruption? 在台灣,31 家進入富比世 500 大的企業,22 家總部位於台北市,且多數為金融業。 有趣的是,台灣經濟命脈仰賴國際貿易的收入支撐, 但是金融中心並非在最大的港口城市高雄市。 There are currently 31 companies listed in the Fortune 500, 22 of which are headquartered in Taipei, most of them are in the financial industry. Interestingly, Taiwan’s economic depends heavily on the income of international trading. However, the financial centre is not situated in Kaohsiung, the largest port city in Taiwan. 對岸的中國在改革開放後,產業聚落也多圍繞在大都會,但金融業中指標性的四大銀行 (Big Four),中國工商銀行 ICBC,中國農業銀行ABC,中國銀行 BOC, 中國建設銀行 CCB,其總部全位於政治經濟中心北京市,而非上海。 After China’s reform, industries congregated mostly around the metropolis. On the other hand, the four major banks of the Chinese financial industry (Big Four), namely the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), Agricultural Bank of China (ABC), Bank of China (BOC), and China Construction Bank (CCB), their headquarters are all located in the political and economic centre in Beijing, rather than Shanghai. 兩岸的區域發展模式看似類似,但如果我們觀察台灣的區域失衡,影響層面相當廣泛, 產業結構、薪資、教育、環境、出生率、公共基礎建設分配以及人口從中南部往北部遷徙 ,這種情況造成鄉村的年輕勞動力流失,當然這一切也與長期缺乏完整的國土規劃有關。 It may appear that the regional development on both sides of the strait take on a similar model, however if we take a closer look at Taiwan’s regional imbalances, we would see that its impacts are observable on a several levels, such as the industrial structure, salary, education, the environment, birth rate, public infrastructure allocation and population migration from the central and south to the north of Taiwan. This has caused the loss of young labour force in the countryside to the city. Though, this phenomenon may also be related to the lack of long-term comprehensive territorial planning. -- -- -- 行政院長賴清德於 10/6 表達對首都機能移轉的正面態度 從 10/8 起每日早上 10:10 AM,雙十連假,持續刊登 『台灣的區域均衡與民主發展』中英版 歡迎社會各界廣為轉載,並註明出處 首都機能移轉計劃 New Capital Plan for Better Taiwan 社群 -- -- -- § 資料及數據引用 § Reference 資料及數據引用下載網址: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1cWwhwoUBuywtW14yJHmUyNK4wHc17-x0Jcj0F-9Nmc4 -- 社群理念 首都設中部,社會住宅蓋中南部 https://www.facebook.com/NCPBT/ 首都機能移轉計劃 New Capital Plan for Better Taiwan -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1507478324.A.A91.html ckTHU:轉錄至看板 Urban_Plan 10/08 23:59 ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: ckTHU (, 10/09/2017 00:00:06 ※ 編輯: ckTHU (, 10/09/2017 00:06:08
chicagoboy: 無聊 內容完全花媽的起手式:政府重南清北。叭~叭~叭~ 10/09 06:55
chicagoboy: 輕 10/09 06:56
victtgg: 所以這篇文章想表達首都在華人社會等於享受特殊資源?所以 10/09 07:02
victtgg: 應該遷都讓南部也享受特殊資源,等到南部也享受完再遷都 10/09 07:03
victtgg: 去東部或外島....?? 這是什麼邏輯 10/09 07:03
victtgg: 如果要談國土規劃,過去十幾年早就一堆人提過 ex.謝長廷的 10/09 07:05
victtgg: 六星計畫,馬英九的三都十五縣....一大堆。其實也無關遷都 10/09 07:06
shun01: 說穿是只是高雄打算享受特權 10/09 11:19
MAXPONGPONG: 推 10/09 17:42
MAXPONGPONG: 雲嘉嘉 竹竹苗 先辦個合併公投 中央提出優惠東因 10/09 17:46
yuchengtsai: 如果合併後議員數量不減的話,在議會推動合併阻力會 10/09 20:21
yuchengtsai: 小一點 10/09 20:21
yulun0909: 推 10/10 01:32
yulun0909: 區域發展不均似乎是新自由主義下難以避免的問題,資源 10/10 01:36
yulun0909: 集中在經濟學當中是符合常態的現象,恐怕與古代中國「 10/10 01:36
yulun0909: 極權」的關係沒那麼強烈 10/10 01:36
ckTHU: yulun0909 樓上相信是的,裙帶資本與政治關係僅是其一 10/10 08:35
ckTHU: victtgg 首都以特區形式建立就沒這麼問題喔~ 10/10 08:35
ckTHU: 政經分離,制度性杜絕裙帶,德、美等國金融業也不依附首都 10/10 08:37
DDJJ1069: 德、美等國金融業不依附首都?但日、英、法、韓...等國 10/12 00:52
DDJJ1069: 金融業卻在它們首都 XD 10/12 00:52
DDJJ1069: 美國很清楚是國土面積大,有本錢搞新城市,當年的華盛頓特 10/12 00:53
DDJJ1069: 區也是折衷各城市競逐首都下權衡的新城市而來。德國是因 10/12 00:54
DDJJ1069: 為當年被拆成東西德,民主化的西德經濟比較好,當然現在的 10/12 00:54
DDJJ1069: 首都柏林經濟地位不如西德的經濟大城。 10/12 00:55
ckTHU: 想走政治經濟合一制也並非不可,問題是台灣的天災外交環境 10/15 20:52
ckTHU: 全放在台北只是徒增國家疑慮,因此政經合一論述可有考慮? 10/15 20:53
mooto: 你提的國家剛好都是聯邦制 其政治首都跟地方的分權關係跟 10/15 21:32
mooto: 單一制國家是不同的 10/15 21:32
ckTHU: 制度與分權關係是需要學習的,尤其台灣的內部外在環境 10/15 22:03
spiritman: 日本沒說首都在東京啊...XD 10/19 22:19
hsuyihsiang: 雲林跟苗栗這兩個被普遍認為西部最窮的兩縣居然還贏 10/20 22:14
hsuyihsiang: 嘉義屏東跟基隆,我有點意外 10/20 22:15
ji394xu3: 日本的首都在東京是"共識"阿,只是沒寫在憲法而已... 11/04 06:35
ji394xu3: 就跟中華民國一樣,中華民國也沒有憲法寫清楚首都在台北 11/04 06:35