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終於把這任務解完了Orz 來修正一下順便貼圖還有詳解--- ※ 引述《TabrisDirac (KAITOは俺の嫁!)》之銘言: : 手續超複雜的orz (盾牌是材料複雜 披風是手續複雜...) : 在kirdneh博物館裡有個會沿著右邊牆壁走的藍色NPC(我忘記什麼名字了XD) 名字是Kampusch http://www.flickr.com/photos/25960505@N04/3007882968/ 博物館外觀 http://www.flickr.com/photos/25960505@N04/3007047769/ 位在fado右邊地圖(隔兩張) : 你可以問他有關於mithril fabric之類的事情 他會指示你需要什麼材料和NPC : 不過接下來我會直接告訴你怎麼做 所以你應該可以不用先找他XD : 1.首先需要40個 silk gland (從大蜘蛛身上打) : 2.收集到了之後去 kalavan castle 的地下室最深處(有demon lord在的那邊) : 找一個叫 Vincento Price 的NPC 跟他說 make 40 Vincento Price http://www.flickr.com/photos/25960505@N04/3007883112/ (對話) [19:35] <yufonlove> hi [19:35] <Vincento Price> Ha ha he he woo hoo ... ha ... Sorry, I get carried away sometimes. What do you want? [19:35] <yufonlove> yes [19:35] <yufonlove> make 40 [19:35] <Vincento Price> I need you to fetch me 40 silk glands for this job. Do you have it? [19:35] <yufonlove> yes [19:35] <Vincento Price> It's unorthodox, but I will make 40 silk thread for you. Please be discreet and come back in about 6 and a half hours. [19:36] <Vincento Price> Ta ta! 六個半小時之後, 回來找他會有100的經驗值, 不過這個科學家瘋瘋的可以盡量Hi沒關係,每hi一次就會有100經驗值XDXD 只要皮夠厚基本上還蠻好賺經驗值的(喂~!) : 等到他做好之後他會叫你去找他的學生拿成品 silk thread : (他的學生是一堆科學家那裏 一個在桌子裡轉圈的NPC) Boris Karlova http://www.flickr.com/photos/25960505@N04/3012470967/ : 3.把這40個thread 連同7個mithril nugget 和1個氣球(這要從baby angel身上打) : 拿去給kirdneh博物館的藍色NPC 跟他說fuse 他會把銀礦跟thread合成 : 合成之後會得到 mithril thread (對話) [00:55] <yufonlove> hi [00:55] <yufonlove> fuse [00:55] <Kampusch> I will fuse 40 mithril thread for you. Please come back in 4 hours. 這裡又要等四小時 : 4.把mithril thread 帶去魔法城 有一個NPC叫 Whiggins : (他在-1_fado_great_cave_n_e3 目前有門的房子的最底下那間) 地點 http://www.flickr.com/photos/25960505@N04/3012490697/ Whiggins http://www.flickr.com/photos/25960505@N04/3012493391/ : 他會幫你織成mithril fabric : 但是在這之前你必須接task (對話) [10:53] <yufonlove> hi [10:53] <Whiggins> Welcome, warmly [10:53] <yufonlove> task [10:53] <Whiggins> I would love to weave you some fabric but I'm afraid my mind is full of other things. I have offended a fellow wizard. I was up all night writing him an apology letter, but I have noone to deliver it to him. Unless ... that is ... would YOU deliver this letter for me? [10:53] <yufonlove> yes [10:53] <Whiggins> Wonderful! I'm so relieved! Please take this note to Pedinghaus, you will find him in Ados goldsmiths. Tell him you have a letter for him. [10:53] <yufonlove> letter [10:53] <Whiggins> Please don't forget to take that letter to Pedinghaus. It means a lot to me. [10:53] <yufonlove> yes [10:53] <yufonlove> bye [10:53] <Whiggins> Till next time. : 他會給你一封信 要你送去給ados冶金工房的Pedinghaus 鐵鋪地點 http://www.flickr.com/photos/25960505@N04/3010637806/ Pedinghaus http://www.flickr.com/photos/25960505@N04/3009802031/ : 送完回去找Whiggins才能夠繼續進行織布 (對話) [11:01] <yufonlove> hi [11:01] <Whiggins> Welcome, warmly [11:01] <yufonlove> task [11:01] <Whiggins> Thank you so much for taking that letter! Now, do you have the 40 spools of mithril thread so that I may weave you a couple yards of fabric? [11:01] <yufonlove> yes [11:01] <Whiggins> Lovely. In 2 hours your fabric will be ready. [11:01] <yufonlove> bye [11:01] <Whiggins> Till next time. 送回去給他之後又要等兩小時 [14:45] <yufonlove> hi [14:45] <Whiggins> Welcome, warmly [14:45] <yufonlove> task [14:45] <Whiggins> Here your fabric is ready! Isn't it gorgeous? [14:45] yufonlove earns 100 experience points. [14:45] <yufonlove> yes : 5.