看板 GunsNRoses 關於我們 聯絡資訊
(恕刪 後面一點把它翻完) Ultimate-Guitar.com: Some disgruntled GUNS N' ROSES fans make the comment that the group's current lineup isn't GUNS N' ROSES, but is actually Axl Rose's solo project. What is your response to that? 有些不爽的槍花迷覺得新槍不能算槍 只能算是艾叔單飛組的團 你怎麼說? Thal: They're right in their own mind if it isn't GUNS N' ROSES as they define GUNS N' ROSES. If you don't like calling it GUNS N' ROSES, call it GN'R, and if that makes you feel better, then good. That's what I like to call it — GN'R. If you feel GUNS N' ROSES is so strongly defined by the members that were on its debut album, fine, call this GN'R and find something else to cry about — something worthwhile. There's bigger problems in the world than what a band is calling itself. Jesus, it's fucking rock 'n' roll. We're just going out there, playing, and having a good time. Call it GN'R and enjoy it, that's all. That's my suggestion if the name's really a problem for anyone — if you wanna listen to GUNS N' ROSES, put on the "Appetite" album, be happy, and if you wanna listen to GN'R, put on "Chinese Democracy" and come to a show. 在他們的小腦袋裏面怎麼想都對啦 你可以叫它槍與玫瑰 也可以叫它GN'R 如果你覺得原始團員才算數 那就去哭哭吧 世界上有很多比團名更重要的東西 幹 這是他媽的搖滾樂耶 我們站出來開演唱會 然後大家都覺得很爽 不然還要怎樣 你要槍與玫瑰就爽爽的聽毀滅慾 你要GN'R就聽中國民主 然後來看演唱會 Ultimate-Guitar.com: So basically then, what you're saying is the following: contrary to what some people say, whatever you call this band, it's still a band? 所以你的意思是說 不管別人怎樣 這個團就是這樣? Thal: Yeah. It has people that have been in the band for... I mean, Dizzy has been in the band for a good eighteen fucking years or so, going on nineteen years, and Tommy's been in for.. What? How long now? Eleven years is it? Or ten years? I don't know — I lose track. But you have people that have been there for a very long time, that have written songs, that have recorded songs, and have toured, people that have done everything a band does. Again, it's about entertainment and perception, not truth. The truth is it's a band, just like many other bands that write and record and tour, but if people don't wanna see that, it doesn't change what we are. It just changes how they look at it, and that's fine. It doesn't make any difference, because we're still a band going on tour, promoting the album of songs we wrote and recorded. 是啊 有很多人待過這個團 Dizzy待了他媽的18年有吧 現在是第19年 Tommy大概也搞了10年 好像是吧 我搞不太清楚 反正基本上有一些人聚在一起很長一段時間 寫歌 錄歌 巡迴演唱 做了所有樂團該做的事情 我再說一遍 這是娛樂 不是要探求什麼了不得的真相 真相就是我們是一個樂團 不管別人怎麼看或說 都不會改變這一點 我們還是會繼續巡迴 做專輯 錄音 Read more from Ultimate-Guitar.com. 網址: http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermouth.Net/news.aspx?mode=Article& newsitemID=134666 縮網: http://0rz.tw/7DJAO 完整訪談: http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/interviews/hit_the_lights/ bumblefoot_chinese_democracy_is_gnrs_white_album_the_beatles.html 縮網: http://0rz.tw/wDKnL -- http://www.polodeluxe.idv.tw/adolfo/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
AnthonyL:Ron Thal的觀念真的很棒 02/09 11:10
yywinnie:Bumblefoot平常看似沉默,其實內心很有想法:) 02/09 14:06
sonic12242:突然想到上幾篇BBF彈Jungle的慵懶樣XD 反差真大XDD 02/10 00:34
dorae0903:推翻譯.對看完第一段就沒力的苦手很有用=~=" 02/10 09:04
sean0924:推~ 02/11 21:21
chheeo:這樣說就對啦!看他這樣搞不好發起狠來不輸艾叔!! 02/24 21:35