看板 Henin 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://goo.gl/i5GN Q. Your first defeat here for six years. How big a disappointment is it for you for that run to end today? Q: 這六年裡你第一次被擊敗,妳對此有多大的失望? JUSTINE HENIN: Well, of course it is disappointing. I mean, never easy to lose, and especially in this kind of situation. I just wanted so much that the adventure could keep going. I haven't been of course, yeah, at my best today. Samantha was the best player on the court. She took her chances, the opportunities. 我想那總是令人失望的,輸球永遠都不是容易的事,尤其是在這樣的情形下 我只是想要能繼續這趟冒險,今天不是我最好的狀態,Samantha是場上最好的球員 她把握住了機會 Yeah, it's of course difficult, but it's part of the sport. And when you come back at this level, you know, after, I mean, two years off, you know it's not gonna be easy to deal with a lot of situations. That means I still have to work harder and see it as a big challenge. Like I said, I took this year as a year of transition, so of course it's hard. But in another way, it seems a bit normal. I'll just try to keep a lot of positive things and get focused on the future now. 這總是很艱難,不過這就是運動的一部份,當你回到這類的級別,在經歷兩年的離開後 其實不是很容易去處理這些狀況,這代表著我仍然需要更努力,正視這些挑戰 就像我說的,我將今年當做過度期,所以這些當然都是不容易的,不過換個角度來說, 這可能是正常的,我將會持續正向和更專注些 Q. How much have the weather conditions here over the past few days affected you mentally? It's such a wonderful surface, and to play out there when it's warm and it's sunny, now you have this weather to deal with. Does that have any impact on you? Q 過去幾天的天氣對你的精神上造成了多大的影響?晴天時,看起來是很適合打球的 這對你有什麼影響? JUSTINE HENIN: It hasn't been easy, of course, the last few days, to play so many days in a row, even if it's not full match, but stop and start again the day after and finish the match. Of course, the conditions haven't been the best that I knew here in Paris, but it's part of the game. It's the same for all the players, and I just did my best to, yeah, deal with the situation. But it's true that it hasn't been the best weather to play a good game here. But like I said, same for everyone. Emotionally, it was difficult to deal with all these matches, I mean, the two matches I had to stop and start again, especially against Sharapova emotionally probably took a lot from me. That wasn't easy to come back on the court today. 過去幾天是不太容易的,連續的出賽,即使不是打滿了整場,但斷斷續續的 當然天氣狀況不是我所知最好的時刻,不過這是比賽的一部份,對每個球員來說都是一樣 我只是要拿出最好的一面,面對這樣的情形 不過這真的不是個好天氣去打出一場好比賽,不過還是像我說的對每個人都一樣 情緒上來說,這真的很難去打每場比賽,我是指兩場比賽暫停了然後隔天再打 尤其是對Sharapova那場,可能花費了我許多心力,已至於今天不太容易能回到場上 Q. Samantha Stosur has been playing well. Sometimes players will come up and nibble around the edges, but they won't really maybe break through. Do you see her as potentially a real top 5 sort of player and contender at Grand Slams? Q Samantha打的很出色,有時後球員們會躍升的很快,但不一定能真的突破 妳覺淂她有潛力可以真正成為top 5的選手以及能夠成為大滿貫的競爭者嗎? JUSTINE HENIN: She has a lot of qualities. She really starts to be very consistent, especially on the clay. I mean, probably her best surface. She can do a lot of good things. 