看板 GuildWars 關於我們 聯絡資訊
設計師被鞭到受不了,跳出來說話了 “I’d like to respond to concerns players have raised about ascended items. Please keep in mind that we’re releasing this as one portion of a massive November update that introduces and improves many aspects of challenge, progression, and rewards. With this and upcoming updates, we view ourselves as introducing large amounts of content with supporting systems and features, akin to an expansion pack, building on Guild Wars 2 through a series of live releases. So it’s important for us to be able to add an expansion pack’s worth of progression and rewards to support that content. Our goal is not to create a gear treadmill. Our goal is to ensure we have a ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ proper progression for players from exotic up to legendary without a massive jump in reward between the two. We will slowly add the remaining ascended gear items and legendary items in future updates to allow people time to acquire them as we add exciting new content that deserves exciting rewards. We will not be adding a new tier of gear every 3 months that we expect everyone to chase after and then get the next set and so on. Ascended and infusion rewards will be available in both PvE and WvW over ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ time, and be made available through all sorts of content around the world ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ including existing content. PvP will remain unaffected to ensure our intended ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ PvP balance going forward. We are also working on other reward and progression systems for the game that tie into current and new content and features. As you know we care very much about your support and opinion and are listening intently to what you say. Finally we look forward to hearing your thoughts on the upcoming content, and we will ensure we share our thoughts with you on the experiences we share in the Lost Shores." Chris Whiteside – Studio Design Director -- 尚書大人真機靈,跟昨天的blog post差很多.... 不過還是繼續被罵....XDDD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
byjiang:因為他沒有解釋為啥新裝數值變高啊XD 11/14 11:49
Silywuns:伏筆:3個月一次新tier!!! 11/14 12:01
cau0424:傳奇和奇異中間原本數值根本就沒有距離,只有取得時間gap 11/14 12:02
cau0424:莫名的把數值拉上去其心可議啊 11/14 12:02
galaxyf:你以後還要加新裝備等級喔 11/14 12:05
ching1210:We will not be adding a new tier of gear every 3 11/14 12:09
ching1210:months that we expect everyone to chase after and 11/14 12:09
ching1210:then get the next set and so on. 11/14 12:09
ching1210:這是... 難道真的要拒玩抗議了嗎... 11/14 12:10
alz:上面那段話是在滅火吧,他說不會一直加新tiers 11/14 12:12
ansinlee:增加新副本是好事 但實在沒必要去弄個什新等級裝備 11/14 12:12
