看板 Henin 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://goo.gl/PbQn 官網已補影片 Day 6 - Justine Henin Friday, May 28, 2010 Q. You want to just assess yesterday and then today's performance and how you feel overall? Q: 你想要對昨天和今天的表現進行評價嗎,你對整體的感受是? JUSTINE HENIN: Yeah, it was a difficult day for everyone yesterday. As, you know, at some point I thought, well, I'm gonna play and then I'm not gonna play and then I'm gonna play. So it was really difficult, but I just tried to keep focused. 對所有人來說昨天都是困難的,一下打、一下不打的,我僅能做的就是集中注意力 It was really dark last night when we played from the beginning of the match, and at the end, both of us, we couldn't see anything, so it was really I mean, it was very strange. But, yeah, I was leading. I did a good job. In these conditions it was a good job, and then I came back pretty confident on the court today. I just had to finish a good job, and that was good enough. So I felt pretty good out there. 昨天當我們開始比賽時,天色已經很暗,我們看不見任何東西,所以那很詭異 不過我領先了,做的不錯,在這樣的條件下,今天我相當有信心的接著比賽 我就是好好的完成了比賽,也做得不錯,所以離開時我蠻開心的 Q. You've had two matches both good enough. Now into the third round you might have to play Maria, and all of a sudden the intensity level, I would think, would have to go up very high. Q: 你已經打了兩輪不錯的比賽,接下來第三輪你將遇到莎娃,突然間提升了等級 我想這將是高張力的比賽 JUSTINE HENIN: Yeah, of course. It's gonna be an interesting match. Comes very early, of course, third round, but I expect a big fight as we always had in the past. It's gonna be very exciting to play her again, you know, in the second career. I think, of course, I'll have to raise my level and really put the intensity, the concentration, and the motivation is gonna be really high just to keep going in this tournament. I know it's gonna be a tough match, but I feel ready for it. 這當然將會是場有趣的比賽,來的蠻早的,才第三輪,我總是期待大對決發生在最後 跟她交手總是很刺激(是說對球迷的心臟嗎><),而且是在第二個職業生涯 我勢必得提升我的水準,然後更加專注,且為了要繼續這場賽事會激發更多的動力 我明白這將會是場辛苦的賽事,不過我覺得是時候該面對它了 Q. I remember you talking about Australia, about the last time you had played Maria, which was Australian Open. That was one of the matches when you knew maybe you don't have the motivation to continue anymore. So can you talk about your form now and how you're feeling now versus that time? Q: 我記得你在澳洲有說過,關於最後一次你在澳網與莎娃的對決 (我不要聽T.T) 那是其中一場,你已經知道你也許沒有動力再繼續的比賽,所以你能談談 你現在的想法以及當時的感覺? JUSTINE HENIN: Yeah, it seems so far away. I mean, even seems like it never existed, that moment. I didn't want to be on the court anymore at that time, and now I have a lot of motivation to be out there and to fight and try to keep winning. 那似乎是好久以前的事了,彷彿不存在一樣。當時我一點也不想站在球場上 而現在我有很多動力讓我來到這戰鬥,並試圖贏下去 So the situations are very different, of course. But we had a lot of good matches in the past. I played her here at the French in 2005, I think in the quarterfinals. Yeah, I hope we can play a good match. That's for sure. 周遭條件皆已不同,不過在過去我們擁有許多不錯的比賽 我們在05法網八強有對戰過,我希望我們可以打出一場好比賽 (看這兩人比賽需要降血壓的藥,請大家多保重) Q. You haven't played her on clay since then, if I'm not mistaken. Do you have a sense of how her game has improved on clay? She just won her first European clay court event last week. Q: 如果沒記錯的話,你似乎在那之後未曾在紅土上與Maria交手,你是否對她在紅土 的進步有什麼想法,她上禮拜才剛贏得她的第一個紅土賽事冠軍 JUSTINE HENIN: I didn't see any match of Maria since I'm back, I would say, because she's been troubled last few months with injuries and everything. So I didn't see her play on any surface. On the clay last time was when I played her here five years ago. 