看板 GuildWars 關於我們 聯絡資訊
負責 GW2 crafting and items 的遊戲設計師 Linsey Murdock 在官網上發表了一篇介紹新裝備等級Ascended的文章 https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/linsey-murdock-unveils-new-high-end-ascended-gear/?utm_source=client 縮: http://tinyurl.com/atn5vjo 這邊大致翻譯一下(都用第一人稱) Greetings citizens of Tyria! My name is Linsey Murdock. Some of you may remember me as the Guild Wars Live Team Lead before the lovely and talented John Stumme took up the cause so I could work on other projects. As a game designer for Guild Wars 2, I primarily work on crafting and items, which is why I am here to talk to you today about some exciting new features coming up for items progression that my team has been working on. 自我介紹跳過 As we watch Guild Wars 2 mature in its Live environment, we have found that our most dedicated players were achieving their set of Exotic gear and hitting “the Legendary wall.” We designed the process of getting Legendary gear to be a long term goal, but players were ready to start on that path much sooner than we expected and were becoming frustrated with a lack of personal progression. Our desire is to create a game that is more inclusive for hardcore and casual players alike, but we don’t want to overlook the basic need for players to feel like they are progressing and growing even after hitting max level. Adding item progression is a delicate process normally undertaken in an expansion, but we feel it’s important to strive to satisfy the basic needs of our players sooner rather than later. 觀察GW2目前的玩家生態 比較投入的玩家都已經搞到了全套橘裝(Exotic),並且很多人面臨所謂的"傳武障礙" 其實根據原本的設計,追求傳武應該算是一條長期的道路 但是玩家們踏上這條路的速度超乎我們預期,因為這一步跳太快了,也導致玩家很多挫折 我們的目標是創造一個同時滿足休閒和hardcore玩家的遊戲 但我們也不想忽略玩家們追求不斷提升的渴望 所以呢,雖然加進一個新的道具等級是一步險棋 但這步棋早晚都要下,所以當然越早越好啦 We have always worked hard to create a sense of satisfying progression rather than gear grind and this new item progression initiative is no exception. By adding challenging new combat mechanics to end-game content and ways to mitigate those mechanics through gear progression for high-end players, we can add personal progression without making the game feel like an endless treadmill of gear that is just out of your reach. Original Guild Wars fans may recognize that we took a familiar approach to our new progression. The first end game mechanic we will introduce is Agony, which will be encountered in the Fractals of the Mists dungeon, and is mitigated by Infusions. New Condition: Agony 但是我們一直都很努力讓這遊戲不要變成單純的農裝備遊戲,這次也不例外 而我們的方法就是增加各種挑戰到end-game裡面,緩和裝備逐步的進程 讓玩家不要覺得只是永遠追不到紅蘿蔔的馬兒,GW一代老玩家就會很熟悉這種做法 而這次我們要增加的挑戰就是Agony 這是在新副本the Fractals of the Mists裡會遇到的一種新condition In the upcoming Fractals of the Mists dungeon, we’ll