看板 Henin 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://tinyurl.com/ykfllyz An interview with: JUSTINE HENIN THE MODERATOR: Questions, please. Q. Was that the ideal match leading into a Grand Slam final for you? Q: 對你來說,這樣進入最後決賽是場完美的比賽嗎? JUSTINE HENIN: Well, yeah, if we see that I've been playing a lot of tough matches in the last two weeks, that was the best to recover today. 如果從我在過去兩個禮拜打了不少艱難的比賽來看,今天確實是個很好的恢復日。 I knew it could be a dangerous match. Grand Slam semifinal is always very special because, you know, it's the last before the big final. Especially in my situation, that I was very excited about, yeah, the possibility of being in another Grand Slam final. 大滿貫的四強總是很不一樣,是決賽最後一道門檻,而我也明白它可以是危險的比賽 尤其我對於可能擁有另一個大滿貫決賽感到非常興奮 I knew I had to be really careful about that match. I've been very focused, very concentrate. I did my job perfectly well. That worked pretty good. So, uhm, that's a great feeling, of course. Very excited about what's going to come up for me and can't wait for it now. 我知道我需要小心應付,而我也十分專注於比賽,一切運行的很完美 這真是個特別的感覺,對於即將到來的,我現在幾乎等不及了 Q. When do you start thinking about Saturday's final? Q: 從什麼時候你開始想禮拜六的決賽呢? JUSTINE HENIN: Well, I knew, yeah, there was an opportunity for me. But as we could see in the past also, sometimes, even if you think you're gonna be into it, like it happened in Wimbledon in 2007, sometimes you have big surprises. So I knew I had to be really focused on every point and be aggressive and have the good attitude. 我知道有個機會等著我,但從過去的經驗得知,即使你幾乎要踏進決賽了,有時候 就是會有個大驚喜( ̄﹏ ̄|||)就像是07溫網,所以我就是好好打每一分,而保持 好的態度 So when the match was over, I could think, Okay, I'm in the final now. Just can celebrate this tonight, I mean, very easily, just enjoy it, and then tomorrow start to prepare Saturday's match. 所以當比賽結束,我已經進入決賽,我可以開始想了,今晚會簡單慶祝一下, 然後明天繼續準備禮拜六的比賽 Q. Are you surprised it's taken you so long to play Serena in a Grand Slam final? Q: 你會驚訝於過了這麼長的時間,才和小威在大滿貫決賽對決嗎? JUSTINE HENIN: We've never played in a Grand Slam final in the past. It's my first Grand Slam since I'm back, and we're already there. So it's more than a dream. I mean, I'm so happy to play against her because if I want to win another Grand Slam, I'll have to beat the best player of the world. And that's just the biggest challenge I could get. I have to be honest, I didn't really expect that. But now that's a reality that is coming. I will try to be at my best. 這是我第一個回歸的大滿貫而我們在此將要對決,對我來說我很開心對手是她 畢竟如果想要拿另一個大滿貫,我必須要擊敗世界上最好的球員,所以這是個很大的挑戰 當然我必須誠實的說這並不是我真正希望的(XDD)但這是即將來臨的現實,我也會拿出 最好的一面 Q. How do you look at your rivalry with Serena? Q: 你如何看待與小威間的競爭? JUSTINE HENIN: Well, I think a lot of respect for who she is, what she did. She is a real champion. She proved it again in this tournament. Has been in trouble, and she had the reaction of, yeah, the greatest champions. A real fighter. Never gives up. And I think she really helped the game to come at another level. And she really helped women's tennis a lot. She's still there with an amazing attitude. 我對於她的所做所為感到十分尊敬,她是個真正的冠軍,這次比賽她已經再次證明。 遭遇困難時她所採取的反應,就是個偉大的冠軍,真正的鬥士(我都想肅然起敬了@@) 從不放棄,我想她真的將比賽提升到另一個層級,對女網幫助許多。她依舊有令人 讚嘆的態度。 I think we respect each other a lot for that. We're both real fighters. We want to win. And I think maybe we helped each other, yeah, to get better. So it's a good one. 我想我們是互相尊重對方的,都是真正的鬥士。我們都很想贏,也許這樣也幫助彼此 變得更好,所以這是好的競爭。 Q. What was the exact moment you decided to come back? Was there something that triggered it? Q: 什麼時間點是你真正決定要回歸的?是什麼引發你的呢? JUSTINE HENIN: Well, it didn't come like in a second. It's been something that I felt slowly but surely. Different things, I mean, different steps. Like I said, it was important for me just to be away to know myself better and to have different kind of answers. And when I got this, I thought I was ready to come back to what I love so much. I'm still very proud-again-of what I'm doing. That's a good thing. 那不像一瞬間發生的。我感覺到不一樣的事緩慢但確實在發生,就像我說的,離開是為了 了解不一樣的自己,然後我明白我該回來了,回來這個我最愛的地方,我依舊非常驕傲 我所做的,都是很棒的事。 