我復出後還沒看過任何莎娃的比賽,因為過去幾個月她受到傷勢的困擾,所以沒機會 看見她的發揮,上次看到她在紅土上比賽,已經是五年前我和她的比賽了 So I don't have a lot of things to say about that. She's a real fighter, of course, and everyone knows everything she did in the past. She remains someone very, very strong. Because she has the fighting spirit, it's gonna be a question of attitude and just try to be aggressive. I want to win the match tomorrow. 所以我沒有太多可說的,她是個真正的鬥士,她有某部分是很強勢的 因為她擁有戰鬥的精神,可能在態度上會是個問題,但只是試圖更積極而已 而我想明天想要贏得比賽 (是不是很少這麼直接!) Q. Fans find you so interesting, so intriguing, in part because you've gone through so much in your young life. You said in the past, My gasoline has always come from something negative. What did you mean by that? Q: 球迷發現,某部分的你是有趣也是奇妙的,在你過去經歷了很多事後 你曾說過:我的動力總是來自於一些負面的事。那指的是什麼? JUSTINE HENIN: But it changed a lot, actually. You know, I had a lot of things happen in my life, and it's true that in all these things I was fighting something positive, you know, and just try to fight for that. But it's been a lot of suffering, and it's not anymore. So I just want to, you know, be happy and be, you know, competitive at the same time. I think it's something very realistic at the moment that I can do. I can have both, you know. 不過事實上已經改變許多,我的人生中發生的許多事那也是真實存在的 那只是很多的感受而不會再次出現,而我只是想要在同時間,開心以及更有競爭性 是些很現實的東西,而也是我可以做到的 It's not only on negative moments you can build great things. I just want to be my gasoline must be something positive, and I think that's the case right now. I feel very happy about that. 不是只有在負面時候才能得到更多,我想要我的動力來自於一些正面的事 我想那應該是對現在比較對的事,而我也高興去這樣想 Q. What is the difference when you go out there trying to do it for yourself? What's the difference between the two sides? Q:當你離開去為你自己做些什麼的時候,兩個環境下的差別是? JUSTINE HENIN: Well, it's very hard to compare, you know. I really I still say it at the interview right after the match. I really have the feeling there was my first career and there is my second career. A lot of things have changed. I can use everything I did in the past, the experience and everything, but I live things so differently now. I think I can enjoy a lot of things now than in the past. You know, the traveling and the way I can share all these things with my entourage. That is very rich, and I enjoy every moment of it. 那很難去做比較。現在我正在受訪,我也感受到之前是我的第一次生涯,而現在是第二次 太多事已經改變,過去我可以憑藉經驗或很多東西,但現在很多都不一樣了 現在的我可以享受到比從前更多的樂趣,旅行、與同行的人分享新鮮事 那讓我感到很滿足,我享受著每一個時刻 Q. Little less serious topic. Dirty clothes. How much laundry do you generate and do you submit? Q: 少一點嚴肅的話題,關於髒衣服,需要送洗多少衣服,是你經手的嗎 JUSTINE HENIN: That's a crazy question. I don't know how much, but a lot. Every day. Every day. 這真是瘋狂的問題,我不知道確切數量,只知道每天都是很多! Q. We're talking several shirts. You guys are changing shirts with practice and that sort of thing? Q: 我們來談談衣服的問題吧(我想是沒問題了= =) 在練習中會換些衣服,諸如此類的事情 JUSTINE HENIN: Three or four shirts a day. Well, you know everything about my life, actually. That was quite personal. A lot. A lot. 一天大概三或四件,你知道我生活中的每件事了,真的!那有點私人。 