看板 Henin 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://goo.gl/xR9U Day 8 - Justine Henin Sunday, May 30, 2010 Q. How did you get your serve and everything else under control? Looked like you were going to go down fast. Q: 你是如何控制你的發球和其他的事,看起來你快失去狀態 JUSTINE HENIN: Yeah, looked like it was going to be fast. That game was so important, because at 3 Love with two breaks, it was really I think difficult to come back. 那發生的很快,當比賽進行到兩個破發點就要變成0-3時,那真的很難回復 Yeah, I mean, that was difficult to start with my serve today, as she did put a lot of pressure. I knew she was going to come very aggressive as she finished the match last night. So I was ready for it, but apparently not enough. I was really feeling under pressure at the time, so not playing a lot of first serves in my first game, and also until Love 40 at 2 0. So at that time I just stay focused on every point and played a few good first serves. I came to the net, and that gave me my confidence back. I really needed that game. After that, everything was easier to go to the net and play more aggressive. 而今天的發球有個艱難的開始,而且她也給了我許多壓力,我知道她在昨晚的表現後 會變得很積極,我準備好面對了,但顯然還不足夠。在比賽的前頭我感受到許多壓力 而沒有打出好的一發,直到0-2落後面對3個破發點,我才終於專注於每一分(痾 ... 並打出一些不錯的一發。我開始來到網前,並找回信心,這是我所需要的,之後每件事 變的較容易並打得更積極一點。 Q. You were in need. (可能要等影片 JUSTINE HENIN: (laughter.) Q. From Love 40, it seemed you really went on the attack from that moment. You went to the net a couple of times. JUSTINE HENIN: Yeah. Q. Next game you really attacked her serve. Was that a conscious decision at that moment to attack? Q: 下一局你真的攻擊於她的發球,那是有意識的決定去攻擊嗎? JUSTINE HENIN: Yeah, it was. I had no more choice. Sometimes it's you know, when you're 0 0 you know you control a little bit, but when you're under pressure a little bit, you know, you don't have any other choice. But she started the set very good. I mean, she's a champion, so as soon as you give her the opportunities, if you play a little bit too short and you don't take the opportunities, she takes them. 是的,我沒有選擇,有時候當在0-0時,你知道可以控制些什麼,但當你在壓力下 你沒有其他的選擇,她在這盤的開始表現的非常好,她是個冠軍, 所以你給了她些許機會的時候,或沒有抓住機會,而她就會把握它 So at that time I really had to stay calm. It wasn't that easy. I was feeling a bit nervous at that time. Then that game was a relief, and really helped me to feel free, you know, and just to play my game. So that was an important game, of course. 在那時候我只能保持冷靜,這不太容易,我有點感到緊張,接著比賽進行, 讓我有些歇息的空間,讓我進入我的節奏,那是重要的一局 Q. For most of yesterday evening and the early part of the set today, you were really struggling on her serve. What was the toughest part of getting into her serves and her service games? Q: 昨天大多數時候和今天比賽的前面,你在她的發球局都陷入麻煩, 什麼是最艱難的部分? JUSTINE HENIN: Well, in the first set she was serving pretty fast, and then she started to change and play with more kick and push me a little bit further back to the baseline. It was important to stay aggressive, but distance is very long. I was far away, but not just today I've been much more aggressive actually on the return. 在第一盤,她的發球很快,然後她開始改變,開始多拍來回使我只能固守底線 保持積極是很重要的,但距離太長,我已經更積極地去回擊球 Yesterday I really had the control of the match in the first set. Tactically I was playing the right game. Then conditions were getting also very difficult in the second. It was getting dark. I wasn't, you know, aggressive anymore like I was in the first set, and she took the opportunities. As soon as you give her this chance, she really is going for it. Today she started again like this, but fortunately I could change that. 