ansinlee:然後副本還有條件 不然扣你血量.. 11/14 12:13
ansinlee:在然後wvw應該弄多點裝備 讓wvw玩家更有動力 11/14 12:13
Mystiera:asc其實是既存等級 只是把取消的grade包一包又拿回來 11/14 12:14
Mystiera:這個決策下的很奇怪 11/14 12:14
alz:我倒覺得不奇怪,GW2看起來真的還沒完全做好 11/14 12:15
ansinlee:而且這副本這次需要火炕(舉例) 那下次又有新副本是不是又 11/14 12:15
ching1210:他不是說他不會在三個月間增加新的Tier好讓玩家能追上進 11/14 12:15
ching1210:度 所以就表示說3個月後還是會有新的Tier gear 是嗎..? 11/14 12:15
Mystiera:樓上你閱讀能力要精進一點.. 11/14 12:15
ansinlee:要冰抗?出一次新副本換一次裝? 11/14 12:16
Mystiera:換一次upgrade有可能,但是物品等級應該就這樣了 11/14 12:16
Mystiera:也就是運用infuse的系統組合進行戰術性調整 11/14 12:17
ching1210:所以adding a new tier of gear every 3 months是指..? 11/14 12:17
Mystiera:如果是這樣我勉強還吃得下去....要買很多transmute就是了 11/14 12:18
Mystiera:前面的not不要漏啊大哥 11/14 12:19
ching1210:好吧 我真的漏看了那個not... 11/14 12:19
cau0424:官方說"不會"每三個月搞個新的 11/14 12:21
cau0424:但是沒說不會每4個月5個月6個月來個新的 (有誤嗎? 11/14 12:21
Silywuns:反面解讀:拖超過3個月後再搞新的. 11/14 12:22
ansinlee:農完3個月 在農3個月!無限循環xd 11/14 12:23
Silywuns:忽然發現盲點:低於3個月之內也行耶.gw2從發售到現在就沒 11/14 12:24
ansinlee:不會搞新等級 但搞新副本 新的副本裝備限制 還不是一樣.. 11/14 12:25
Silywuns:滿3個月,就已經要放一個ascend進來了. 11/14 12:25
cau0424:樓上華生轉世 11/14 12:26
ansinlee:不過隨便吧.現在頂多晚上開上去跟公會打wvw.其它的都好懶 11/14 12:26
cau0424:其實就算不加新等級幾個月之後來個defuse然後surfuse... 11/14 12:28
cau0424:再來profuse然後繞一大圈之後,通通整合回confuse (歡樂 11/14 12:29
cafe12345:這設計師還是搞不懂玩家反彈的原因嗎= 11/14 12:33
ansinlee:a社是越走越回去 玩家流失快.人家lol是玩家越來越多 11/14 12:36
ansinlee:看人家是怎照顧新手 休閒玩家的 11/14 12:37
cau0424:前一篇文已經有提到這是一步"險棋",所以他們絕對心知肚明 11/14 12:38
cau0424:如果玩家的反彈還能頂的住的話,那這招又可以拖延很多時間 11/14 12:39
cau0424:所以猜測他們目前計劃就是全力打MTT戰術想辦法坦住 11/14 12:40
cau0424:只要坦過這次改版,頭過身就過,之後所有部位全部都ok了 11/14 12:40
Mystiera:那是翻譯誤差 加上你的錯誤解讀 他們認為這是base player 11/14 12:41
Mystiera:所需要的菜= = 11/14 12:41
cau0424:解讀本身就是見仁見智的東西,如果加上官網六千多的回應 11/14 12:45
cau0424:我想怎樣都很難正面去解釋這個東西吧, 11/14 12:46
cau0424:這真的會是base player需要的菜? 也許吧 11/14 12:46
chadliu:菜..他該不會剛加入Anet很菜 沒看到萬聖節的成果嗎 11/14 12:47
chadliu:萬聖節大家花多少錢丟skin, 你改素質頂多買轉換石 哪個賺 11/14 12:48
chadliu:我覺得每三個月初一次新的skin可已在寶箱抽不是更好XD 11/14 12:49
chc5862123:不敢承諾絕不再新增Tire... 11/14 12:50
rofellosx:怎沒解釋?對應新的特別副本 所以對應特殊裝備.. 11/14 12:53
Mystiera:我指的是原文沒有提到這是險棋 那是翻譯誤差你又擴大解讀 11/14 12:54
yangtsur:我覺得他換說每一個tier增加更多樣化的裝備就好啦 11/14 12:55
chadliu:特殊裝備 請看wow的抗性裝..妳就真的知道本質一模一樣 11/14 12:56
chc5862123:一代是拿舊有裝備直接附魔,根本不需要新增更高階的裝 11/14 13:00
chadliu:不然就是把某火焰劍拆掉變劍柄 裝在另一把劍上多火焰效果 11/14 13:01
chc5862123:而且asc跟傳奇會慢慢改版加入,讓大家有時間取得,我害 11/14 13:07
chc5862123:怕他們判斷大家都拿到asc之後又再開一個Tire讓大家來農 11/14 13:08
chc5862123:... 11/14 13:08
cau0424:M大不要太在意我的發言拉,大家都在同一條船上 11/14 13:11
cau0424:凡事考慮好最壞的情況先不是比較安全嗎? 11/14 13:12
cau0424:而且如果我來翻譯的話,還會翻得更"刺激"一點耶 11/14 13:13
Mystiera:harathi還有個地方可以直接走到地圖貼圖外面去 11/14 14:20
Mystiera:厲害的是牆外有牆,還有地板XD 11/14 14:20
Mystiera:....怎麼老是推錯文 11/14 14:21
furbyyeh:not add.....that.... 滅火翻譯!別搞錯了! 11/14 20:12