Q. Had you made a decision before Kim won the US Open? Q: 你是在KIM贏的美網冠軍之前做的決定嗎? (老梗連發中) JUSTINE HENIN: Yeah, it was way before that. It was probably mid July, so it was a long time before that. 大概是七月中的事,比那更早以前 (就是不關那件事的意思 = =) Q. How did you look at Kim winning that last year? Q: 你如何看待Kim在去年的勝利? (大家前幾天都沒有來嗎) JUSTINE HENIN: Like I said, I have a lot of respect for what she did because it's not easy, and she has been an amazing level very quickly, beating Venus and Serena in the same tournament. We all know it's not easy. And she confirmed that again in the final. So it was just fantastic what she did. Well, I hope I can do the same, of course. But it's gonna be the toughest part that is coming. We'll see. 口語化亂翻譯中~~ (我已經說很多次了)我非常尊重她與她做的一切,然後接下來我希望自己做的到 Q. The last two weeks your body has taken more of a beating than it has been in the last couple years. Is it because you had a few years without that that makes you more fresh going into the final or because your body is not used to it does it make it less fresh? Q: 過去兩個禮拜你的身體接受的負擔遠超乎過去兩年。是因為過去幾年比較少接受這樣的 負擔所以讓你能繼續下去還是因為你的身體不必習慣它而造成較小的負擔? (老實說我不是很能準確抓到,他想說的) JUSTINE HENIN: I don't know what's gonna happen. It's gonna happen. It's very hard to talk about that. Of course, I want to play. I'm fresh mentally and emotionally. Even if it took me a lot of energy in the last few weeks to come back and play my first matches and face all of this again. It's coming very early for me, you know, to be in a Grand Slam final. It's a lot of things to deal with. So that took some energy, of course, in the last few weeks. Didn't know what was going to happen. Then started to win matches. A tough draw here. Had to deal with, yeah, a Grand Slam, which is always different. So it's been already a lot of pressure. But my body's fine, I think. Well, it's the last one for this tournament, so I'm gonna give everything, of course. 我很難說明發生了些什麼,當然我想要打球,有了截然不同的心理和情緒,過去幾周 打了第一場比賽,面對所有的一切花費了我許多精力,對我來說進入大滿貫的決賽 還是太早了,還有很多事必須處理,所以這當然會花費我些許心力。不知道會發生什麼, 接著贏比賽,困難的籤表,都是必須要去解決的,大滿貫是完全不一樣的,這裡充滿著 壓力,不過我的身體還好,畢竟這已經是這個比賽最後一場賽事,而我也會毫不保留 的表現 (這一段太難了,很意識流...) Q. How proud are you of what you've been able to do? Q: 你對你自己可能做到的事有多驕傲? JUSTINE HENIN: Well, I'm really happy, of course, and really proud. It's because I know where I'm coming from, and it's been hard in the last few months. I've worked so hard. Now, you know, I know why I did it: it's to be here and have this possibility again. 我很開心也很驕傲。過去幾個月很辛苦,我知道我是從怎樣的狀態到現在的。 我知道我所做的一切是為了在這,讓所有可能性再次發生 But the way is still very long. I have a lot of things to improve on. I know I'm not yet at what I can produce. But we have a lot of things to work on with my coach and we're going to go back home and get ready for the next tournaments. I think we can see a lot of things already. So that's very positive. Well, if I can go back home with another title, that would be more than a dream, of course. 當然這依舊是條漫長的路,我依然有許多地方需要改進,我知道我還不是很好,不過在 下個賽事之前,我和我的教練可以針對改進這些已經看的到的地方。如果回家時可以 帶著另一個冠軍,這當然是很棒的。 Q. When you spoke earlier about lowering your expectations, was that realistic, or do you feel like you can do something special? Do you feel this is a bridge too far to get to the final? Q: 稍早時你說降低你的期望,那是實際的說法嗎?還是你覺得你可以做不一樣的事? 你有覺得那是個關卡而離決賽太遠嗎? JUSTINE HENIN: Well, I really went step by step. I mean, I knew everyone was curious about what I was going to do on the court. I just tried to be really focused on myself. I was curious myself. Just tried to get a good preparation. That's what I did. 我真的只想一步一步來,我明白大家對場上的我都會感到好奇,但我只是想專注於自己上 做好準備。 I've been in trouble in the last few matches, but I've been able to play well on the important points. But it wasn't in my mind that I could, you know, go till the end, of course. 在過去幾場比賽我曾陷入麻煩,但在關鍵分上我打得不錯。但腦海中並沒有顯現 我可以走到最後之類的話 But it is something very special already for me to be here, being in the final again here in Melbourne. It's only good memories from the past. Even if I had to retire in 2006, I have another chance. It's just great for me. 已經有很多特別的事在此發生,對於過去只有美好的留下,就算我在06年退賽,這裡依舊 很棒。 