她擁有很多特質,她起步的非常平穩,尤其是在紅土上,這可能是她最好的特質 她可以做到許多好的事 (傳說中有答等於沒答) Q. You've actually been back now about for five months. So now, having got back into the circuit and had a look at it, are you still convinced that you can be as good as you once were before you took the break from the game? Q 妳已經回來了大概五個月,回到了這個圈子,你依舊相信你可以像過去一樣好嗎? (覺得這問題很尖銳) JUSTINE HENIN: Well, it's gonna take some time. I realize that. But I said it from the first minute, you know, I was back on the tour. Even if the ambitions are to, you know, do the best and really get better, I also said while it's not easy to come back, it's gonna take a little bit of time. There have been a lot of good things in the first five months of the season, but that's not easy. I mean, I knew 2010 would be difficult. I mean, even if in Australia I got very good results, you know, it was also the surprise, you know, to come back for the other players and everything. 我知道這可能需要些時間,不過我在一開始就說過,我回到了賽場上,即使野心依舊 要做到最好以及真正去改善它,但我也說回來不是件容易的事,需要點時間 在賽季的前五個月發生了許多不錯的事,但我知道2010會是辛苦的, 即使在澳網我取得非常好的成績,但那像是個驚喜,回來到這和面對其他球員之類的 After that, you have to confirm. We can see there are some ups and downs, and I think I mean, I knew it could happen. Now it's probably gonna be really the time that I'll have to, you know, just say, Well, it's now that I have to find, because there are difficult moments. I think I'm ready to do it. 在這之後必須去確認,出現的許多起伏,我的意思是我知道這會發生, 現在可能是時候去面對這些困難的時刻,我知道我已經準備好去做 Q. Is Sam Stosur mentally a tougher player than maybe the Australian media have given her credit for in the past? Q: Stosur是個心理素質不錯的球員嗎,比過去澳洲媒體給他的評價更高? JUSTINE HENIN: Well, she's like I said, she has a lot of qualities, and she improved a lot in the last few months, I would say. We can see she's in confidence, also. I think that she's very calm on the court, very quiet. You know, she invests a lot in her game. So very, very good player. 她擁有許多特質,在過去進個月進步很多,我會說,我們可以看見她更有信心, 而且我想她在場上十分的冷靜以及非常的安靜,她在比賽中付出很多, 是個相當好的球員! Q. Is it okay just to ask how you sort of see obviously her next match against Serena, both pretty powerful games? Q: 問Stosur下場與小威的對戰適當嗎?兩個相當強力網球的對決? JUSTINE HENIN: No, I have no idea about what's gonna happen now. (....的白話文↑) Q. You just came off the court. It's very hard to switch your perspective, but many of us won't see you for a while. What are your thoughts? What are your anticipations about Wimbledon? What did you think about it in the many months when you were gone? Is that your prime goal now, to win that title? Q: 妳才剛離開球場可能很難歸納觀點,但我們有大多數人都一陣子沒看到你 你對於溫布頓有什麼想法?在這幾個月去了哪裡?你的首要目標是贏得這個冠軍嗎? JUSTINE HENIN: Well, I mean, I don't want to predict anything. It's a difficult moment right now. The only thing I can say is that I'm gonna take a day or two days off and then start to work to get ready for Wimbledon and for the rest of the season, and just to work, you know, on my game and just to get better. 我不想要預設什麼事,現在對我來說是個艱難的時刻,唯一能說的是將會休息一或兩天 然後再繼續為溫網做準備以及剩下的賽季,就是努力於比賽然後更進步些 So in terms of what I'm gonna play before Wimbledon, I still have no idea about my plan. We gonna discuss a lot about that with my coach in the next two days. Yeah, I mean, like I said, I want to go as far as possible over there. But in 2010, it's probably a bit too early to say, Well, it's gonna be my goal to win it. There are so many things I have to work on, and we'll see what's gonna happen. 