昨天我的確掌握了第一盤,戰術上執行的很正確 但第二盤環境變得有點艱辛,天候變暗,我依舊像第一盤般積極,只是她把握住了機會 一旦給了她機會,她就會確實把握,今天的開場就像這樣,但幸運的我可以改變這個情況 Q. You meet Sam Stosur in the next round. Your thoughts on that matchup? Q: 你即將在下一輪面對Stosur,你對這個交手的看法是? JUSTINE HENIN: Yeah, we played a tough one in Stuttgart just a few weeks ago. Sam is a great player on clay. Probably her best surface. She has a big serve, big forehand. She can play very heavy, also. So I know it's going to be a tough one. In Stuttgart she gave me a lot of trouble. I've been struggling during one set, and then I could play my game. It's going to be totally different. I'm very happy that I'm still in this French Open, and I just want to keep going and keep, I hope, winning. But I'll have to be at a good level if I want to win that one. 我們在幾周前Stuttgart的比賽有過激烈的交手,她是個很好的紅土球員 可能是因為她的一些素質,擁有好的發球,好的正拍,她可以將球打得很有威力 所以我知道那將會是辛苦的一仗,在Stuttgart她給了我不少麻煩 我在其中一盤打得有些掙扎,之後才進入自己的節奏 我很高興我還待在法網裡,我會更專注,希望能贏球 不過如果我想贏的話,必須要提升到更好的水準 Q. Do you have a feeling your game is back to the same level it was before you retired? Q: 你有感受到你已經回復成跟退休前相同的比賽水準了嗎? JUSTINE HENIN: Um, I don't want to compare, because everything is so different. I'm not yet as consistent as I was, because it's normal. It's only a few tournaments I've played. The confidence I had at that time, I built it with many years. So I still need some time. I just said when I started I said, It's going to be a year of transition. I still think it, even if I had good results from the beginning of the season. I have really ambitions to go as far as possible, but I'm also conscious that I'll have to work hard on my intensity, my concentration, and just to be more consistent all the time. So I know there are still ups and downs, and I'll work on it. But I knew it and I accept it. I have to keep working. 我並不想去比較,畢竟一切都不一樣。我還不夠像過去般穩定,我才打了幾個賽事 在過去我擁有的那些信心是由很多年所購置而成的,所以我還需要一些時間 就像我開頭所說,需要一年的時間做為過度,即使我在開季擁有不錯的成績 我還是這麼想。我擁有走的更遠的野心,不過我仍需持續努力,在強度上,專注力 以及更穩定些,我知道狀況總是會有起伏,所以我會接受它然後繼續努力。 Q. In terms of intensity, was that right up there in the matches you've had since you came back with Serena in the Aussie Open final and maybe Justine in Brisbane? Q: 關於強度,你在澳網決賽遇到小威,還有在Brisbane遇到? JUSTINE HENIN: Kim, yeah. Q. Sorry. JUSTINE HENIN: It's no problem. Yeah, I mean, the match against Dementieva at the Australian Open was quite intense, also. So there have been a few matches that I learned a lot of things, and it's also in these kind of situation that I will get better. To come back to the hotel last night, you know, losing second set wasn't that easy, but I just tried to take it the positive way. I think it's in these kind of situation that I can learn and that I can get better. So it was a tough time, but I said, Well, it's gonna be positive for me in the future. So I had a lot of good test from the beginning of the season. I wish I can be, yeah, playing better and better, but I still need some time. 那沒什麼問題,我是指在澳網遇到戴娃時,那相當有張力,過去幾個月我學到些事情 而那讓我變得更好。昨天回到飯店時,在輸了第二盤的情況下,保持正向並不是 一件容易的事,不過我試著去這樣做, Q. How tough was it out there last night? Did either of the two of you make any suggestions to the umpire that maybe it should have been called off a little earlier? Q: 昨晚到底有多艱難?你們兩個有對主審提供任何建議嗎?