Q. Kim came back as a mother. You came back without being a mother. Do you see a huge difference? Also, have you thought that you could become a mother, stop, and come back another time? Q: Kim是以母親的身分回歸,而你還沒成為母親,你有發現非常不一樣的地方嗎? 你想你是否可以成為一個母親然後再次回歸? JUSTINE HENIN: It's a lot of questions (laughter). Well, I'm not quite sure I could do it, you know, having a child and then coming back on the tour. But there are no rules. It's so personal. I have a lot of respect about the fact that Kim, I mean, I think it's brave to do it, to travel with a child, to deal with being a mom and a tennis player, I think it's not easy. So it's great what she's doing. In my situation, I think it wasn't something that I could do. It's my life being on the tour now. I hope one day to have my family, but it's going to be another step in my life. 我不是很確定我可以這樣做,有了個小孩後再次回到比賽裡,不過也沒什麼一定的, 這是個人的選擇,我對於這樣的kim感到尊敬,我想那不是件容易的事,帶著女兒一起 旅行,要當媽媽跟網球選手,她做的一切是很棒的 就我的立場來說,我認為那不是我能做的,我的生活現在在球場上,我希望有一天 能擁有家庭但那必然是我人生中的另一站了。 Q. You said you didn't know how you were going to handle the pressure. How are you handling it? Q:你說過你不知道怎麼去處理壓力,那你現在如何處理它? JUSTINE HENIN: I'm still fine. I'll see tomorrow, on Saturday. But, no, I still think I have to be at the same attitude that I arrived in Australia. I didn't really know what to expect. I wouldn't be honest if I said I don't want to win this tournament now that I'm in the final. But I'll just try to be focused on what I will have to do. 我依舊會維持相同的態度,就像我剛到澳洲時的毫無預期,如果我現在說我不想贏冠軍 那就太虛假了但我真的只想專注於我該做的這些事 I know I'll have to play a great tennis because Serena in this kind of situation is at her best level all the time. She has to play, in a Grand Slam final, she produce her best. It means I will have to play a great game, yeah, be aggressive, and really want this title. So we'll see if I'm gonna be able to get that. 我知道我必須打得很好,因為小威總是在大滿貫決賽發揮她最好的一面,所以那代表 我必須打一場很好的比賽,更有侵略性,更想贏得這個冠軍,所以就等著看吧 Q. While you retired, you said you were looking for answers. What sort of answers were you searching for? Q: 當你退休時,你說你想要找個答案,那麼哪一種答案是你想追尋的? JUSTINE HENIN: We all have different kind of issues personally. I had to forget a little about tennis and just get some air and breathe differently. Tennis has been my whole life. I think there is something else than that. It's more than answers. It's just time to get open to different kind of things. Like I said, I had different kind of projects, met a lot of people, traveling for UNICEF, of course. I mean, I learned a lot of things in these experiences. Probably the answer I got is that I started to trust myself much more as a person and I realized I could exist without tennis. So that was an important step for me. 我們都有各種個人的問題,我必須呼吸網球以外的空氣,網球占據了我全部的生活, 我想有別的東西比它重要,所以是時候開展別的事務,我有了不一樣的重心,遇見許多 不一樣的人,代表兒童基金會旅行,我也從中得到許多不同的經驗,也許我得到的 答案是我開始相信自己做為一個人可以不用網球的生活著,對我來說這是個很大的突破。 Q. Do you think this could be the best answer, this final, which is the real queen of women's tennis? (是挖洞的題) JUSTINE HENIN: Well, that would be a nice title. But I think we both proved different kind of things in the past. What Serena did was just amazing, and still doing it. And I did my way also on the tour. I think we brought different kind of things to the game. So we both have a different place on the tour. She is No. 1. I've been No. 1. I hope it's gonna be a great match, really. I hope it's going to be a good atmosphere on the court, that people are going to like the match, and that we can be at our best. That's what I wish for. 口語化翻譯~ 我想我們是不同類型,她是世界第一我也曾是,希望這是場好比賽,期待吧! Q. Are you a very different person now to what you were two years ago? JUSTINE HENIN: I can say I'm a different person. I just learned a lot of things and grew up. Maybe a little older, that's it. More mature because of being away from the tour. I think I got off my bubble. It was really important for me, as I feel more in peace now. That's important. 