有了mithril fabric之後拿去給ados披風小屋的Ida 地點 http://www.flickr.com/photos/25960505@N04/3007881490/ Ida http://www.flickr.com/photos/25960505@N04/3007881660/ : 她會要你拿magical scissors給他 (對話) [14:46] <yufonlove> hi [14:46] <Ida> Hello there. [14:46] <yufonlove> task [14:46] <Ida> Wow you got the mithril fabric , that took longer than I expected! Now, to cut it I need magical scissors, if you would go get them from Hogart. I will be waiting for you to return. [14:46] <yufonlove> scissors [14:46] <Ida> Ask Hogart about scissors, I'm sure he will remember the messages I've sent him! [14:46] <yufonlove> hogart [14:46] <Ida> He's that grumpy old dwarf in the Or'ril mines. I already sent him a message saying I wanted some new scissors but he didn't respond. Well, what he lacks in people skills he makes up for in his metal work. [14:46] <yufonlove> yes [14:46] <yufonlove> bye [14:46] <Ida> Bye, thanks for stepping in. : magical scissors的材料: 1個鐵條.1個銀條.2個magical eggshells : ↑拿12個disease poison去跟孵龍蛋的人換 : 要在kalavan城堡地下室科學家們的實驗台上拿↑ 這裡改成要四個magical eggshells 所以變成要拿24個disease poison 大概20~30分鐘會生1罐 換magical eggshells的地方要從熊洞巨人洞進去(Semos農場右邊地圖) http://www.flickr.com/photos/25960505@N04/3007884512/Terry http://www.flickr.com/photos/25960505@N04/3007049121/ : 把這些材料拿去orril dwarf mine最底層的鐵匠(就是做吸血鬼劍的那個) Hogart http://www.flickr.com/photos/25960505@N04/3010661178/ (對話) [17:47] <yufonlove> hi [17:47] <Hogart> Greetings! How may I help you? [17:47] <yufonlove> magical eggshells [17:47] <yufonlove> scissors [17:47] <Hogart> So, did you bring the items I need for the magical scissors? [17:47] <yufonlove> yes [17:47] <Hogart> Good. It will take me some time to make these, come back in 10 minutes to get your scissors. 這裡又要等10分鐘 [18:00] <yufonlove> hi [18:00] <Hogart> Greetings! How may I help you? [18:00] <yufonlove> scissors [18:00] <Hogart> Ah, thanks for reminding me. Here, Ida's scissors are ready. You better take them to her next as I don't know what she wanted them for. [18:00] yufonlove earns 100 experience points. : 6.剪刀做好了拿去給Ida 他又會要你去找magical needle給他 (對話) [18:01] <yufonlove> hi [18:01] <Ida> Hello there. [18:02] You see a sparkling pair of magical scissors. Just think what they could cut! It is a special quest reward for yufonlove, and cannot be used by others. [18:02] <yufonlove> magical scissors [18:02] <Ida> You brought those magical scissors! Excellent! Now that I can cut the fabric I need a magical needle. You can buy one from a trader in the abandoned keep of Ados mountains, Ritati Dragon something or other. Just go to him and ask for his 'specials'. [18:02] yufonlove earns 100 experience points. [18:02] <yufonlove> Ritati [18:02] <Ida> He's somewhere in the abandoned keep in the mountains north east from here. [18:02] <yufonlove> yes : 這個針要去ados abandoned keep第三層中央的NPC買 (跟他講"special") 入口 http://www.flickr.com/photos/25960505@N04/3009821527/ 往B2 http://www.flickr.com/photos/25960505@N04/3010655966/ 往B3 http://www.flickr.com/photos/25960505@N04/3010656590/ Ritati Dragontracker http://www.flickr.com/photos/25960505@N04/3010654278/ : 但是你要先去Nalwor圖書館找笑話給他聽(附在這篇文後面) 他笑爽了才肯賣 笑話是隨機的 所以他說不好笑之後要貼另外一個, 貼到他認為好笑為止 (對話) [18:10] <yufonlove> hi [18:10] <Ritati Dragontracker> What do you want? [18:10] <yufonlove> spcial [18:10] <Ritati Dragontracker> Ok, but I