也許該早一點暫停比賽? JUSTINE HENIN: I think we could stop we should have stopped a little earlier because it was really dark, but I didn't ask the umpire because I knew they absolutely wanted to, yeah, try to go to the end of the second set, which I understood. I don't know what Maria thought about it, but we should have stopped, yeah, maybe two or three games earlier, because it was really difficult. Yeah, but no excuses. I mean, it was the same for both players. She could take advantage on that. 我想我們可以早一些暫停比賽,天色已經很暗了,不過我沒去要求主審,因為我想比賽 還是該繼續,試著打到第二盤結束,我是這樣想的 我不知道莎娃是怎麼想的,不過我們應該要暫停,或許是兩三局以前,因為那真的很難 不過那沒有藉口,畢竟對兩個球員來說都是相同條件,她可以取得優勢 THE MODERATOR: Questions in French, please. Q. Could we say this was the test match that you needed? Q: 我們可以說,這那就是那種你需要的試驗比賽嗎? JUSTINE HENIN: Well, I don't know, but you always need to test yourself and go through tough moments. It's true that this was a match that I feared a bit, because I have great admiration for this girl. She proves it all the time. 我不知道,不過總是需要藉由通過艱難的比賽來測試自己。這是那樣的比賽,我有點害怕 因為我對於她感到很敬佩,她總是時常證明這一切 And even though she is coming back, she's a real fighter. Each time she had opportunities, like at 5 3 today, 40 Love, she kept encouraging herself. She has great qualities in that respect. So it was a great test for me in the third round. Well, that was very early for me in the tournament. But, you know, I'm going on, and I played four days in a row. 當她回升狀態時,她就是個真正的鬥士,每一次當她有機會,就像是今天三個賽末點時 她依舊激勵著自己,在那方面她擁有好的素質。所以這對我來說是個很大的考驗 才第三輪對我來說還太早,但我還是持續努力,以及連打了四天 That's very rare in a Grand Slam, so you have to be there at all times. My schedule was not very easy over the last days, and that's something that you need to manage, as well. It's my second Grand Slam since I came back, so all the things can seem pretty easy from the outside. On the court, it's difficult. 在大滿貫比賽裡這是非常罕見的,你需要一直在這,我的時間表在過去幾天都不太輕鬆 以及有些東西你要去處理。這是我復出後的第二個大滿貫,在場外很多事是容易的, 但在場上很艱難 Q. You're going to play for a fifth day in a row. Is it a plus or a problem to you? Q: 你已經連打了四天,這對你來說有助益還是會是個問題? JUSTINE HENIN: Well, I've decided I would take it as a plus. I'm not exhausted physically, but nervously, the last days were a bit difficult because, you know, going to sleep with a match that you've not finished. Especially yesterday I didn't sleep very well, because I was not very happy. I missed some opportunities, so I knew that we had a third set to play. Nothing was lost yet, but I was not very happy yesterday night. So it's a nervous level. But physically speaking, I feel much better now than I felt three, four weeks ago. So, yes, I'm in perfect health. 我想我將會將此歸於是好處,我並沒有筋疲力盡,只是緊張,過去幾天有些艱難 在你去休息時,卻還沒結束比賽,尤其是昨天,我沒辦法睡的好,因為我不是很開心 我失去了一些機會,所以我們要打第三盤,沒有什麼已經失去只是我不太開心而已, 那是種緊張,但身體上,我感到比過去幾周好,有好的健康狀態 Q. If you said something to yourself at 2 Love, Love 40, what was it? Did you pray for your first serve? Q: 在0-2,三個破發點時,你有對自己說什麼嗎?你有祈禱你的一發? (我有....) JUSTINE HENIN: Well, yes, because I had to have a good first serve, and I had to play one point at a time. That was the key. If I was breaking at 3 All, would we have stopped the match yesterday evening instead of today? I don't know. My serve was back when I needed it. I went to the net and I scored some points at the net, and that really was a way for me to set myself free. 