在我要去溫網前,我仍然沒什麼計畫,在接下來幾天我將會和我的教練討論 我會盡可能的去衝擊冠軍但在2010這可能還是太早了,不過我的目標就是去贏的比賽 有太多事等著我去努力,所以我們看看會發生什麼吧 (拜託不要再打伊斯特本熱身賽了) Q. But in your game, have you been working on strokes and technique in anticipation of grass play? JUSTINE HENIN: No, I just work on myself to improve. That's it. Q. You say it's a transition year, but when you came here, did you see yourself as a real possible champion this year in Roland Garros? Q: 妳說今年將是個過度,但當你回到這的時候你有覺得自己真的有可能在今年 拿下法網嗎? JUSTINE HENIN: No, I didn't feel it this way. I mean, all the expectations are coming from the outside, you know. Everyone wants to see me as the level that I was and to compete really, but the confidence I got, you know, in 2007, it took many years to be at that level in terms of, I mean, mental and confidence. 我沒有感覺到這方面的,我想大多數期望都來自於外界,每個人希望可以看見我來到 足以競爭的級別,但07年我所擁有的信心,是來自於很多年的累積, 我是指心理上以及信心 No, I was really here to play match after match, and that's what I did. I keep some positive things from this tournament, but I didn't consider myself as the favorite. If I could win one more match or two more matches you can start dreaming, but that is not the case anymore. 我只是在這打每一場比賽,這就是我所做的,在這個比賽保持一些正向的事, 不過我不認為自己是熱門的,如果我可以贏得了一兩場比賽就開始做夢, 但事實並非如此 Q. Do you still get an idea of how far you are from the others Justine that quit tennis? If you would play against that player right now, what would be the score, do you think? Q: 妳曾想過如果是那個從未離開的Justine可以走多遠呢,如果那個妳現在比賽 會有怎麼樣的成績? JUSTINE HENIN: Well, it's very tough question. I don't want to compare I mean, these two careers, because it's so different. I need some time now really to I mean, like I said, the player I was at that time, it took me so many years to be at that level, you know. And to come back physically and mentally and emotionally, you know, we can talk about nerves and having the nerves at the right moment when you have to be strong. But you don't used anymore to be in this kind of situation, so you have to start again. That takes some time, so it's very hard to compare. What's from the past is from the past. I have to move forward now. 這是個很困難的問題,我並不想去比較,應該說兩個不一樣的生涯,我知道我需要些時間 ,當時我花了很多時間,讓我變成那樣的等級,無論是生理或心理上,我們可以討論緊張 以及如果要變的更強就要讓緊張在對的時間發生。所以必須重新開始, 很難去比較過去跟現在,我必須要持續向前 Q. Having said that, it's been quite difficult and a transitional year. Does that make you think it's even more remarkable what Kim managed to achieve so soon after her comeback? Q:前面說過,這將是一個過度且艱辛的一年。這有讓你想過kim很快的在回歸後取得成功 是更為出色的? JUSTINE HENIN: Yeah, I mean, it was great what she did at the US Open, and I admired that a lot because I know how hard it is. I wasn't that far in Australia, but after that you have to confirm. We could see it wasn't that easy for the players, you know, that came back. After a few tournaments we can see ups and downs, and that's pretty normal, actually. 她在美網做的很好,我很敬佩此因為我知道那有多難,我在澳網沒走的那麼遠 不過你必須承認,那對球員來說是不容易的關於復出,經過一些賽事,我們可以看到 狀態起伏,事實上這相當正常 Q. I was wondering when you started practicing again? And also, you were just talking about nerves. Was that the issue on the first point of the last game when you had an open court and the short backhand? Q: 我想要知道什麼時候你會再次練習?