看板 Henin 關於我們 聯絡資訊
原文網址 http://www.offthebaseline.com/2009/03/23/justine-henin-queues-for-the-wc/ 先解釋一下文章標題,我以為是等什麼外卡,開心了一下 結果是......等廁所(water closet=WC) 附上快速翻譯 Justine Henin Queues For the WC As I mentioned in my post last week about Justine Henin’s new television career, she’s also spending a great deal of her time in retirement working in her role as UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador for Belgium. 總之除了電視工作外,Juju也是比利時UNICEF的親善大使 756 people, including the former world #1 tennis champ, made history yesterday by organizing the longest-ever toilet queue to set a new world record in support of UNICEF's WaSH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) campaign in Brussels. 包括juju在內共756個人在布魯賽爾創下最長的排廁所人龍,以此方法展示他們對UNICEF 所提出關於用水、公共環境和衛生保健議題 UNICEF installed latrines especially for this challenge, and participants received a wristband with their number in line, a t-shirt like the one Henin is wearing in the photo here, and special UNICEF toilet paper to mark the occasion. UNICEF特別為這些參與者設了新馬桶,且每個參與者都會有一個記數的手環、一件跟Juju 身上穿的t-shirt(所以要去看一下連結裡的照片)和跟此活動有關的衛生紙 A similar record was tried in the U.S. but the organizers failed to gather a sufficient number of participants.UNICEF Belgium needed to collect at least 500 people to establish the new record, and after the success of yesterday's event, they’ll be recorded in the Guinness Book of Records. 簡單來說就是在美國這個活動失敗了,所以在比利時至少要有五百人來創這個記錄 這個創紀錄的數字將會收在金氏世界記錄裡 The event was designed to raise awareness and funds for more pumps, wells, latrines and hygiene education for children in lesser-developed countries. 這一段是闡述該活動的宗旨,跳過 “We will all be aware of the problem of water when we realize that a child dies every 20 seconds from lack of water and hygiene, and nearly half of all children have no access to toilets.” – Justine Henin 這裡是引用juju對這個活動的發言「我們必須對這個問題有警覺,當我們發覺每二 十秒就會有一個兒童死於缺乏淨水和衛生知識,且近乎有一半的兒童根本沒有廁所」 The activities were part of World Water Day, and in case you weren’t aware, March 22-28 is World Water Week. If you live in the U.S., there are a number of ways you can get involved. For example, if you’re planning on dining-out this week, consider eating at a participating restaurant in your area. Your donation of just $1 can provide safe and clean drinking water for a child for 40 days. It’s that easy. 上面三段是在呼籲住在美國的人響應這個活動,例如一美金就可以維持一個小孩有 40天份的飲用淨水 Though I was never thrilled with some of her on-court shenanigans bullshit activities ((cough: AO ‘06, “the hand”, etc.)), I have to say that I’m really admiring Juju’s post-tennis career. 這裡不想翻,討厭,也不建議看,想稱讚人家還要先ㄎㄠ ㄙㄟ一番嗎? (我不是故意注音文,是台語 台語) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Musrienport:WC.....XDDDD 我快笑死了XD 廁所~XD 03/25 20:39
taolebi:好久沒看到她這麼活躍了,感謝推一個XD 03/26 18:24