我有,因為我需要打出好的一發,並拿下一分那是關鍵 如果比賽變成0-3,會變成怎樣我不知道,還好我的發球在我需要時回來了 我倒了網錢並拿下一些分數,那是真正可以讓我稍微輕鬆的方式 Q. If people start saying that you're one of the favorites for this final, would you accept it? Q: 如果然人們開始說,你是冠軍熱門,你會接受它嗎? JUSTINE HENIN: Well, I don't have to take it as a compliment or accept it. This is not the way I see it. I'm in the round of 16, so it means there are 15 other girls who can make it till the end. And tennis, you know, everything can change very quickly. But obviously I want to go as far as I can go, because otherwise I wouldn't be here. 我不會將此做為恭維或去接受它,那不是我想的,現在我在16強,那代表還有另外 15個人可以到最後,在網球裡什麼都變得很快,但很顯然我想走的更遠, 不然我就不會在這 So I have a great motivation, but there are so many factors involved now. So it's a lot of management. You have to be at the top of your shape. A Grand Slam is difficult because it's long. You can't afford not to be at the top at all times, and now I'll be playing very big players from now on. I'm one of the 16 players still running for the title. We'll know more about it later. 所以這是個很大的洞意,但還有很多因素在裡頭,還有太多事要去做,必須要時常保持 在最佳的狀態,大滿貫是艱難的因為這是條很長的路,接下來將會遇到許多大種子 我是16個還在爭逐獎杯選手的其中一個,之後我們將會知道更多 Q. You really had to be in a very difficult position to come back today. Do you need to really put yourself in such a situation? Q: 今天回來你處於一個十分艱辛的位置,你有真正將自己放在這個狀況下嗎 JUSTINE HENIN: I think it's part of my nature. It's difficult to change your nature. But then it's very frustrating to know exactly what's going to pay off. So I'm working there are moments when I can sort out these type of issues better than today. Today I had to go to net because it was important for me to react, and I think I've evolved in that respect because I fought and I dared going to the net, and that was very positive today. 我想那是種本性,但那是很令人挫敗的在知道確切發生了什麼之後 所以我可以解決這些問題然後比今天更好 今天我必須多上網,那讓我更能回擊,我想我在那方面有所發展 我必須這樣做那是今天很積極的地方 Q. When you press on the brake pedal, what would you fear? Q: 當你按下剎車時你害怕的是? (這個問題有怪,請大家自行看原文 JUSTINE HENIN: Well, I usually tend to react more than act. That's part of my character. Okay, I try and evolve. I think I do. I have changed as compared to what I was years back. There is a huge progress. But I still feel I have to put myself at risk to do what I need to do. I need to be my back against the wall. It's not always easy to manage, but I make it, fortunately. Q. What about these matches that start very late? Does it make sense? And can't you two girls talk to the organizers? Q: 這場比賽很晚開打,這合理嗎?你們兩個選手不能像賽會反應嗎? JUSTINE HENIN: Well, we have no authority in that respect. Now, does it make sense when you know beforehand you won't be able to come to the end of it? Well, yes and no. It's not placing us in the best conditions. It's just postponing the problem to the next day, because there are many matches to be played. 我想我們沒有這方面的權力,當你事前知道你可能無法結束比賽時,這是否合理? 恩~是也不是,這不是我們最好的比賽條件,只是將問題推遲到隔天,因為有很多 比賽還要進行 So of course you don't have that in Australia or in the U.S. In Wimbledon they have the roof now, so things need to evolve quite clearly, because the weather issues created many problems. It's true that it's not putting the players in the best conditions. But I'm thinking about the players. They want to see as much tennis as possible, so this is also something that we need to take into account. So I understand they want to go to the end. Yesterday we interrupted at the end of a set, and I think that's the good decision to make. But it's difficult, and you have to understand each person's position. 