你剛剛提到了緊張,在最後一局,當你擁有空檔 而反拍擊球較短,這是主要因素嗎? JUSTINE HENIN: Yeah, probably. But, you know, it's I mean, of course. Generally I haven't been in the position in the second and in the third to really put my game and, you know, being aggressive. She was in control of the rallies, and she was hurting me a lot with her forehand and her serve. But I think it's a bit more mental than talking about tennis, so that point is one point in the match that probably, yeah, tell us that I mean, the story of the match. When I'm gonna start practicing again? Was that the question? (哈 可能吧,在第二及第三局我真的有進入節奏,打的積極。而她控制了球路, 並以正拍及發球攻擊,但可能有一點是心理上大於技術上的,那一分也只是比賽的一分 Q. When did you start for your comeback? (老梗 JUSTINE HENIN: When did I start? In August last year. THE MODERATOR: Questions in French, please. Q. If we compare with the Stuttgart final, what did Samantha do better today to be able to defeat you? Q: 如果我們和Stuttgart決賽相比,Samantha今天做了什麼更好的讓她可以擊敗你 JUSTINE HENIN: Well, I think she was very consistent. She was very consistent. There's nothing to say about that. She just grabbed the opportunity. She took control over the rallies in the second and third sets. She really hurt me. 我想她非常的穩定,並把握住了機會,在二三盤控制了球路,那真的影響我 I was not in one of my best days, obviously. It's difficult to come to grips with that, but maybe it's showing me a few things. That's what I think is positive. I know now the road still ahead of me. Today I was against an opponent who was stronger, more consistent, stronger when she needed to be stronger in the important times of the match. I did not start off too badly. I was doing what I was supposed to do. But then afterwards, there was always aggressiveness missing. It means that I still have to work a lot, quite simply. 我只是不在最好的狀態,很難去述說但也許可以讓我知道一些事,我依然是積極的, 而旅程仍在我面前,今天我面對的是一個強勢穩定的對手,我的開局並不糟,我就是 做我該做的,但接著失去了侵略性,我想這就代表我需要更努力一些,僅此而已 Q. When exactly did you feel that things were changing in your game? Q: 你有確切感受到比賽中有什麼改變了嗎? JUSTINE HENIN: Very early in the second set. She was leading 3 0. My nerves were simply not strong enough today. I felt very nervous, very upset, which is normally not the way I am. 在第二盤,她3-0領先時,我的神經不夠大條來面對今天的比賽,我感到十分緊張, 很煩惱,那不是過去我會有的反應 You know, the last few days have not been easy either, and playing all those matches back to back was not easy. This teaches me a lesson. I lost a lot of energy at the beginning of the tournament, and maybe today I was feeling some nervous fatigue. Maybe that nervous fatigue prevented me from seeing things in a calmer way. But, yes, I felt right from the beginning of the second set that the match was turning. 過去幾天不太容易,連續打了很多比賽,這給了我些經驗,在賽事的前頭我失去了 許多精力,也許今天我感到有些緊張跟疲勞。而看不見平常所看見的。 我確實感受到第二盤的前頭是比賽的轉戾點 Q. And the ball into the net, is that the turning point? Q 當球沒有掛網,那是轉戾點嗎? JUSTINE HENIN: She was serving at 5 4, but, you know, you don't win or lose a match in one point. I think she deserved to win, full stop. That point did not make the difference. I could have been more conquering much earlier in the match. It was too late by now to overturn the situation, so I would not say that that was the key to the match. She quite simply was better than me. 