Q. Without being too personal, the clay, any problems getting the clay out of your socks and things? Q: 如果不會太過私人,有任何紅土的問題出現在襪子或其他地方嗎? JUSTINE HENIN: Yeah, that's true. That's true. A lot of people have trouble to take off the clay. But that's okay. It's a nice mark. So it's okay. 大多數人都在撇開紅土上有一些麻煩,不過那個還好,是個不錯的標誌,沒什麼問題 Q. With your new attitude and playing the matches on the center court and when the stakes are this high at a Grand Slam, is it difficult for you to enjoy yourself during the match? Q: 有著新態度以及在中央球場打球,在大滿貫這麼被看好,會影響你享受比賽嗎? JUSTINE HENIN: No, I enjoy a lot being out there. The expectations are very high, especially here in Paris. When I go on center court, it's a lot of emotions that are coming back. Of course you want to be at your best and you want to win and you want to play well, but sometimes it's not the case. It's not easy all the time, but you have to remain positive and having a good attitude on every point. It's true it's not easy all the time, and that's why also the crowd gives unbelievable support. But that's why we are playing tennis. It's to live these kind of moments. Sometimes it's ups and downs, and you have to accept them. Just keep fighting. 我很享受比賽。如此高的期待尤其是在巴黎,當我到中央球場時,很多情緒一一湧現 當然會想要做到最好,也想要贏,不過有時候並非如此 任何時候這都不是件簡單的事,但還是必須要保持積極,並且認真對待每一分 這也是為什麼觀眾們給予了難以想像的支持 但這就是為什麼我們打網球,就是為了活在這種時刻 有時好有時壞的,只能去接受它,然後持續戰鬥 Q. You were talking about the match against Sharapova. It feels like it doesn't exist. You were also saying the first career and the second career. So the 2007 title, the last one you won here, does that seem very far away, or is it closer to you? Q: 你前面說對上莎娃那場像是不存在,你也曾說前後兩個生涯。 所以之前最後在此拿下的頭銜,那感覺像是很遙遠還是比較貼近你 JUSTINE HENIN: No one will take it from me, of course, because I did it. But it seems a long time ago, yeah. I mean, to me. I didn't come here to Paris as defending champion, because of the last time I won the tournament. So everything is pretty new. 沒有人可以拿走我得到的,那像是很久以前了。來巴黎不是身為衛冕冠軍 所以一切都像是新的 But it's something that remains in my heart, of course. I can feel the emotions I got that day, you know. It was a very, very emotional day for me. I mean, it's seven years I won my first Grand Slam, seven years ago. It seems so far away, and a lot of things happened. When I remember that, it's only good memories. Really, right now, it's this moment and the future. I just want to look forward. So it seems far away, but I keep the emotions of course very closely. 仍然有些東西留在我心裡,我可以感受到那些日子的情緒, 那些日子對我來說都是特別的,七年前我得到了我第一個法網冠軍 那好像已經很遠且發生很多事,但每當我想起它都只有美好的回憶 而現在我只想往前看,雖然那些都已遙遠,都那些情緒都還是很貼近我心 THE MODERATOR: Questions in French. Q. Would you have preferred not to play yesterday? Q: 你會比較屬意昨天不要比賽嗎? JUSTINE HENIN: Well, it was difficult, you know. There was a moment when perhaps, yes, I hoped that it would continue to rain or they would cancel all the matches. But the decision was you know, Sharapova and Kirsten's match should be played in parallel with mine. That was their priority. They didn't want the center court to be empty too early. 那有點困難,那存在著會繼續下雨或取消比賽的可能性 不過另一場賽事與我們的一起,大會不想要中央球場太早空下來 But when Monfils was back on the court it was long for me. I was here at 9:00 a.m., so it was a very long day, yet I was still very much into it. If you look at the conditions yesterday, it was okay for me yesterday evening. It was really tough. I couldn't see anything. When the match started, I couldn't see much. 