當然你不會在其他賽事遇到這種問題,其它比賽現在有屋頂,所以這很清楚的是要改變的 因為天氣會造成許多問題,它不會讓球員處於絕佳的條件下 但我是從球員的角度想,觀眾們想要盡可能的多看比賽,這也是我們所要考慮的 所以我明白,他們想看到比賽的最後,昨天我們中止了比賽,我想那是個好決定 但那是不容易的,因為你必須了解每個人的立場 Q. Can you say a few words about Samantha Stosur, your next opponent? Have you played her? Q: 談論一下Stosur,你們過去曾經交手嗎? JUSTINE HENIN: Yes, I played her once. That was a few weeks back in the final in Stuttgart. She has made huge progress in singles, because she used to play the doubles. But now she's a top player in the singles. She has beautiful qualities on clay because she plays kind of a man's tennis. I mean, she has very heavy balls. She is a very powerful girl. She has a beautiful forehand and a very good backhand, as well. It was difficult in Stuttgart. I know it's going to be difficult tomorrow. Anyway, from the round of 16 things get tougher, so I expect a good fight. 在Stuttgart的決賽曾經交手,她在單打上有著很大的進步,尤其她之前是打雙打 不過她現在是個頂尖的單打選手,她在紅土上有著很好的素質因為他打有些像男子網球 我是指她擁有相當重的球質,很好的正拍以及不錯的反拍 在Stuttgart是很辛苦的,可預期明天將是辛苦的比賽 總之,進入16強後會變得更艱辛,我希望這是場好比賽 Q. The crowd on the central court was very supportive. I guess that was a bit emotional. Q: 在中央球場的觀眾是非常支持你的,我想那會有點讓人激動? JUSTINE HENIN: Very much so, because they always supported me. I left in 2007, and the crowd was my fans were behind me and supporting me. I come back and they're still there. Today they gave me a lot of strength. This is why I love it here. It's because I have this beautiful relationship with the people, and I hope I can give them even more this week. 非常!他們總是支持著我,我在07年離開了,我的球迷總是在我身後支持著我 現在我回來了,他們依舊在那,今天他們給予我許多力量,這就是為什麼我愛這裡 因為跟群眾之間的關係,然而我希望我可以給他們比這星期更多 -- 明天將要連打第五天好可怕, 法網你趕快去生屋頂拉,很落後耶 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
singlecolor:明明就很會說話呀~ 怎麼以前都不多說點? XDDD 05/30 23:31
football:以前就很憂鬱吧@@" 現在正向斃了 05/30 23:32
zaza302107:以前都走憂鬱女孩路線阿~~~~~ 05/30 23:32
MerciDanke:謝謝版大!!!!!!!!!! 05/30 23:37
mosquito305:翻譯辛苦了!看到最後一段都要哭了啦啦啦~~ 05/30 23:39
asd1:第四問裡面的game好像指的是局而不是比賽? 05/30 23:42
wentasu:接下去每進輪的可能對手都是決賽的強度... 05/30 23:43
football:OK 我修正 謝謝 05/30 23:44
wentasu:腹地太小 法網很難在原地改建生出屋頂 05/30 23:46
asd1:感謝板大 Henin的回答應該也是指那一局而不是比賽 XD 05/30 23:46
請多多指正阿,翻到後來都有點暈了,今天不太正常 囧 → wentasu:其實昨天有機會結束的 莎娃送了三個雙誤卻沒破成 05/30 23:47
blossomleave:推 那三個BP實在保得很棒~~~ 謝謝翻譯 05/30 23:48
※ 編輯: football 來自: (05/30 23:50)
gn02174082:第二第三盤都有幾局差點可以破,成功的話會輕鬆很多XD 05/30 23:56
MerciDanke:今天第三局保住真的很關鍵 @@ 05/30 23:57
pliuo321:哈哈哈哈憂鬱少女啦以前XDDD 05/31 00:09
shvji:真的關鍵!!!!我還記得那時用力集氣~~~~!!!!! 05/31 00:18
s984847:HENIN還會注意到自己、觀眾、主辦單位的立場,好了不起!! 05/31 00:25
s984847:很多選手只是不斷的抱怨而已,在EQ方面,HENIN真的很值得 05/31 00:25
s984847:其他選手學習!!! 05/31 00:26
a609248:想到關鍵那局從0-40回神..心臟還是會抖一下..真是好險!! 05/31 00:58
zaza302107:明天比賽排在Suzanne Lenglen第二場~大家一起幫ju加油 05/31 01:21
Homeshadow:我還以為會全部中央球場說 05/31 01:31
MerciDanke:JuJu 加油!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 05/31 01:31
nasaharris:allez ju!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 05/31 01:48
wentasu:昏倒 連續出賽五天...希望下一場順利進行不要下雨 05/31 02:20
nasaharris:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1QF9HbgabA救4bps 05/31 02:23
MerciDanke:雖然連續出賽 不過還好耗時都不太久 就當練球吧 冏 05/31 02:43
zaza302107:以戰養戰~~~~希望ju表現越來越棒!Allez!!! 05/31 02:44
mcpclare:感謝板大翻譯啦~~ 剛回台灣就看到賽況 很ju的風格(抖..) 05/31 03:01
mcpclare:補充 居然坐西湖遊船看到ju首場賽事精華 我都笑了... 05/31 03:02
wentasu:怕她都沒睡好 從莎娃開始場場硬仗 比07美網還硬 05/31 04:51
carljung:Justine始終是我的最愛! 05/31 07:06
carljung:很喜歡這次賽後訪問:) 05/31 07:06
Tornadola:Henin已經連好幾場都是賭盤大熱門了吧 xd 05/31 12:34
shvji:希望今天不要下雨,一次贏比賽 05/31 14:09
linlingraf07:感謝板大翻譯!JU回答的真棒!!今天加油嘍~~^^ 05/31 18:51