那局是5-4,但你不會因為一分就贏或輸,這是她應得的勝利 那分不會造成什麼改變,我本來可以更早就掌握比賽,不過現在要推翻那情況已經這太晚了 所以我不會說那是個關鍵,她就只是比我好而已 Q. What are the feelings today for you? Frustration? Disappointment? Q: 今天有什麼感覺?挫敗?失望? JUSTINE HENIN: It's not an easy time for me. It's always difficult to lose, especially in a place as much as I love Roland Garros, without having been able to show your best tennis. 這對我來說不容易,輸總是很艱難的,尤其是我如此喜愛法網,而沒有表現出最好的一面 But that's part of my life. I mean, I'm a high level athlete. I've never had to manage difficult moments like this in my first career. I have to come to grips with it. I have to work on it. But I'm prepared to do it. This will be my objective for the near future. I will consider this as a challenge. I'm going to work a lot. As I said, I will leave here with some very positive lessons. It shows me that the road is still long. If I succeed to do it, then it will be useful for the future. 但這就是生活的一部份,我是指,我是個專業的運動員,在第一次的生涯, 我從未遇過如此艱難的時刻,不過我已經準備好去處理,在不久的將來這就是我的目標 我會將它視為一個挑戰,更努力的去做。在離開的時候我得到了些積極的經驗, 它讓我發現未來的路還很長,如果我做到了,那麼在未來將會是有用的 Q. Maybe a high level tennis is one thing, but managing defeat would be more useful for you. I mean, you don't really learn to manage defeat, but you were talking about being nervous. Is this more difficult to manage? Q:高級別的賽事是一回事,但面對輸球也許會更有幫助,我是指你沒有真正的去學習 面對輸球,你剛剛談到了緊張,這更困難去處理嗎? JUSTINE HENIN: Well, yes, this is not the right time to talk about tennis. It's all about learning to go for it at the right time, do what is necessary to win, and maybe this is what is lacking right now for me. It will take time. I'm quite aware of it, but I'm not going to give up. That, I can promise. 這不是個對的時間,去討論技術層面,這是關於學著在對的時間,要做些什麼而去贏 我想那也許是現在我所缺乏的。這需要時間,但我不會因此放棄,我可以保證 Q. Two finals, Brisbane and the Australian Open, so you're at the top level immediately. But maybe wasn't that a bit negative for today's result? Q: 兩個決賽,Brisbane和澳網,所以你很快的回到了頂尖的行列,但今天的結果 是否有些負面? JUSTINE HENIN: Well, yes, I'm back at top level, but I was missing something. Maybe I could have pulled it through there. But on the other hand, when you come back, you're euphoric; the other players are surprised. So it all adds up. You can come back at the top level, and yet experience some very difficult times. I think we should not overreact now. I should simply set my ambitions where they're supposed to be, knowing my current capacities and knowing that it takes time to come back to your full self. 我的確是回到了這個行列,但我失去了些東西,或許我可以就讓它過去,但換個角度 當你回來時你是很開心的,而其他球員顯得驚喜 所以總歸來說,你可以回到頂尖,但遇到些艱難的時刻。我想我們不應該太過度反應 我應該就我現有的能力簡單的設置目標,了解需要時間才能回到完整的我 Q. What can we hope for in Wimbledon? How do you analyze your situation vis a vis this tournament right now? Q:我們能夠在溫網期待什麼?你如何分析妳自己在此次比賽的表現 JUSTINE HENIN: Well, I just walked off the court. It's not easy to provide such an answer. I will try to have fun in Wimbledon. In the meantime, I'm going to work, do my best, and then I'm simply going to try and seize the moment and we'll see what happens. 