introduce a new monster condition called Agony. This extremely dangerous condition ticks percentages of player health away and can’t be cleansed by normal means. Players who wish to delve deep into the Fractals will find that Agony makes progress increasingly difficult, until they reach the point where some defense against this condition is a must. The only way to mitigate Agony damage is by building up resistance through Infusions, a new type of upgrade component that can be acquired in the Mystic Forge. 這種新的monster condition會讓玩家按比例扣減生命值,不能用一般方式解除 導致在新副本走得越遠難度越高 唯一能夠對抗Agony的方式就是透過新的升級素材Infusions 這種素材可以在熔爐合成 New Upgrades: Infusions Infusions are a special new type of Upgrade Component that can only be slotted into special Infusion slots on gear. There are multiple types of Infusions and Infusion slots. In November, we’ll introduce Offensive, Defensive, and Omni Infusions of Fine rarity from new Mystic Forge recipes. Infusion upgrade types must be paired with their like slot, with the exception of the rare and versatile Omni Infusions which can be slotted into any type of Infusion slot. For now, Infusions slots can only be found in gear of a new rarity type: Ascended. Infusions是一種新的升級素材,只能安裝在有Infusion slot的裝備上 有各種不同類型的Infusions,也有對應類型的Infusion slot 這次改版將開放攻型(Offensive)、受型(Defensive)、和攻受皆可型(Omni) 對應類型的Infusions只能插到對應類型的slot上面,不過攻受皆可型可接受所有配對 目前,只有Ascended這種等級的裝會提供Infusion slot New Rarity Type: Ascended In November we’ll unveil the first Ascended items. This new rarity type falls between Exotic and Legendary on the spectrum of rarity and has slightly higher stats than Exotics. Ascended gear works a little bit differently than other gear types. The stats and functionality normally added to gear through upgrade components are actually built into Ascended items. Instead of upgrade slots, Ascended gear has Infusion slots, and rarer versions of the items also come with additional Agony Resistance built into them. Players will be able to acquire Ascended Rings in the Fractals of the Mists dungeon, and Ascended items worn on the back can be acquired through special Mystic Forge recipes. Ascended是介於Exotic和Legendary之間的道具等級,能力會比Exotics略高 Ascended道具不能用現有的升級素材(例如珠寶)做升級,他會直接內建較高的能力 (也就是說比Exotics略高的意思是比插入寶石後的Exotics略高) 而Ascended道具會提供Infusion slot,比較稀有的Ascended道具甚至內建Agony抗性 新副本可以打到Ascended ring,而熔爐可以合成Ascended back The Future of Items Progression This is just the beginning. In November, we’re only adding the first level of Infusions and Ascended Rings and Back slots, so that leaves us a lot of room to build upon these levels of Item progression in future content. As we release more new end game content in the future, you’ll see more Infusions and Ascended item types being added to the game. Eventually, you’ ll be able to kit yourself out with a full set of Ascended gear and high end Infusions to help give you the edge in end game content. 