看板 Hattrick 關於我們 聯絡資訊
以下是dude_ro在TNP回復POA經理MRight的文章,裡面解釋了TNP的目標和他們 達成目標的方法。我想很多人對此很好奇,我在google+貼了一次,這裡也貼一份, dude已經加入google+(Robert Florea),已經在裡面的朋友可以去那問他。 Regarding bolam's claim that we're not letting taiwanese players to taiwanese teams. We have quite a few great local users that care a lot for u20/NT: Skipper, Lin, Deguoxiaoma, Tony_Yu, Grapesnake, maliceaj, Robert-O, Rolling_paper, Barlog, Farmer (sorry if i missed somebody). 雖然Bolam說我們(TNP)不讓台灣球員留在台灣球隊, 事實上,配合U20/NT訓練計畫的本土玩家並不少: Skipper, Lin, Deguoxiaoma, Tony_Yu, Grapesnake, maliceaj, Robert-O, Rolling_paper, Barlog, Farmer (如果我忘了提起任何人,在此先道歉了) Everybody has to be aware of the competition. We're not aiming at beating Thailand or Japan(with no disrespect to both of them), our aim is to defeat Germany, Spain, Italy, France and so on. 大家都必須意識到這是場競賽,我們的目標不只是擊敗泰國或日本(沒有任何不尊敬的意 思),我們的目標是戰勝德國、西班牙、義大利、法國等大國。 70% or more of the HT world has better youthpulls than we do. It is a fact caused by our low number of users compared to these huge teams. 70%以上的HT國家的YA基本盤都比我們好,這是因為我們的玩家基數不如他們。 How can we defeat them? 我們要如何擊敗這些國家? We need to take really good care of every good player in the youth academy/old school by providing a proper training plan from 17y old until NT (over 33y old). If a good player is being trained with a high stamina share between 17-20 and also misses some trainings (due to the owner not having medics, missing the lineup or improper training in the off season) the gap between Taiwan and the big countries gets larger. Most of these countries train their players with excellent coach, we know that it's too much for our resources but we can accomplish nice things with solid coach and 5% stamina. 我們必須確保每一個從YA/舊系統出來的好球員都得到良好的照顧,這代表從17歲到33歲( 以上)都得到適當的訓練。 如果一個好苗在17-20歲之間受到高體能的訓練,或著錯失部分訓練(可能因為經理沒有雇 用醫生、忘記排陣或是在季間期作了不適當的訓練項目),台灣和其他國家的差距會更大 大部分國家把好球員送進有優秀教練的球隊,我知道以我們的資源很難做到這點,但是利 用完善的計畫我們也可以透過穩定教練+5%體能達成不錯的成果。 So the reality is in most scenarios you can't be both successful at club level (you need high stamina) and also train u20 players. It is possible but the stamina plan has to be perfect. That's why we need reliable trainers - and by reliable we mean users that understand how the NTs work and know that it means to have a future u20/NT star. 所以事實上,你很難在達成很高的俱樂部成就(你需要高體能)的同時訓練U20球員。這不 是不可能,但是需要完美的體能計畫。這也是為什麼我們尋求可靠的訓練員-可以理解國 家隊計畫並知道執行計畫可以帶來未來的U20/NT明星球員與了解這件事的意義的經理們。 On the other hand, if you want to be successful at club level, you don't necesarily need 25 local players. It would be nice but not mandatory. Not to mention the cash you receive at 17,00 selling a future taiwanese star even if you list him with 0 (you can check the prices). 另一方面,如果你想在俱樂部層面取得成功,你並不需要25個本土球員,這很棒但並不是 必需的。 更別提在17.00把未來的台灣明星上架可以得到的金錢回饋,有時就算0元起標也很可觀。 (你可以去U20/NT查轉會價格紀錄) The TNP can help any user with some ideas, a solid plan for the future, a good strategy for getting 1 or more players into the u20/NT but the truth is training players for the national team means lots of sacrifices. TNP願意給所有玩家提供想法、可靠的未來計畫、良好的策略以取得一到多位U20/NT球員 ,但是訓練國家隊球員是需要犧牲的。 We can barely fight against top nations with well trained players, if we focus our NTs on club development, we won't ever qualify for the World Cup and this has to hurt the local pride, right? 