不過當Monfils那場移回中央球場,那對我來說又太久了 我9:00就到這,這是漫長的一天,所以我非常想打比賽 如果你有看到昨天的情況,昨晚對我來說是好的 當比賽開始的時候,我根本看不見太多東西,那很困難 And then in the middle of the first set it was very difficult for the returns, mainly to have the right reactions was something complicated. But I'm very happy to go to bed having an advantage yesterday and to have started well today. So I lived this correctly. I can't say that I had missed these types of days in my first career. 然後第一盤的中段,非常困難的去回擊球,主要是很難去做到正確的反應 不過我還是很高興能在昨天得到些優勢,然後在今天繼續 所以我正確的生活著,我很難說在第一段生涯裡,我會想念這些情節 Q. At the end of the first day, I think you wanted to finish this game. It was important to be up 3 2, I think, before it was dark. Q: 在天黑前將比數扳成3-2,是很重要的,我想你應該想在第一天就結束這場比賽? JUSTINE HENIN: Well, I wanted to have time off before, or the match to stop before. I discussed it with the umpire, but we had to continue. So I followed the decision that he made. But at the time it was very difficult. When the second set started it was difficult, but it was better to be up 3 2 than to be 2 2 or 2 All. Had it been 2 All, it wouldn't have made a big difference. But I went to bed, and I was quite serene yesterday. 在討論之前,我想要暫停比賽,不過和裁判討論後,我們決定繼續 當時是有點艱難的,第二盤的開局有些艱辛,不過3-2領先總是比2-2好 不過昨天當我去睡時,我感到十分平靜 Q. You only played 16 minutes today. Is this enough? Had you played longer, would you have had more difficulties. Q: 你今天只打了16分鐘,這樣足夠嗎?如果再打久一點會更加困難嗎 JUSTINE HENIN: Well, I practiced this morning. Yesterday was a painful day. I think that I've practiced in the past days, so, no, I don't worry about this. But I will probably walk for a while. I'll have people taking care of me, as well. You know, when I didn't play, I practiced something like 50 minutes or an hour. Yesterday it took a lot of energy from me. So no, no problem. 我早上有練習,昨天是辛苦的一天,我想我已經在過去幾天有練習,我並不擔心這些 不過我可能會走一會兒,以及和關心我的人說話 當我沒比賽的時候,我會練習50分鐘或一個鐘頭,昨天花了我許多精力,不過沒什麼問題 Q. Maria is taller than you, taller than most players. (我不明白這是問題?) JUSTINE HENIN: A little taller. Q. What are her advantages when she plays against you? And given your size, what are your advantages against her? Q: 你們對戰的時候莎娃的優勢是?有鑑於你體型較為劣勢,那你的優勢是? JUSTINE HENIN: We have different features and qualities, of course. She is tall. She can be very powerful. She can be a slugger when she hits the ball. I think there's one thing we share, a quality we share, which is we are winners. We are fighters. 我們擁有不同的特點和素質,當然她比較高,非常的有力量,她可以擊球很有威力 我想有一點我們是一樣的,我們都是鬥士 With this girl, it's never over. This is something I think that we share. On clay, I try and use other weapons I have, like the quality of my balls, the fact that I vary my game, I change the pace. I'll have to focus on my match, my objectives, what I want to do, and then you have to have the desire to win. This is the most important thing. 跟她打球很難做個結束,這是我覺得我們共同的地方,在紅土上我會試著使用別的特點 我喜歡我打球的質量而且我比賽中富有變化,改變節奏,我會專注於我的比賽和目標 然後必須擁有贏球的渴望,這是最重要的地方 Q. The last time you played in '08 during the Australian Open, it was not good memories. There was a lot of tension. Her father was in the stands and was quite angry. Is this something that you can't really accept even today? Q:你們最後一次交手是在08的澳網,那不是個好回憶(那你還問...) 