這只是開始而已,這次改版只會增加Ascended的ring和back 之後還會有很多新玩意,新的end-game內容,新的Infusions和Ascended道具 You’ll also see more Legendary items in the future and an update to our existing Legendary weapons. Legendary items were always intended to be on par with other “best-in-slot” items. So fear not, all existing Legendary weapons, which are currently on par with Exotics, will be upgraded to be on par with Ascended weapons at the same time that we add Ascended weapons to the game. Thus Legendaries will remain “best-in-slot” items. All Legendary items going forward will be of Ascended power. We also have plans to add more fun ways to acquire Legendary precursor items with a more “scavenger hunt” feel than they are acquired currently. The new additions in November are just the start of our item progression initiative. We’re going to add tons of new high-level content to Guild Wars 2 in the future. As we introduce the new high-level content, we’ll also roll out complimentary Ascended and Legendary items (to say nothing of the other rewards you can earn by playing the content). I hope you are all as excited about these new items as I am! 未來也會有新的Legendary道具,以及現存傳武的升級 而且Legendary道具的數值永遠維持頂尖 目前Legendary=Exotics,改版後Legendary=Ascended 未來也會新增一些傳武素材的入手方式,使追求傳武變得比較有趣 ==== 總之就是 新副本會有新condition Agony 新升級道具Infusions會提供Agony抗性 新裝備等級Ascended才能用來插Infusions -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
dtfans:翻完發現有人翻了耶悲劇 11/13 14:57
kyukyu:有翻有推 11/13 15:01
fk0210:感覺這樣看就清楚很多… 11/13 15:02
ching1210:"攻型 受型 攻受皆可型" 這... 11/13 15:03
galaxyf:翻譯很腐... 11/13 15:03
allubatwo:XD 同人 11/13 15:04
byjiang:你的翻譯詳細超多啊XD 11/13 15:05
Mystiera:LF2M雙插頭, now! 11/13 15:05
galaxyf:如果Exotic裝 插寶石之後 再加某樣東西 可以升級成Ascende 11/13 15:06
cafe12345:你在下棋什麼啦~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11/13 15:06
galaxyf:d等級 那引響就還好 重打免談 先Quit再說 11/13 15:07
Mystiera:樓上這是唯一可能平息眾怒的方案, 我也希望如此 11/13 15:07
byjiang:重點是加哪樣東西 怎麼取得 11/13 15:07
allubatwo:重打就quit而已,很簡單XDD 11/13 15:07
byjiang:都說是為了讓沒事幹的人有progression 總不能一個升級10s 11/13 15:08
byjiang:1g通通搞定 這樣根本來搞笑的 11/13 15:08
Mystiera:解個長meta event之類的吧 11/13 15:08
allubatwo:不就跟wow裝備制度一樣?裝備滿了也是沒事幹XDD 11/13 15:09
galaxyf:如果是要走升級路線的話 我建議"某樣東西"可以從全副本, 11/13 15:09
cafe12345:只要不是動不動就100/250lodestone的合成我還能接受= = 11/13 15:10
byjiang:林北就是不想弄裝備 美送啦(惱羞) 11/13 15:10
galaxyf:地圖王寶箱,熔爐...等方式取得 這樣就很OK 11/13 15:10
byjiang:要是太好取得=>很白痴沒意義 太難取得=>跟wow一樣機歪 11/13 15:11
s78324:融爐才是最可怕的!!!!! 11/13 15:11
Akabane:不能插珠寶 珠寶變垃圾XD 其他製造至少還能弄個橘球 11/13 15:11