手持這些訓練良好的球員我們都只能勉力抵抗頂尖國家,如果我們把精力專注在提升俱樂 部層面的成就,我想光是打進WC正賽都非常困難,這可能不是大家想看到的,對吧? Most of us (foreign TNP members) have build solid long term plans focused on our taiwanese trainees which means poor results in the first two seasons (17 to 19y) and then, when stamina will be up, climbing the ladders aiming for the Dragon League. 我們(TNP大部分的外國成員)都專注於制定台灣球員的長期計畫,這代表前兩個賽季戰績 慘烈(17-19歲),當體能往上調整就能往上爬升,甚至以DL為目標。 It gives you great joy to see your player, maybe even from your own academy, in the u20/NT but it's not easy. And i don't think lowering the overall strenght of Taiwan NTs is the key. We should always look to improve things: scouting, managing Youth Academies, finding new owners to help, tactics, etc because this is progress, right? 看見自己的球員(有些可能是自家清訓出產的)進入U20/NT當然非常高興,但是這並不容易 。而且我不認為弱化台灣NT的實力是個好手段。我們應該持續尋找可以加強的地方:球探 、YA管理、尋找適合的買家、戰術等等,畢竟(U20/NT的發展)是個持續的過程,對吧? I'm sure i'm not the only one to say this but any local user with good intentions is welcome in the TNP, there are a lot of positions to be filled and we would be more than happy if you could take part of this lovely journey - helping u20/NT, having a long term plan for your club team and having fun with some online buddies. 我不確定自己是不是唯一一個這麼說的成員,但是任何對(U20/NT)有心的經理都很歡迎加 入TNP。我們有很多需要工作需要人手來完成,如果有人願意加入這場旅程-幫助U20/NT的 發展、為你的球隊制定長期計畫、認識不同的朋友-我們會非常開心。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
frankyoda:看起來目標一致,只是方法不一樣.. 大家辛苦了 01/09 16:57
nihilatus:這篇講得很好, 我也很認同. 可是TNP裡就有tian不是這樣. 01/09 18:29
nihilatus:另外, 其實TNP這樣的組織是必須的. 不管國教如何變, 01/09 18:30
nihilatus:台灣的選手培育不該中斷. 01/09 18:30
nihilatus:身為非TNP且跟外國經理一樣願意犧牲的農場隊玩家, 01/09 18:31
nihilatus:我只希望 TNP 至少告訴我該連絡誰... 01/09 18:32
nihilatus:以往只知有TNP, 和他們做的事, 但其實連組織有誰都不知. 01/09 18:36
asewd:@nihi TNP的確沒有跟上嬰兒潮,所以沒有預做這類的準備。 01/09 18:59
asewd:我想只是過去單純沒有出現類似嬰兒潮一堆人加入的狀況 01/09 18:59
asewd:不過最近這個事件過後,我們也知道黑鷹跟鮪魚是目前PTT裡 01/09 19:00
asewd:跟他們關係最好的。若有需要,先聯絡他們? 01/09 19:00
asewd:哈哈,對不起兩位,打完才發現我這很像推別人擋子彈 01/09 19:01
asewd:但我沒那個意思啦,單純推薦窗口 01/09 19:02
windfish:我正在弄這塊,缺乏直接聯繫管道的確是個問題,目前可以 01/09 19:11
windfish:在google+聯繫 :) 01/09 19:11
thid5335:鮪魚辛苦了~ 01/09 19:39
ChrisMullin:如果是青年隊選手, 最簡單的辦法, 聯絡國教或U17球探 01/09 20:06
ChrisMullin:U17球探會update所有球員資訊數據 01/09 20:06
ChrisMullin:國教是最終安排陣容的人,先聯繫這兩位,比較不會出現 01/09 20:07
ChrisMullin:不知道找哪位球探的問題 01/09 20:08
ChrisMullin:U17這邊整合的資訊, 我自己的做法, 每個球探我都寄 01/09 20:08
ChrisMullin:我先不去分是哪個球探的球員, 大家有疑義可以一起討論 01/09 20:09
ChrisMullin:除非球探自己有口袋名單, 或是不需要我幫忙 01/09 20:10
ChrisMullin:或是陣容已經很完整, 不然基本上資料我都會盡量蒐集 01/09 20:10
ChrisMullin:等到球員升了成年隊, 基本就會主要各位置球探接手 01/09 20:11
ChrisMullin:更正一下 我先不去分是哪個"位置"的球員 01/09 20:12
ChrisMullin:各球探要去追蹤自己的球員的訓練狀況 01/09 20:14
ChrisMullin:成年的球員我這邊就不會再追蹤, 工作量太大了 01/09 20:15
ChrisMullin:如果你有感覺不錯的球員, 儘管發到官網公開論壇 01/09 20:16
ChrisMullin:球探們都會看 01/09 20:16
ChrisMullin:有問題也請盡量發問, 有時只po球員, 但有問題沒發問 01/09 20:17
ChrisMullin:球探們也不知道你遇到狀況 01/09 20:17
nihilatus:但是, 國家跟U17球探跟TNP的關係是? 感覺這不太穩定長期 01/09 20:45
nihilatus:並不是說一定要TNP來主導, 但希望有個獨立於任期制國教 01/09 20:46
nihilatus:的組織來負責(含潛在的)國手養成. 01/09 20:46
bolam:TNP的理想很崇高....過去也做得很好 01/09 21:45
bolam:只是現在..為了達成目標..手段非常糟糕且粗躁 01/09 21:45
bolam:目前的做為和理想連得上沒錯..只是我不贊同他們的方法 01/09 21:45