那極具張力,她父親在看台上相當生氣,那是你一直無法接受的嗎就算是現在也無法 JUSTINE HENIN: No, not really, because it's a new page now for me, frankly. And by the way, I have an incredible memory, as you know, and there are many matches of the past that I've forgotten, because it's a new page for me. I see things totally differently today. And as far as Sharapova is concerned, there's no special tension in the light of what happened that day. It was not the best day of my career, but I've had so many beautiful days against her. I'd like to think about those and remember those. 不全然是,現在對我來是新的一章,而且我擁有難以相信的記憶(記憶黑洞?) 很多過去的比賽,我已經忘記了,因為現在就是辛的開始,我看事情的觀點已經截然不同 至於Maria,那天並沒有發生什麼特別的事,那不是我生涯中最好的日子, 不過我擁有許多與她交手的美好日子,我對這些的記憶比較深刻 What's going to happen is tomorrow. This is the most important thing. I think we're going to start from scratch more or less, so it's a very important third round. Maybe that's when I really enter the tournament, if I can go through to the third round. I like these types of challenges. This type of challenge I like. And you have to think big and play big in some circumstances. I'm totally aware of this. 明天會發生什麼才是最重要的,我們或多或少將會從頭開始,這將是非常重要的第三輪 如果可以闖過第三輪也許那會是我真正的進入這場(爭冠)賽事,我喜歡這樣的挑戰 我完全的意識到必須去想在某些情況下該怎麼打 Q. You've said you've forgotten this match in 2008 against her. What about the one you played against her in Madrid in 2007? Q: 你說你已經忘了08年那場與莎娃的對戰,那07年終那一場如何 (我私心覺得07那場ju打的不好:s但能艱苦贏下還是很爽) JUSTINE HENIN: There you go. No, not this one. I can't remember why, but I have not forgotten this one. Of course I have not forgotten what happened in 2008. I know perfectly well what happened in 2008, and even in Madrid, as well. It was a crazy match in Madrid. I know what happened when I lost against her at the US Open or when I defeated her here. I don't think this will have any impact on what's going to happen tomorrow here. This is the most important thing. Well, since we're talking about Madrid 2007, the Masters, this is an incredible memory, incredible, yes. 我不記得為什麼,不過我沒忘記這場,沒忘記08年發生了什麼,我知道08年以及07年終賽 那是場瘋狂的比賽,我知道我在美網輸她或在這裡擊敗她,但我不覺得這會對明天的比賽 有所影響,這才是最重要的 不過07年年終賽,那是難以置信的回憶! Q. A different question altogether. The balls, do you choose the balls? Have you got some type of fetishism, or not? If not, do you understand the players that do? Q: 來個不同的問題,你會挑選球嗎,會喜歡或不喜歡哪種類型的,據你所知其他球員 都怎麼做 JUSTINE HENIN: Well, we all have these things we do. When there's more tension, I usually play with the ball I have just used to win the point. When I'm tense, this is what I do. Not all the time, but when I'm more nervous. And then we choose the ball boys or girls. I know it's ridiculous. But we pay attention to these details to gain more confidence. 我們都會有自己的一套方式,當比賽太有張力,我通常會拿同一顆我贏得分數的球 當我很緊張的時候,我會這樣做,不是每次都這樣,只是當我特別緊張的時候 然後我們會選擇男球童或女球童,我知道這很荒謬,不過我們注意這些細節 以求增加更多的信心 Q. You've said you were not playing your best tennis in 2008 in Australia. According to you, who or when was the best Sharapova? Was it in Madrid or was it during the US Open in 2006, the finals? Q:你說過你在08澳網的狀況不是最好的,那對上莎娃什麼時候是你最佳狀態? 