byjiang:不會太難取得=>過很多改版回來玩發現還是煩得要死 11/13 15:12
galaxyf:熔爐取得 如果是固定公式 應該不難吧... 11/13 15:14
Mystiera:其實我剛看到這個東西也以為是要解任務把升級成對海怪用 11/13 15:14
Mystiera:決戰裝備, 結果.... 11/13 15:14
Calaglin:沒錯 一開始也以為是樓上說的那樣 絕望了 11/13 15:16
cafe12345: 就射了 11/13 15:17
roka:不管難度如何都有人不滿意,只能說本來無一物,何處惹塵埃 11/13 15:17
chadliu:不要影響遊戲性的遊戲才是最惹人愛 11/13 15:19
foolkids:攻型受型是三小... 11/13 15:19
leo79415:變成這樣真的不是很喜歡.... 11/13 15:49
ThunderBlade:等改版再說吧 反正也快了 11/13 16:00
icarus0508:改完版 再來罵(讚) 吧xd 11/13 16:02
Mystiera:為什麼每次有負面情報就會好幾個盛竹如啦.... 11/13 16:02
leo79415:另一面想如果Ascended後不會在增加上去的話 倒也還好 11/13 16:05
alucardd:說真的 我完全無感 到現在兩隻80了身上還在穿黃裝 11/13 16:05
byjiang:上市三個月就出新tier 你說勒 11/13 16:05
roka: ,看不出不會再增加上去的可能... 11/13 16:07
leo79415:恩...................如果在增加上去就呵呵.... 11/13 16:08
chadliu:別鬧了 我要九隻都練滿 11/13 16:08
Calaglin:看來這個周末帶完朋友跳JP之後就可以砍遊戲了 11/13 16:09
rofellosx:結論就是試水溫 特化pve需用特化武器裝備去對抗. 11/13 16:20
rofellosx:Infusions很可能在一般狀態下無用就如對馬賽特需灌魔力 11/13 16:21
chadliu:樓上這論點不錯 就好像你要寫跨平台(pve, wvwvw)的程式 11/13 16:22
chadliu:必須兩邊都能用 而不是一邊影響另一邊XD 11/13 16:23
chadliu:特話部分只對某部分 11/13 16:23
cafe12345:顧客:老闆這水有點燙阿 11/13 16:23
byjiang:就說ascended屬性比exotic好 是在特化什麼 11/13 16:31
byjiang:那你乾脆全部穿rare打dungeon 11/13 16:32
chadliu:其實分身我都穿rare打...甚至還有綠裝 打得順就好 11/13 16:34
KANON1117:翻譯好腐XD 11/13 16:34
icarus0508:RARE打地城ok啊xd 80級沒差那麼多 master比喻比較好 11/13 16:35
byjiang:綠裝打得順是隊友罩吧orz 11/13 16:35
chadliu:技術好就好 妳不是穿60打80副本都可以接受 11/13 16:35
ansinlee:裝差打副本 肯定要隊友罩.不然一樣很辛苦 11/13 16:36
fzman47:雖然我不會去玩新副本 但我覺得改很好啊 讓想玩的去玩 11/13 16:36
chadliu:說起來不會打 就算你全身橘還是狂死 沒用 11/13 16:36
icarus0508:當初我們是全隊綠裝過所有的sm的 默棄也很重要 11/13 16:36
chadliu:不要把裝搞到很重要 這樣很討人厭 11/13 16:37
chadliu:技術默契才是一切 去動數值幹嘛 11/13 16:38
chadliu:想當初沒滿等 穿全身綠wvwvw還是殺人殺得很爽 11/13 16:38
chadliu:如果弄得跟龍之骨一樣..組隊..你沒這素質踢就很xxx 11/13 16:39
ansinlee:想當初全身綠沒滿等 落單被秒爽爽... 11/13 16:39
byjiang:個人認為把裝弄到頂打副本是對隊友的尊重 不過這就離題了 11/13 16:40
ansinlee:只是大家滿等候橘裝還蠻好取得 才沒什反彈吧 11/13 16:40
chadliu:被圍毆不在考慮範圍內 圍毆1v2 or more時就看你裝備了 11/13 16:40
chadliu:by 頂的定義是啥...ac 35黃裝能不能打ac.. 11/13 16:41
cafe12345:http://ppt.cc/E9wA 11/13 16:41
ansinlee:身上等級輸人就是被切爽爽.就像我遇到落單未滿80的根本沒 11/13 16:42
chadliu:一個好的guild比妳穿啥裝都好(除了脫光之外) 11/13 16:42
ansinlee:壓力.亂打亂砍就贏了.. 11/13 16:42
byjiang:親友團當然隨便你穿 會打就好 我是指pug 11/13 16:43
chadliu:看情況吧 如果你碰到20-30等得當然XD 11/13 16:43
chadliu:我打地城常常都穿打寶裝一樣少死帶得過野團 11/13 16:44
chadliu:老外還給我評語說TA帶得不錯 學了很多XD 11/13 16:45
byjiang:再說下去就離題了XD 11/13 16:45
chadliu:沒離題阿 從頭到尾都在討論裝備不可影響到實質上遊戲內容 11/13 16:46
raygod:現在副本一堆卡boss位置的歪到打法當然沒差 11/13 16:46
Fates:pug 也一樣吧...我都是等級ok就組了 只要能溝通都不會有問題 11/13 16:47
byjiang:好裝容錯高 打起來快 這沒什麼好說的吧 11/13 16:48
byjiang:會打當然另當別論 就打比較久而已 11/13 16:48
raygod:再說裝備夠好是能彌補別人的爛,是可以carry noob 11/13 16:48
byjiang:但又不是每天pug都遇到神人 11/13 16:48
