看板 GuildWars 關於我們 聯絡資訊
January 28 The sky falls and the ground shakes in the lands of the north. Charr and norn refugees crawl from the wreckage of their homes in the Wayfarer Foothills and Diessa Plateau, struggling to find shelter in the south. The call goes out for volunteers to assist the victims in this time of need, when earth and sky seem to have become the enemy… Flame and Frost: Prelude is the prologue to a multi-stage narrative that will bring big changes to Guild Wars 2 in the months to come. 一月二十八日 在北方的陸地,天空崩落、大地搖晃。Charr和Norn的難民從他們在Wayfarer Foothills及 Diessa Plateau破碎的家園緩慢地向南前行,艱難地尋找著他們的避難所。在這個當大地 及天空都變成了敵人之際,他們請求志願者在這需要的時刻幫助這些受難者… 火焰與冰霜:Prelude是多個階段敘述的序曲,並且它將會帶給你在接下來的幾個月裡在 GW2中的巨大變化。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 新的功能 Temple of the Silent Storm Week From January 28—February 4 the regular eight-team/three-round paid tournaments will be replaced by two-team/single-round paid tournaments in the Temple of the Silent Storm map. After the week is over, we'll add Temple of the Silent Storm to the regular rotation of both free and paid tournaments. Temple of the Silent Storm 週 從一月二十八日到二月四日,我們會在tPvP將Temple of the Silent Storm地圖從一般的 八隊/三場改為二隊/單場。而當在這周結束後,我們將會增加Temple of the Silent Storm到一般在sPvP及tPvP的輪替中。 很久沒有打PvP,所以不太曉得要怎麼翻...(英文不好也是個原因...) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Improved Achievement System We're adding a new rotation of daily achievements to add variety and encourage you to explore the open world. You'll get different achievements every day of the week and a new achievement tracker in the UI to make it easier to track your progress. 改進成就系統 我們在每日成就中增加了成就種類在新的循環中,進而去鼓勵玩家去探索這個開放的世界 。你在一週中的每一天都會得到不同的成就,以及一個新的成就追蹤UI,讓玩家能更容易 的追蹤你的進度。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ New Achievement Laurels You'll earn these brand-new laurels as a reward for daily and monthly achievements! Redeem these laurels for rewards like the new Ascended gear and Infusions! 新的成就桂冠! 當你在完成每日及每月成就之後,你將會獲得這些嶄新的的桂冠當做獎勵! 用這些桂冠去兌換這些獎勵,像是新的Ascended裝備以及Infusions! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Guesting With the new guesting system, you can play with friends on other worlds in the same region (North America, Europe) without changing your homeworld. Guesting is free, but going forward there will be a gem fee for transferring home worlds , so make sure you're on the home world you want to permanently play on before 28 January! 訪客系統 在新的訪客系統之下,你可以跟同區域(美服、歐服)不同伺服器的朋友一起遊玩,而不需 要去改變你的家伺服器。訪客系統是免費的,但做為未來的展望,你需要付一筆gem來更換 家伺服器,所以請在一月二十八號前確定哪個家伺服器才是你想要長期的遊玩! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ New Utility Infusions and Ascended Amulets We're adding a wide range of new gear that can be purchased with the new laurels. With 5 new Utility Infusions and 30 Ascended Amulets to choose from, there's something for every style of player. 新的實用Infusions和Ascended護身符 我們廣泛的增加了新的裝備,而它們可以用新的桂冠來購買。 有 5 個新的實用的Infusions以及 30 個Ascended護身符來供各種不同的型式的玩家來做 選擇。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ More Upgrades and Improvements We're making a ton of other improvements to the game this month, such as enhanced performance in WvW, adjustments to side-kicking balancing, and UI improvements, which will be detailed in our release notes. 更多的更新及改善 我們在這個月還做了一堆其他遊戲的改進,像是增強WvW的效能,調整side-kick機制平衡 (剛剛查了一下,side-kick機制就是等級高的玩家跑到等級低的地圖時的降等機制),還有 改善UI,而這些我們會在版本說明的時候會詳述。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ New Items in the Gem Store It's a new year, which means all-new items and a redesigned favorite in the Gem Store! From Baby Quaggan Backpacks to Riding Brooms to the revamped Box o' Fun, you'll find it all in the Gem Store! 這是一個新的一年,而這個意味著在Gem Store裡的全新道具以及再設計過的大家喜愛的物 品! 從Quaggan寶寶背包、飛天掃帚到改造過後的Box o' Fun,你都可以在Gem Store找到他們! (更多惡毒道具,做好準備!) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
velo:翻譯推 01/23 01:59
byjiang:無感 01/23 03:30
johney719:推翻譯! 01/23 03:58
wwchocolate:感謝翻譯~ 01/23 06:48
foolkids:新紅裝護身符?! 三向之力表示: 01/23 08:25
ktprms:耶~ 01/23 08:58
graysurf:三向之力改強過一次了 不知改版後能不能合粉裝 不然.... 01/23 09:18
foolkids:我彷彿聽到100G掉到水裡的聲音... (泣) 01/23 09:20
becca945:三向之力是橘品質...Ascended這品質真的很微妙(?) 01/23 09:27
becca945:在紫裝紫武之前給玩家有事情做(而且還鼓勵玩家去做)=. = 01/23 09:28
becca945:不追求的玩家倒只希望品質不要一直出新就是了o_O 01/23 09:29
brainbroken:感謝清楚的翻譯! 01/23 09:53
AmyLord:performance of WvW 應該是說改善效能 也就是改善 lag 01/23 10:52
icarus0508:改有效的culling 對wvwvw 應該會更好 01/23 12:25
icarus0508:不然賊會變成背剌3秒內不能隱身 仍然看不到 orz 01/23 12:26
ansinlee:wvw看起來依然沒新獎勵 01/23 12:59
snownow:不知道為啥A社要對WVW那麼摳門.... 01/23 13:41
icarus0508:搞不好每日任 一天要殺10人 (笑) 01/23 13:49
foolkids:另篇有說"未來"會設計新的獎勵系統來幫助WvW玩家獲得桂冠 01/23 13:56
※ 編輯: ching1210 來自: (01/23 14:05)
chadliu:殺十人還好啦 要搶下三座城就比較有fu了 01/23 14:31
icarus0508:日成就 eb中央搶下 0/1 01/23 14:39
chadliu:樓上讚 10桂冠 01/23 14:49
snownow:我覺得以A社性格,上次才放話說要增加守城動力...所以應該 01/23 15:01
snownow:是出現"協助守護己方據點 0/1"比較有可能一點XD 01/23 15:01
Silywuns:日成就 守護eb中央sc supply達1500/1500 01/23 15:15
chadliu:日成就 守護戰場jp 並奪取寶箱 0/1 01/23 15:17
rofellosx:日成就 斬殺指揮官5次 01/23 16:47
cafe12345:日成就 登入wvw 0/10 分鐘--->wvw大爆滿 01/23 16:51
Istari:桂冠根本就是WOW的每日任務 01/23 17:20
nekoya:賞樓上10個華生...不,我是說桂冠 01/23 18:51
Silywuns:月成就 wvwvw 全戰場地圖制霸 0/4 01/23 19:45
TCGB:日成就 在自己家門口建Ram 01/23 22:47
chentsangyi:按現在Anet的模式,換個東西會不會要吃1500個桂冠 01/24 09:31
chentsangyi:一切都由250的倍數起跳啊 orz 01/24 09:32
tactical:我最喜歡逛地圖了~~ 01/24 11:23
rofellosx:月成就 SPY 在非門旁建立衝車10次 01/24 12:55