看板 Henin 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.facebook.com/pages/Justine-Henin-Official-page/353706170093 Again physical issues… ;-( I’m truly sad that I won’t play the Best of Belgium with Kim on July 8th. This special moment was really important for me but my health has decided otherwise… Thanks to all of you for your understanding and your support. See you soon for new adventures! 超爛英文之不負責翻譯: 又是因為身體情況。我對於不能參加與Kim在7/8所進行的比利時大戰感到很傷心, 雖然這一刻對我來說真的非常重要但是畢竟我的身體情況說了算。感謝妳們所有的 支持和體諒。希望很快會在新的冒險中見到大家。 -------------------------------------------------------- 這一篇是在臉書中比較早公佈的,而上一篇「Injury」則是比較晚公佈的, 所以綜合下來看Ju最後的決定應該是還是會出席比利時大戰....。 (有點不太懂身體情況不好為什麼最後還是決定要參加, 或者會以只露面(present)而非參加(play)的方式進行? 還是說為了好不容易和Kim修補起來的關係所以只好硬撐出席~"~) 這幾天心情已經非常糟了(Ju溫網出局、費拔也意外出局), 又突然來個這麼讓人shock的消息,今年我還要看著你捧美網和年終球后哪>< 那一摔所帶來的後續問題應該連Ju自己都無法預料..., 休息這麼久的話今年到現在培養的手感也要說掰掰了...。 今年就這樣結束了...。 -- I guess I could be pretty pissed off about what happened to me, but it's hard to stay mad when there's so much beauty in the world. Sometimes I feel like I'm seeing it all at once and it's too much. My heart fills up like a balloon that's about to burst. And then I remember to relax and stop trying to hold on to it. And then it flows through me like rain, and I can't feel anything but gratitude... for every single moment... of my stupid little life. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: gn02174082 來自: (07/02 07:24)
Racheliu:應該就是只會出席不會比賽~~~ 07/02 09:53
soulstream:溫網Ju出局,Rogi也出局, 心情真的很down... 07/02 15:53
gn02174082:看著其他WTA選手們夏季硬地的Schedule紛紛出爐,哀... 07/02 18:58
Musrienport:我們也有使該揪啊 withdraw, withdraw, withdraw..lol 07/02 19:01
blossomleave:XDDD 07/03 15:23
jhlove:她會不會跟很多選手一樣一直退賽到退休?! 07/03 22:53
adorable:樓上你夠了沒? 07/03 23:33
jhlove:Seles...Capriati...Davenport...一個一個都這樣!很過份 07/04 15:09
bluefunky:所以樓上你的意思...... 過份啥... 07/05 23:59