ansinlee:事實上打副本有橘裝+會打得團就是輕鬆很多 容錯率也提升 11/13 16:49
fzman47:講真的現在的副本難玩到爆一點趣味也沒有打副本不就為了幣 11/13 16:50
raygod:副本我覺得不錯玩,單是bug和不合理的地方太多 11/13 16:52
icarus0508:gw2副本不錯玩啊 我沒缺裝也是常打副本 11/13 16:53
fzman47:衝衝衝卡卡卡,BOSS笨笨的打過幾次後就不想去除非朋友要玩 11/13 16:54
chadliu:f大應該是碰到AC團無限刷 這樣當然無聊..去去沒玩過得吧 11/13 16:54
Fates:裝備好當然會打得較快,但GW2副本對裝備要求其實並沒很嚴苛 11/13 16:56
chadliu:例如cof撿火球投籃modeXD 11/13 16:56
icarus0508:gw2 好裝有差 但沒有差到打不下去 不足以變成必要條件 11/13 16:57
icarus0508:coe 二線表示: 你全頂裝也一樣被虐xd 11/13 16:57
ThunderBlade:COF撿火球滾球陣 TA小蜜蜂 COE雷射走廊都很有趣阿 11/13 16:58
rd2l4:三線比較痛QQ 11/13 16:58
ThunderBlade:看你有沒有逛吧 都打最簡單當然看不到 11/13 16:58
raygod:一堆boss大家都用卡點,拉去別的房間打... 11/13 16:59
icarus0508:至少三線有得推屍 orz 11/13 17:00
jo0903:COE王每次打每次bug變木樁 大槌守護坦也可以木樁 11/13 17:00
Mystiera:自從幻術會跳雷射走廊以後就一點都不好玩了Q_Q 11/13 17:01
raygod:衝衝忽略小怪,1200 range pew pew,我看A社也不敢修回來 11/13 17:01
jo0903:SE path1 改了之後有人會打嗎 上次血尿過 超血超尿 11/13 17:03
iliad221167:我也是穿rare打副本的人欸 沒什麼問題啊 11/13 17:13
s78324:SE又改回去了吧 目前出怪正常了 11/13 17:16
s78324:副本除了少數幾個王 其餘都不太難 裝在多數情況增加容錯 11/13 17:16
s78324:與速度 11/13 17:17
iliad221167:說真的這次改版後 我如果沒要把新副本破台 應該還是 11/13 17:19
iliad221167:照穿我現在的裝.. 11/13 17:19
ansinlee:裝備就快慢跟容錯問題.沒人說黃裝或綠裝不能打 11/13 17:26
ansinlee:只是裝好還是有影響就是 11/13 17:27
rofellosx:容錯問題 有打過和沒打過差別才大 11/13 17:27
iliad221167:喔對啊..我只是說所以我對裝備好壞沒什麼感覺 11/13 17:27
ansinlee:至於新副本新機制是怎樣 等改版後再說吧 11/13 17:27
iliad221167:對這次新出的高級裝備也沒什麼感覺.. 11/13 17:28
ansinlee:有打過跟沒打過當然有差.但不全然 我有工會朋友是副本控 11/13 17:29
ansinlee:玩小號打ac 一樣是靠公會罩他 11/13 17:30
icarus0508:打ac 其實 35等有綠裝 就很ok了(會打的話) 11/13 17:31
menchian:攻受皆可是啥鬼啦XDDDD 11/13 17:31
allubatwo:雙插頭XDDD? 11/13 17:32
chadliu:會打得 穿藍裝說不定都輕鬆過 XD 11/13 17:36
ansinlee:相反的ac我不會打 第一次跟工會團打 大家都滿等橘裝 11/13 17:40
ansinlee:進去亂打也是輕鬆過..(只是這遊戲裝檢沒其他遊戲嚴格 11/13 17:40
ansinlee:至於新副本 等新副本上線之後才知道了 11/13 17:41
s78324:如果是arah p2 p4之類的 穿藍綠裝去打一定會很...辛苦 11/13 17:44
chadliu:也還好 只要你都不被aoe到 狗清塊塊一樣不難XD 11/13 17:45
rofellosx:既然第一次打如何知道隊友也亂打?.. 11/13 17:45
chadliu:重點是 屍體沒有dps 低dps還是能過 11/13 17:45
chadliu:不過要是被吃太多狗就... 11/13 17:46
s78324:是覺得p4 Dwyana祭司(正規打法) 這類會回血的 沒裝整個難打 11/13 17:52
allubatwo:XD會覺得亂打就是一直skip&run, 抓一起大劍2!!! 11/13 17:57
jo0903:阿改版我的Twilight到底能不能換素質啦!! 11/13 18:04
chadliu:基本上這版就只有飾品動 只好之後反映吧XD 11/13 18:06
ansinlee:樓上 我說的第一次打是指我. 11/13 18:33
ansinlee:至於我要表達的上面已經很清楚了 不在解釋 11/13 18:35
vincens:全部加起來單項能力數值差異應該不到50吧,用技術補足就好 11/13 19:00
vincens:個人覺得還好,就慢慢湊吧,倒比較期待出新外觀XD 11/13 19:02
iamgyfan:這次改版是有這麼誇張嗎 11/13 19:03
Yadsmood:GW這個遊戲從一代到現在快十年從來沒做過打破上限這種事 11/13 19:08
Yadsmood:用這種角度來看還滿誇張的 11/13 19:08
chadliu:如果設計好就不需要打破 XD 11/13 19:11
Akabane:等等哪來的快十年啊...... 11/13 19:28
AmyLord:直接升級還可以,要重打好想哭喔 11/13 19:31
Yadsmood:2005/4/26發售 到現在七年半 勉強算吧 11/13 19:36
allubatwo:七年多跟快十年... 11/13 19:41
kenshin333:拜託不要走泡菜GAME的老路 這樣讓支持A社理念的玩家情 11/13 19:52
kenshin333:何以堪... 11/13 19:52