我才剛走出了球場,要提供這樣的答案好像不太容易,我會試著在溫網得到些樂趣 在此期間,我會努力工作,然後把握著當下,再看看會發生些什麼 Q. The match against Sharapova, did that take a lot of emotion, energy away from you emotionally? And when you come back to competition, isn't the most difficult aspect that you have to play matches back to back? Q: 面對莎娃是否花了太多精力,當你重回球場時, 最困難的地方是否在於你需要連續出賽? JUSTINE HENIN: Absolutely. Maybe a day off would have been welcome, considering the emotions I've been through in the last few days. But there's nothing for it. Yesterday's tension was just receding when I had to increase my attention again to face today's match. So that was not easy to manage, and probably did not manage it correctly. It shows that I still have to work on it. Yes, playing matches back to back is difficult when you've not done this for some time. 當然,也許中間有一天休息會更好,但考慮到過去幾天通過比賽的情緒,沒有關於此的 昨天才剛消退緊張,今天就必須要集中注意力以面對比賽,這是不容易去處理的, 也許我沒有正確的去處理。那證明了我應該要堅持,當然連續打比賽是很辛苦的, 當你已經一段時間不這樣做 Q. It's like a small sparkle today that was missing? JUSTINE HENIN: Yes. Q. Two years off the courts. Everybody talks about the mental capacity, but is it possible to come back to the same physical fitness, physical condition that you had before you stopped playing? Q 離開球場兩年,每個人都開始討論心理素質,但那有可能,復出時是與還沒停止打球時 擁有相同的身體條件? JUSTINE HENIN: Yes, yes. I think that is not the issue. Of course. It means a lot of work and things I still have to work on, but I do not believe that the issue is my fitness. It has more to do with challenging difficult times and considering this as a challenge. But I have to invest on this work. I have to be consistent, rigorous, and it cannot be done overnight. I've already changed a lot in several aspects, but I have to continue working. But no, my physical condition is not the issue. I'm not worried about that. 是的,我認為這不是問題,當然那代表很多工作需要去做,不過我不認為問題 會是在我的體能,會有很多具有挑戰性的事,不過我必須投入到工作,我需要更穩定 更嚴謹,但無法一天就達成,我已經改變很多方面,但我依舊要持續工作,我的身體狀況 不是問題,我並不擔心 -- 法網好快就說掰掰 我們下個賽事再會( ̄﹏ ̄|||) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
blossomleave:推翻譯 謝謝foot大 法網辛苦了~~~這些訪問都好長XD 06/01 15:45
singlecolor:刁鑽的記者們竟然沒問摔拍 算了~ Ju鬥志依舊最重要!! 06/01 15:49
blossomleave:when she needed to be stronger in the important 06/01 15:52
blossomleave:times 大推這句 網球真的是打關鍵分的比賽 06/01 15:52
football:那個老梗的問題讓我好傻眼 什麼時候復出 = = 06/01 15:53
blossomleave:前天和Sha那場第三盤要是那3BP沒救回來 可能就很不妙 06/01 15:54
blossomleave:真的好老梗XD 06/01 15:54
blossomleave:打這種高強度的比賽 就算贏了也會有被掏空的感覺 06/01 15:55
blossomleave:情緒真的很累 不過我相信今年最後還是會有好結局的 06/01 15:56
a9a99:感覺狀態比年初澳網更不好 期待溫網了 06/01 16:03
blossomleave:第六頁的記者蠻貼心的XD 還會替選手想一下 06/01 16:03
pliuo321:每年到了這個時候就要推→不要去打伊斯特本拜託!!!!! 06/01 17:00
AlexisK:根據ju的官網顯示,下一站就是排溫網了~沒有熱身賽 06/01 18:25
AlexisK:我覺得這樣也很好~反正今年是transition year 06/01 18:26
AlexisK:就試試看不打熱身賽直接進軍溫網可以走多遠 06/01 18:26
AlexisK:說不定就一舉拿下大盤子~嘿嘿 06/01 18:27
wentasu:未完賽的兩天根本無法好好入睡吧 第二盤的發球就像鬼打牆 06/01 19:16
wentasu:這是很典型體力不濟之下產生的狀況 其實莎娃那場兩盤結束 06/01 19:16
wentasu:今天結果就會不一樣了 但最近起伏很大 繼續加油吧 06/01 19:17
gn02174082:Ju加油!!既然是過度年的話就平常心以對吧,說不定能收 06/01 20:50
gn02174082:獲更多的。今早也發現官網賽程決定直接打溫了,該說是 06/01 20:50
gn02174082:個好的決定?不過還是希望能多打些比賽熱身重回2.3年前 06/01 20:51
gn02174082:的最好狀態...。哀,比起Kim或Hingis來說好像復出之路 06/01 20:51