口語化~ 我長大了,心智或年齡都是,離開後讓我更成熟 Q. As a teenager, your whole life is tennis... JUSTINE HENIN: It's difficult. The life we have is difficult because you give everything. I mean, everything is done around that, you know. Now I got the experience I didn't have a few years ago, of course, to understand it. But your whole life is based on your tennis and your career. We do a lot of sacrifices. It's very hard to find a good balance, a lot of stability between the personal life and the professional life. On the tennis court, we cannot lie. The way we are, the pressure is high, you have to deal and be at your top all the time. That makes it difficult, of course. 那種生活是辛苦的,因為你付出了全部。現在我得到過去未曾感受的經驗。 只是生活是建立在網球與事業上,很難在私人生活和職業生活找到平衡點。在球場上 我們不可能說謊,你所做的事情,高壓力,你都需要處理跟維持在頂端,所有的一切 都是辛苦的 Q. Would you recommend others to go off and do other things? JUSTINE HENIN: It's important, yeah. I think it's important just to realize there are different things away from that. Take some distance sometimes 'cause to relieve the pressure, of course. 這很重要,做其他跟網球不一樣的事有助於紓解壓力 Q. The last time you played Serena was Miami 2008. JUSTINE HENIN: Don't talk to me about that one (smiling). ( ̄▽ ̄#)﹏﹏ Q. Just one question about it. It didn't go so well. It was just a little bit before your retirement. Did that match play any specific role in your decision to retire? (真的很愛追問) Q: 那一場比賽有為你的退休決定扮演一個具體的角色嗎? JUSTINE HENIN: No, you cannot say it's a match. It's more about all the things I was thinking at the time. It was more process that took a few months, you know. After my victory against her I proved already in Madrid. This kind of match shows you that you don't feel you're at the right place anymore. I don't have the motivation that I got in the past. It was just the proof to me that I was tired of it at that time. It's not because I lost that I decided a few weeks later that I should stop. It's because my mind was somewhere else. 口語化翻譯~~ 早在馬德里時就這樣想了,我失去動力就該離開了,不是因為輸球 只是因為我的心不在此 Q. How do you describe the difference going into this match? Q: 這場比賽你如何描述不一樣的地方? JUSTINE HENIN: Well, a lot of things have changed. You know what happened in the past is from the past. Everything is so different. Two years since that. I'm back. It's only my second tournament back on the tour, so I know I still need a little bit of time to really find my best level again. But, well, I have the ambition, of course, as usual. But everything is so different, we cannot compare. 很多都不一樣了,兩年後我回來了,這只是我的第二個賽事,我知道我需要多點時間 找回我最佳的狀態,但一如往常的我有著企圖心,不過很多事都變了,無法去比較。 Q. Human beings have the privilege to die once, champions to die twice. You to die three times. JUSTINE HENIN: That I what? Q. Athletes have a privilege to die twice, because when they finish their career, then when they really die like other human beings. At least you will die three times. Is that a privilege? Q 運動員有死兩次的特權,因為當他們結束選手生涯時就像是其他人死去一般,目前為止 你將會經歷三次,這是種特權嗎? JUSTINE HENIN: It is a privilege. I have the feeling I had three lives already. At 27 years old, to get all these experience is just fantastic. I think being an athlete sport is the best school of life. I learned a lot of things, how to push my limits, to get the determination, to know that things are hard when you want to do it. I feel lucky. I feel lucky I had this talent, of course. And I feel lucky that I have one more chance to come back and to enjoy it different way than in the past. 那是種特權,我有種已經活三次的感覺。在27歲有這種經驗是不可思議的,我想運動員 世界是最好的學校,我學到了很多,怎麼提高極限、怎麼得到決心,了解當你想做 某件事但它是困難的 我覺得自己很幸運有此天賦,當然我也覺得幸運,能再一次回來,享受跟過去不一樣的 一面。 -- 後面就比較簡單化翻譯 因為記者詞窮我也累了 老梗連發令人不耐,真辛苦ju了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
lcy0425:推~ 01/29 01:56
lovejuju2007:多謝翻譯~ 01/29 02:00
blossomleave:推~~辛苦了 01/29 02:18
u7273:推 辛苦了 老梗連發令人不耐,真辛苦ju了 +1 01/29 02:35
wentasu:推推推 現在Ju的訪問還找不到新話題 記者也需要梗阿 01/29 02:43
singlecolor:每次看Ju的回答,都有種莫名的真實感,很貼近人生。 01/29 03:39
singlecolor:另推原PO和Ju都辛苦了~ 01/29 03:40
linlingraf07:感謝翻譯~ 01/29 07:28
AlexisK:感謝翻譯~ 老梗真的是問不膩耶XD 01/29 08:02
ashin1069:如果拿冠軍再問三次也沒關係 XDDDDDD 01/29 08:05
※ 編輯: football 來自: (01/29 10:24)
annie14014:必須誠實的說這並不是我真正希望的 JU還真誠實XDD 01/29 14:34
Musrienport:你的註解都很有梗XD 意識流都出來了XD 01/29 23:36
brea172:推翻譯~~~ 01/30 13:31