roka:七年半也很長啦XD 11/13 19:52
icarus0508:至少這個patch 還算是安全啦orz 只有ring跟back 11/13 19:52
kenshin333:如果真的要放出來 至少得作到取得方式跟橘裝一般多樣化 11/13 19:53
kenshin333:不然根本就是打自己臉 11/13 19:53
roka:對照Mike O'Brien之前專訪講的感很諷刺... 11/13 19:53
kenshin333:一點也不安全啊 如果ring真的只能靠農新副本取得 那會 11/13 19:54
kenshin333:嚴重排擠舊副本 而新副本在開拓期過後也會開啟裝檢機制 11/13 19:54
kenshin333:這樣跟wow還有那些免洗泡菜game又有啥不同啊... 11/13 19:55
Calaglin:有一就有二 非常不妙 就算只有飾品 也是不小的提升 11/13 19:58
Akabane:那個ring是MF裝..所以其實是比非MF裝弱的 11/13 19:58
art1:除了在官網上抗議,也舉辦玩家抗議活動吧...仿效EVE玩家... 11/13 19:59
art1:不過eve玩家還可以透過取消付費讓ccp痛到,gw2玩家就... 11/13 19:59
raygod:會有其他屬性的ring吧.. 11/13 20:00
kenshin333:那是現在只有MF裝的圖吧...甚至內文有提到內建抗性 11/13 20:02
Akabane:抗性是infusion 那跟裝備等級是另外一回事啊 11/13 20:03
kenshin333:想玩無限刷寶的人我想會待在D3 想玩裝檢、無限追裝的人 11/13 20:03
Akabane:實際上因為不知道所謂廣開紅裝會開到什麼程度(有沒屬性選 11/13 20:03
kenshin333:也有WOW 我想不透GW2去淌這渾水幹麼 11/13 20:04
chadliu:取消買gem XD 11/13 20:04
kenshin333:"比較稀有的Ascended道具甚至內建Agony抗性" 11/13 20:04
kenshin333:A兄沒看到這句嗎XD 11/13 20:05
Akabane:所以很難講多慘 11/13 20:05
jerrys0580:攻受皆可 XDDDDDDDD 11/13 20:05
Akabane:內建infusion跟要插infusion差在哪?可以多插一個infusion? 11/13 20:08
kenshin333:如果紅裝開出來真的只有MF那就沒差 但我想又會有很多人 11/13 20:08
kenshin333:嫌這TIER雞肋 11/13 20:09
kenshin333:內建抗性跟內建infusion意思不一樣啊 infusion有分攻型 11/13 20:09
Akabane:但是他可能只能威在那個副本裡...不過還是吵一吵保險 11/13 20:10
kenshin333:跟受型(?) 而內建抗性我想是指原本就含受型效果 但還是 11/13 20:10
Akabane:infusion要是不照GW以前的邏輯去弄就噴了 11/13 20:11
kenshin333:有洞能infusion 這樣不就整個落入裝檢機制了 11/13 20:11
Akabane:現在還比較像劇情限制..以後會不會變裝檢要看設計了 11/13 20:22
kenshin333:但這次的紅裝是為了新副本而出的啊 不是主線QQ 11/13 20:24
cafe12345:是主線阿,就那個卡卡獸會秒人跟無敵,第一天劇情就是破 11/13 20:44
cafe12345:壞獅子拱門(獅們公會表示:...),第二天尋找對付方法 11/13 20:45
cafe12345:然後就是修道院或阿蘇拉發現灌魔可以抵抗卡卡獸,副本開 11/13 20:46
leo79415:這樣第一天就純粹去給卡卡獸殺嗎 好像蠻好笑的 11/13 20:46
cafe12345:起,第三天就是玩家把卡卡獸推掉又恢復和平,副本不會關 11/13 20:46
cafe12345:劇本當然會給魔王先威一下,不然第一天就擋掉哪算危機XD 11/13 20:47
cafe12345:話說大家都很關注那個5p5p3%mf而沒注意到這次patch增加 11/13 20:56
cafe12345:了200個新的合成物 11/13 20:57
bennydd0:攻受兼可 11/13 21:20
gaviann:然後Anet受不了了,把那個快3000篇的關了,然後要大家看 11/13 21:37
gaviann:blog .... (菸) 11/13 21:37
raygod:zzz 11/13 21:45
kenshin333:...這次的PATCH跟主線沒關係吧 頂多算是特別活動 11/13 21:52
kenshin333:我所謂主線是指個人故事 如柴坦或GW1打馬賽特那種 11/13 21:53
kenshin333:Ascended是為了新副本而出現 而新副本則是配合活動出現 11/13 21:55
lrac:看起來Ascended裝沒辦法裝一般寶石,所以基本素質略高 ? 11/13 21:55
kenshin333:(或是反過來 總之新副本是一個全新型態的試水溫副本) 11/13 21:56
lrac:agony是作為condition存在 似乎只有新副本刷到後面才會出現 11/13 21:57
kenshin333:他沒裝寶石就比橘裝高了 而infusion則是針對新副本使用 11/13 21:57
lrac:影響應該還好(? <- 從BWE1 玩到現在還沒有一個角色滿80級 11/13 21:58
kenshin333:關注新tier物品是害怕gw2落入巢臼 如果初衷改變 就算多 11/13 21:58
lrac:反正頂裝與我無關XD 11/13 21:59
kenshin333:1000個合成物也是白搭 11/13 21:59
wzmildf:.........你的翻譯可不可以正經一點!!! 11/13 23:03
palapalanhu:這麼複雜 11/13 23:23
Istari:好複雜 11/14 00:31