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※ 引述《peyguey (一定做到)》之銘言: : 因為買的市面上參考書只有94~92的解答(高X的) : 所以墾求90年共英解答~(聽說當年寄成績單上面會有解答...有人可以幫忙一下嗎?) : 感激不盡:) 我手上有書... 跟別人買的 我po給你參考..學習出版公司 by 謝靜芳 1-5 ABDAC 6-10 DDCAB 11-15 CABAC 文法II 1-10 BBDAC DBDBD 閱測III. 1-5 BADDA 6-10 CDBAB 克漏字 11-15 CBABA 中譯英 1.A more significant fact is that plants cannot grow by themselves near banks of dams. 2.He feels his attachment to family is stronger than his desire to avoid the responsibility. 3.Conversing when watching a performance is obviously very improper behavior; however, many people chat openly and thinks others cannot hear them. 4.Surprisingly, many people nowadays still have no idea what leads to sexual harassment, and neither do they know the problems or the anger their actions might give rise to. 以上僅供參考敬請指教^^ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
unplaying:我這樣po出來好像違反該版注意事項...可是我明明手邊有 03/01 01:10
unplaying:參考答案..不po出來感覺這個版就沒有考題作用了說>< 03/01 01:10
agge:你沒違反版規 是原問者違反版規.. 03/01 08:41
peyguey:抱歉~我沒看版規所以違規了~是我的錯~會自行D掉~但因查詢 03/02 00:25
peyguey:之前有關政大英文解答徵求文是這樣模式~所以誤以為是對 03/02 00:26
peyguey:但非常感謝你:)祝你金榜題名:) 03/02 00:30