have a little rule: never do important business with someone unlessthey can make you laugh. So, come back to tell me a joke and I will sell you a needle. [18:10] <yufonlove> yes [18:10] <yufonlove> joke [18:10] <Ritati Dragontracker> Ok, lets hear your joke then. and I hope it's from the book in Nalwor Library, that's my favourite. What joke did you choose? [18:10] <yufonlove> Everyone has a photographic memory, some just don't have film. [18:10] <Ritati Dragontracker> *guffaws* Alright, lets get on with business. A magical needle costs 1500 pieces of money. Do you want to buy one now? [18:11] <yufonlove> Eagles may soar, free and proud, but weasels never get sucked into jet engines. [18:11] <yufonlove> yes [18:11] <Ritati Dragontracker> Ok, here you are. Be careful with them, they break easy. Now, get lost, you have hung around here far too long already. [18:11] <yufonlove> bye : 一根要幾千塊我忘了bb 要買兩根 : 因為Ida會在你拿第一支針給他的24小時後把針弄斷...... 只要一根針而已 (對話) [18:13] <yufonlove> hi [18:13] <Ida> Hello there. [18:13] <yufonlove> task [18:13] <Ida> Looks like you found Ritatty then, good. I'll start on the cloak now! A seamstress needs to take her time, so return in 24 hours. 這裡要等24小時 : 7.兩根針都給他用(第二針要再多等24小時)之後 去跟她說話會發現他進入嗑藥恍神狀態 24hr之後直接回去找Ida (對話) [22:07] <yufonlove> hi [22:07] <Ida> Hello there. [22:07] <yufonlove> task [22:07] <Ida> Ouch! I pricked my finger on that needle! I feel woozy ... [22:08] <yufonlove> task [22:08] <Ida> What's happening to me? I'm feverish .. I see twilight .. you can't understand unless you visit me here ... you must ask Pdiddi how to get to the twilight. [22:08] <yufonlove> Pdiddi [22:08] <Ida> Bye, thanks for stepping in. [22:08] <yufonlove> hi [22:08] <Ida> Hello there. [22:08] <yufonlove> Pdiddi [22:08] <Ida> Oh, I'm too confused... I can't tell you anything about him... [22:09] <yufonlove> bye [22:09] <Ida> Bye, thanks for stepping in. : 根據他的說話內容 去找semos市區右邊地圖裡那個賣迷幻藥的 跟他講twilight Semos右邊地圖 http://www.flickr.com/photos/25960505@N04/3013167190/ Pdiddi http://www.flickr.com/photos/25960505@N04/3012331021/ (我的背包 紫色那團就是twilight moss 上一格彩紅豆就是去夢世界的) (對話) [23:37] <yufonlove> hi [23:37] <Pdiddi> Alright? I hope you don't want more beans. You can't take more of that stuff for at least another 6 hours. [23:37] <yufonlove> twilight [23:37] <Pdiddi> Keep it quiet will you! Yeah, I got moss, it's 3000 money each. How many do you want? [23:37] <yufonlove> yes [23:38] <yufonlove> buy 2 [23:38] <yufonlove> 2 [23:38] <Pdiddi> Ok, here's your 2 pieces of twilight moss. Don't take too much at once. [23:38] <Pdiddi> Bye. (買一個就行了,買兩個的原因是想收藏 (扭)) : 掏出3000塊買到twilight moss 嗑下去你也會進入Ida的恍神世界 : 在這裡有一隻怪 twilight slime 打爆他然後拿走他身上掉的東西 Ida的異想世界(誤) http://www.flickr.com/photos/25960505@N04/3012406257/ 左上角那隻就是twilight slime [23:40] You see a twilight slime, so strange and beautiful. Why is it coming towards you? Runnnnnnnnn! It is level 111. 