看板 GuildWars 關於我們 聯絡資訊
元素部分 ● Fixed a bug where elementalists would not be attuned to any element, resulting in an empty skillbar. 修正元素會處於沒有任何協調的bug 通常是因為技能欄為空所造成 (我怎記得上次就有更新這條了) ● Shocking Aura: This aura is no longer incorrectly considered a boon. The aura will no longer be affected by boon duration, but also cannot be ripped by boon removal skills. 震駭光環(匕首風3): 不再被誤認為boon的一種 所以不會被boon持續時間的加成而增加 也不會被移除boon的技能影響 ● Tidal Wave: This skill is now a leap finisher. 海嘯(三叉戟水5): 現在為躍擊結束技 ● Ice Wall—Detonate: This skill is now a blast finisher. 冰牆(三叉戟水3): 現在為衝擊結束技 ● Magma Orb: Damage is now split equally between the projectile and the explosion, instead of 2/3 explosion and 1/3 projectile. The total damage remains unchanged. 岩漿球(三叉戟火1): 以往的傷害組成 2/3為爆炸 1/3為投射物 現在改為傷害組成改為爆炸一半 投射物一半 但總傷害不變 ● Boil: This skill is now a fire field. 沸騰(三叉戟火2): 現在為火區域啟動技 ● Murky Water: This skill is now a smoke field. 渾濁之水(三叉戟土5): 現在為煙霧區域啟動技 ● Rock Blade: This skill is now a small projectile finisher. Bleeding duration has been increased from one to three seconds. Aftercast has been increased by 200 milliseconds. 岩石之刃(三叉戟土1): 現在為投射物結束技 流血的持續時間從1秒增加至3秒 施法後延遲增加200毫秒 (1秒 = 1000毫秒) ● Signet of Air: Increased the passive movement from 10% to 25%. 風之紋章(泛用): 被動跑速由10%調整至25% ● Soothing Wave: This trait has incorporated the benefits of the now-defunct Icy Mist. 安撫之波(水X): 已廢除的冰霧(水VIII)效果合併到這個特性 PS: 原本的冰霧(水VIII)效果為: 處於迷霧和蒸汽形態時 打擊周圍敵人並使其凍結、脆弱 ● Icy Mist: Replaced with Arcane Abatement. Take 50% less damage from falling. Create a spell when you take falling damage based on your attunement. Fire— Ring of Fire, water—Healing Wave, air—Static Field, and earth—Earthquake. 冰霧(水VIII): 被Arcane Abatement取代 其效果為減少50%的掉落傷害 且在你受到掉落傷害時根據你的協調產生不同的法術 火—炙火之環(匕首火4) 水—Healing Wave 風—靜電場(長杖風5) 地—地震(匕首地4) PS: 沒有Healing Wave這招吧? 等等上線測一下 ● Arcane Resurrection: Applies auras for five seconds instead of 10. Now also increases revive speed by 10%. 奧術復甦(奧術II): 復活隊友產生的光環 持續時間更正為5秒 而非10秒 而且救人的速度也會加快10% (奧術II: 當你復活一名盟友時 你和獲救者會依據你當前的使用的協調狀態 而獲得不同的光環) ● Stone Splinters: Increased range from 300 to 600 units. 破片之岩(土VI): 範圍從300增加至600 (土VI: 你對近身範圍內的敵人造成的傷害增加5%) ● Bolt to the Heart: Increased health percent from 25 to 33. 心力主導(風VI): 目標的生命值低於25% 改為低於33%時增加傷害 (風VI: 當攻擊生命值低於25%的目標時 傷害增加20%) ● Pyromancer’s Puissance: Increased might duration to 10 seconds. 火法之威(火XII): might的持續時間增加至10秒 (火XII: 每次你施展火系技能時 都獲得5秒的威能恩賜) ● Cantrip Mastery: This skill now works with Mist Form in PvE. 咒語大師(水IX): 支援PVE裡的迷霧形態(Mist Form) (水IX: 魔咒技能冷卻時間加快20%) ● Trident: Rock Blade: This skill is no longer able to attack targets behind the player. 岩石之刃(三叉戟土1): 此技能不能再攻擊背後的敵人了 ● Mist Form: This skill now allows players to swap attunements while it is active, allowing glyphs to work in Mist Form. 迷霧形態(泛用): 使用迷霧型態時 可以切換協調 也可使用雕文(glyph)技能 ● Magnetic Grasp: This skill is now working as a leap finisher. 磁力吸引(匕首土3): 現在為躍擊結束技 ● The Fireball tooltip has been updated to display the correct radius. 火球(長杖火1)的爆炸範圍 修正為正確的敘述 一些敘述和名詞我是直接拿中文wiki的翻譯 元素們可以盡情跳樓了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
brainbroken:上線測了水協調跳樓 看不出來那招是啥 = = 12/15 12:24
crazy8226:感謝翻譯 12/15 14:29
becca945:是一種Combo效果 12/15 17:19
W22625231:一樣不怎麼樣啊....跳樓又不會比較猛=_= 12/16 05:04