看板 GreenEyes 關於我們 聯絡資訊
It's been like forever since the last time I logged in to this space, great to know it's still alive. A lot things changed to the band: we've changed the drummer and added another helping hand from a new keyboardist in the new lineup. While we're working on the album, a collection of past singles are ready and currently sent to the States for mastering. It would be the Volume One of the series, featuring songs recorded back in 2006 to 2012. Over these six years you can really hear how our music changed in this collection album. More like a chronicle of Green!Eyes' history. We hope to publish it in the early March, but due to the mastering engineer's schedule, the releasing date can't be confirmed just yet. Lastly, we've scheduled two shows includes a festival appearance in March: March 9th, at The Wall w/ THE NOVEMBERS from Shimokitazawa, Tokyo. March 10th, at Megaport Festival 大港開唱, 4:00pm at 女神龍 stage. Thanks for keeping this space alive! Enjoy the last day of the vacation! greif!eyes P.S. thank you for the birthday greeting, finally see it after three months. Just in time to get old. -- ※ 編輯: busrider 來自: (02/28 16:33)
visionswing:It's still alive! 02/28 23:08
britkid: 02/29 08:40
goro18:STILL ALIVE XDDDDDD 02/29 16:05
decency:hello :) 02/29 20:58
DEROG:Hello~~Still alive :D 03/01 11:54