gn02174082:比較難走些...,不過關關難過關關過,樂觀以對這就是Ju 06/01 20:52
gn02174082:帶給我們的精神吧。 06/01 20:52
MerciDanke:Ju 還是不忘稱讚對手 或許失敗總是令人難過 ... 06/01 21:34
MerciDanke:但是我想她復出 不是只是為了追求勝利 ~~~ 06/01 21:34
MerciDanke:也希望 JuJu 能好好利用這段時間休息和努力 06/01 21:35
football:溫網中間應該是還不確定吧 不太可能都不打熱身賽 06/01 21:50
MerciDanke:我也希望至少打一場熱身賽 去適應一下草地球場吧 06/01 21:51
football:但我還是覺得她會去打伊斯特本 (倒 06/01 21:59
MerciDanke:orz .... 伊斯特本 讓我想起某年和 MoMo 的纏鬥 冏 06/01 22:05
arcticircle:Hingis復出成績沒Ju好吧!大滿貫最佳只進到八強而已 06/01 22:05
MerciDanke:沒錯 不過 Hingis 也至少打進年終賽八強了 .... 06/01 22:07
football:我想如果問題在於心理的話其實就靜觀其變吧 06/01 22:17
football:多打幾場比賽也許信心就回來些了 06/01 22:17
Homeshadow:現在支持戴娃拿法網XD 06/01 22:20
injeopar:hingis復出排名最高有到6不是嗎 06/01 22:25
lolancelot:記者沒問Ju摔拍的事 倒問Stosur.. 06/01 22:29
nasaharris:我也支持戴娃拿法網, 溫網留給JU~ 06/01 22:31
football:這是我看這麼久以來第一次看到摔拍@@ 06/01 22:35
football:應該說人性化的一面? 哈 06/01 22:35
MerciDanke:摔拍的話 其他球員好像也摔過 Kim, Petrova, Z娃 都有 06/01 22:41
football:說看到ju摔拍 06/01 22:45
football:光以前看Safin打球 都看摔拍看到不想看啦 06/01 22:46
arcticircle:Hingis有到6..在強力網球的時代我覺得滿難得的 06/02 00:46
pliuo321:深夜可以閒聊嗎XD 我現在睡不著跑去看了前幾年的推文 06/02 01:07
pliuo321:有莫名的感動好像我又再次回味當時比賽有多緊張了 06/02 01:07
pliuo321:然後又覺得轉眼之間時間過好快我現在都要畢業了Q_Q 06/02 01:08
blossomleave:是阿時間真的好快~~~~我還是很難忘2007時的美網 06/02 02:23
blossomleave:未來一定還有更多感動的時刻 因為Ju是偉大的冠軍 06/02 02:24
blossomleave:看她有起有落 感覺好像自己也經歷很多喜怒哀樂 06/02 02:25
injeopar:跟樓上b大一樣難忘07年美網 當時半夜爬起來看跟大威的對 06/02 16:12
injeopar:決超精彩 現在回想起來不知道ju有沒有辦法再現07年那麼強 06/02 16:13
injeopar:勢的顛峰狀態 06/02 16:14
Homeshadow:我記得她好像有摔過拍吧 06/02 17:32
pliuo321:應該有摔過 我有印象看過 06/02 17:56
football:那大概也忘的差不多 畢竟也看了不少想摔遙控器的比賽(菸 06/02 19:43
Homeshadow:我記得2007年年終決賽打莎娃,第一盤最後因為打到拍框 06/02 19:55
Homeshadow:而丟掉之後,有摔拍的樣子XD 06/02 19:55
Musrienport:你在摔拍 我有遙控器可摔(茶) 06/02 20:08
pliuo321:哈哈哈我忘記是哪一場 記得當時還覺得有夠新奇不停重播XD 06/02 20:31
blossomleave:遙控器XDD 06/02 20:54
MerciDanke:Stosur 打敗小威了 ~~~ 今天小威發球依然強勁 @@ 06/02 22:36
Musrienport:哈哈 是很暢快嗎=3= 06/02 22:38
football:ju看Stosur很準 只是她自己╮(﹀_﹀")╭ 06/02 22:38
mitiemu:既然打敗HENIN,你就只能贏不能輸 ˋ__ˊ"(怒吼 06/02 22:39
football:不過撇開ju輸球T.T Stosur是會讓人想要幫她加油的球員 06/02 22:40
a609248:Stosur巴掉小威讓我安慰一點了...但是神仙姐姐小心一點阿~ 06/02 22:40
Musrienport:逐漸有感受到最近為啥會這麼威的原因了=3= 06/02 22:41
ashin1069:一心只希望打敗Ju的都只能是最後冠軍+1 XD 06/03 05:56
wentasu:Sam很強 現在真的很有機會 戴娃也要加油阿 06/03 06:18
pliuo321:八掉小威了喔!??! 哇塞哇塞....加油!!!!!!!Q_Q 06/03 10:24
Musrienport:嗚~戴娃也謎樣出局了 今年是怎樣啦ˊˋ 06/03 21:36
MerciDanke:Schiavone 也創下個人大滿貫最好成績了 ~~~ 06/03 21:41
football:完全沒想到鳳姐會打到最後 戴娃T.T Stosur真的好over 06/03 22:54
leetaka:Stosur闖進決賽 覺得Ju算輸的不冤了@@a 06/03 22:55
football:以Stosur這幾場的狀態 還蠻有能力挑戰這幾個冠軍的 06/03 22:57
football:即使是她們狀態不錯的時候 06/03 22:57
kades:Stosur真的狀態好到誇張…Orz 06/03 23:00
Musrienport:Stosur 到底是怎麼在一年內變身的 06/03 23:00
football:我喜歡她的無敵正拍:$ 喜歡程度大概快追上ju的反拍@@ 06/03 23:02
singlecolor:斯圖特加還看不出個所以然 差不多一個月後就爆氣了 06/03 23:10
kades:對呀!到底是怎麼變身的…好像浩克突然變那麼強大… 06/03 23:21
shvji:贊同足大!!她的正拍讓人好動心!! 06/03 23:22
kades:她的正拍真的太可怕…橫掃三個世界第一… 06/03 23:24
a609248:法網過後應該會出現很多粉絲XD 06/03 23:28
shvji:看來她真的挺有魅力,拍調我們的HENIN,仍然挺支持她奪冠 06/03 23:30
Musrienport:從去年Osaka 後莫名爆衝 她還在我觀察名單內= = 06/03 23:32
Musrienport:崛起地實在太不可思議了 毫無徵兆 06/03 23:32
singlecolor:不過既然曾是雙打皇后 想必潛質一定不錯 06/03 23:35
ashin1069:雖說Henin表現不是完美 但Sam真的很強 希望她冠軍 :P 06/04 05:46