07年終還是06美網? (06美網的莎娃無懈可擊,我只能這麼說,是完敗@@") JUSTINE HENIN: I lost 6 4, 6 4 in 2006. I was not playing bad, but I was not strong enough to win this type of match. Now, then, Madrid, if you look at the intensity of the match and the ups and downs, I really was a fighter. This was like the climax between us. And also, my win here in terms of tactics, I do what I need to do. Even though it had been very difficult against Kuznetsova, I had managed to save a number of match points. In the morning we discussed with Carlos the match and this match against Sharapova. It was really something I understood, and then I won the quarters and the semis and the final easily. So I was very much thinking about these moments. 06美網我沒有打的不好,只是不夠強去贏得比賽,然而07年終,如果有看那場比賽 起起伏伏的,我真的就像個鬥士而那場比賽就像是電影一樣 我在這裡的勝利是根據很多戰術,我需要去做的那些,就像是對上Kuz那場很艱辛 我必須去搶救賽末點。早上我有和Carlos討論與莎娃的對戰 這些就是我所知道的,我贏得八強然後四強以及冠軍戰頗輕鬆的 所以我非常想關於這些時刻 Q. Maria Sharapova was also injured. Do you think that her style is going to change? Now she knows how to play on clay, to win a tournament. Q:莎娃也因傷所困,你覺得她的風格有改變嗎?她現在已經知道該怎麼打紅土, 在她贏得一個紅土冠軍後 JUSTINE HENIN: Well, what I expect is everything. This is the most important thing. We know that the beginning of the season was difficult for her, but now I think she's gained more confidence on clay. So I think this is a very dangerous match to come, and I'll have to notch up my style. I am back. She's gone through difficult times as well. So the two of us are in radically different situations. At the time we were more or less dominating women's tennis. The situation is, of course, different today. It will be interesting, as you will see, to see what's going to happen because so many things have changed. 我期待所有的事,我們都知道在賽季的開始對她來說是困難的,但現在我想 她應該已經在紅土得到許多信心,所以即將到來的是一場危險的比賽 我必須提高我的狀態,她已經脫離困難的時刻,因此我們將是完全不同的情況 我們或多或少都曾對女網有所主宰,現在狀況有所不同,那將會是有趣的 因為有太多是已經改變,就看看哪些事會發生吧 Q. I'd like to pick on this. You've often played against her during quarterfinals, semifinals, finals, and now it's only the third round. It's very early. Is it different? Q:你過去時常與莎娃在八強、四強或決賽對決,而現在只是個第三輪 還很早,而這有什麼不一樣嗎 JUSTINE HENIN: I don't know. I want to continue on the same tracks. Here, this is the most important thing to me. A big match is a big match in any case. Dementieva during the Australian Open was very intense. It was the intensity of a final, and it was only second round. So this is how we can build on things, you see. If I want to climb up to the summit, this is what I have to do. 我不知道,我想要繼續在這條軌道上,這對我很重要 在任何情況下,大比賽終究是大比賽,與戴娃在澳網的比賽非常有張力, 那就像是在決賽一樣但那只是個第二輪(戴娃:○(#‵︿′ㄨ)○) 所以如果我想要繼續走下去,我就必須繼續奮戰 Now, I'm out of the rankings and I'm doing well. Five months ago, I was not ranked at all. So, you see, there are so many things that are positive. We have to accept this. Of course, the draws were not really favorable, but I like that because this helps me to some extent to improve faster. So I'm rather positive as far as this is concerned. But I look at this match as if it were a big match, as if it were a quarterfinals, semifinals, or even the finals. 五個月前我連排名都沒有,現在發展都還不錯 當然這籤表不是這麼讓人喜愛,不過我喜歡這樣因為這可以幫助我進步得更快些 我會更積極就當作這是場八強、四強或是決賽那樣的比賽 --- 打完收工 大致上來說,扣掉幾個鬧場的,今天的訪問還不錯 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: football 來自: (05/29 01:43)
Musrienport:誰跟你說澳網交過手了(叉腰) 05/29 01:43
singlecolor:我能感覺到 中間Ju一度想呼記者巴掌!! XDDDD 05/29 01:46
※ 編輯: football 來自: (05/30 12:11)