打完之後可以跟Ida直接對話 : 有一瓶顏色很噁心的東西 那個要給Ida服用 (玩家服用似乎會變劇毒......) : 8.Ida回復正常之後發現他忘了作披風給fado的Josephine(就是收集披風任務的那個) (與恢復正常的Ida對話) [23:42] <yufonlove> hi [23:42] <lda> Is that elixir for me? If yes I will take it immediately. You must return to see me again in my normal state. [23:42] <yufonlove> yes [23:43] <yufonlove> hi [23:43] <Ida> Hello there. [23:43] <yufonlove> task [23:43] <Ida> When I was sick I got behind on my other jobs. I promised Josephine I'd make her a stripey cloak but I have no time. So please, I'm relying on you to buy one and take it to her. They sell blue striped cloaks in Ados abandoned keep. Thank you! [23:43] <yufonlove> bye : 於是Ida要你去ados abandoned keep第一層右上方找NPC買 blue striped cloak 找他買Hagnurk http://www.flickr.com/photos/25960505@N04/3010653592/ : 一件5000 買到之後拿去給Josephine 在Fado http://www.flickr.com/photos/25960505@N04/3010643786/ Josephine http://www.flickr.com/photos/25960505@N04/3009803441/ 不過Josephine這裡有兩階段的批風任務 因為我兩階段都解完了 所以不知道沒有解完兩階段批風任務能不能解銀批任務 (對話) [23:51] <yufonlove> hi [23:52] <yufonlove> Ida---->這關鍵字讓我猜半天= =+ [23:52] <Josephine> Oh that's from Ida isn't it?! Oh yay! Thank you! Please tell her thanks from me!! [23:52] <yufonlove> yes [23:53] <Josephine> Bye bye now! : 9.再回到Ida那裡 他會要你拿一個clasp給他 (用在披風上的零件) (對話) [23:53] <yufonlove> hi [23:53] <Ida> Hello there. [23:53] <yufonlove> task [23:53] <Ida> Aw, Josephine is so sweet. I'm glad she liked her blue striped cloak. Now, YOUR cloak is nearly ready, it just needs a clasp to fasten it! My friend Pedinghaus will make it for you, if you go and ask him. [23:53] <yufonlove> Pedinghaus [23:53] <Ida> I mean the wizard who works with Joshua in the Ados smithy. [23:53] <yufonlove> yes [23:53] <yufonlove> bye : clasp的做法:拿一個mithril bar給ados冶金工房的P先生 跟他講clasp Pedinghaus http://www.flickr.com/photos/25960505@N04/3009802031/ (對話) [23:54] <yufonlove> hi [23:54] <Pedinghaus> Greetings. I sense you may be interested in mithril. If you desire me to cast you a mithril bar, just say the word. [23:54] <yufonlove> clasp [23:54] <Pedinghaus> A clasp? Whatever you say! I am still so happy from that letter you brought me, it would be my pleasure to make something for you. I only need one mithril bar. Do you have it? [23:54] <yufonlove> yes [23:54] <Pedinghaus> What a lovely piece of mithril that is, even if I do say so myself ... Good, please come back in 60 minutes and hopefully your clasp will be ready! [23:54] <yufonlove> bye [23:54] <Pedinghaus> Bye. 等了60分鐘之後 [00:55] <yufonlove> hi [00:55] <Pedinghaus> Greetings. I sense you may be interested in mithril. If you desire me to cast you a mithril bar, just say the word. [00:55] <yufonlove> task [00:55] <yufonlove> clasp [00:55] <Pedinghaus> Here, your clasp is ready! [00:55] yufonlove earns 100 experience points. [00:56] <Pedinghaus> Bye. : 一小時之後拿到成品 送去給Ida 披風就完成了!!!終於啊...... (與Ida對話) [00:56] <yufonlove> hi [00:56] <Ida> Hello there. [00:56] <yufonlove> task [00:56] <Ida> Wow, Pedinghaus really outdid himself this time. It looks wonderful on your new cloak! Wear it with pride. [00:56] yufonlove earns 1000 experience points. [00:56] <yufonlove> bye [00:56] <Ida> Bye, thanks for stepping in. : 手續太複雜了 希望我沒有哪裡記錯 終於Get了 Orz 這任務太變態、太複雜了 要花好幾天完成Orz 有閒有空有志之士請跟著完成吧~~ 這件批風有多威呢? [02:38] You see a mithril cloak. Its weave is so fine and its looks are breathtaking. It is a special quest reward for yufonlove, and cannot be used by others. Stats are (DEF: 28). 是目前批風裡面防禦最高的(笑) 解任務還有碰到問題再問我或koi吧!!^__^ -- *~寒山拾得忍耐歌~* 昔日寒山問拾得曰: 世間謗我、欺我、辱我、笑我、輕我、賤我、惡我、騙我、如何處治乎? 拾得云:只是忍他、讓他、由他、避他、耐他、敬他、不要理他、再待幾年你且看他。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: yufonlove 來自: (11/09 02:43)
yamaka:辛苦了,給60張空白捲做為獎勵 ^__^ 11/09 09:38
yufonlove:感謝~收到^^ 11/09 10:34
TabrisDirac:唔 原來新版改掉了這麼多地方XD 11/09 11:46
coolcola:真有耐性XDDDD 這系列的手續還真多啊... 11/09 12:47
TabrisDirac: 因為他是夢幻逸品XD 11/10 09:45