看板 Henin 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://tinyurl.com/4cy5zjl Justine Henin - 21.01.11 Friday, 21 January, 2011 Start of Transcribed Interview Q. A bit of a disappointing result. What was the difference between the two of you? Q: 這是個失望的結果,你們之間的差異是? JUSTINE HENIN: Well, of course it's disappointing to lose like this. She is just been better than me, especially in the important moments. I got some opportunities in the second set to come back, but I never really took the lead in this match. I was really too far. I never took the good opportunities and she was much more aggressive than me. So that made a big difference. 當然,像這樣輸球是令人失望的,她就是比我好,尤其是在重要時刻。 第二盤我有了些機會可以扳回,可是在這場比賽,我沒有真正的領先過,離那太遠了 我沒有把握住好的機會,還有她比我更加積極,所以這些造就了很大的不同 Q. You dominated her in the past. Does that make it even more disappointing? Did you think you had her? Q: 過去交手的比賽總是由你主導,這會造成更多的失望嗎?(後面是什麼鬼) JUSTINE HENIN: The past is the past. I have to be focus on what happened today. I knew it was another match, another situation for both of us. So I wasn't feeling confident because I did beat her many times. I knew it could be a tough match, and it has been for me. 過去都過去了,我必須要更專注於現在發生的。我知道這是另一場比賽, 對我們兩個都是不一樣的情況。所以我並不覺得信心十足,因為我們對決很多次 我知道這可能是場艱苦的比賽,一直如此。 Q. Did you sense a vulnerability in her? She was serving for the match twice and then it goes to tiebreak. There were several match points there as well. Q: 你有發現到她的罩門嗎?她有了兩次的賽末發球局,然而比賽走進了tiebreak 以及出現了幾個賽末點 JUSTINE HENIN: Yeah, I felt she got bit nervous at that time and I had nothing anymore to lose. So just went for my chances. It was a bit better at the end, but not enough, as I served a few double faults in the tiebreak and did a couple of yeah, too many mistakes today and not enough winners and chances that I could take. So it wasn't good enough to win that match. 是的。我有感覺到她那時有些緊張,而我沒什麼可輸的,所以那是我的機會 在最後有比較好了,但還是不夠,我在搶七發出了一些雙誤(吐血) 在比賽中也有,太多的失誤以及沒有足夠的致勝球和機會,讓我可以贏得比賽 Q. You double faulted nine times. What was that about? Was your arm troubling you again today? Q: 你今天發了9次雙誤(!!!)這個是跟什麼有關呢,你的手臂今天又陷入麻煩了嗎? JUSTINE HENIN: Well, there are no excuse about that. I know in what condition I go on the court, so I have to, yeah, to don't take any excuse about that. Because I just it wasn't that easy for me today; it wasn't the best day I've had in my career so far. I hope next time it's going to be better. 我想對此是沒有藉口的,在比賽前我就知道這個狀況,但還是得上場,所以不能將任何 理由加諸在這,今天對我並不容易,這不是我生涯中最好的一天,希望下一次會更好。 Q. Now that you look at the rest of the draw, in reference especially to Sam Stosur and Kim, who do you like for the title next weekend? Q: 現在讓你看剩下來的人尤其是Sam和Kim,你會選誰成為大滿貫得主?(白目的問題) JUSTINE HENIN: You know, I just come off the court just losing, so I'm not really concerned at the moment about what's going to happen. It's still very open. I really don't know. 你知道,我才剛結束了一場輸球的比賽,所以現在我真的不太關心會發生什麼 這些依然呈現自由競爭的狀態,所以我不知道。 Q. You said there are no excuses. Fully understood, but you were wearing a strapping on the elbow. It's not a big question for us. Q: 你說這是沒有藉口的,但你在手肘上纏上了裹傷膠帶 JUSTINE HENIN: I know I'm not 100%. I knew it before walking on the court. That's why I say there are no excuses. I decided to play not being 100%. It's been difficult in the last three days on my elbow and I just did everything that I could that it will be okay, but it wasn't enough. I think Svetlana played a good match. She has been really much more aggressive than me, coming a lot to the net and going for the winners. She has, yeah, all the credit today. 我在比賽前就知道我不是完全的準備好,但這就是為什麼我說這是毫無藉口的 因為我決定在這樣的狀態下打比賽,在過去三天,對我的手肘來說是非常艱難的 我做了任何可以讓它變好的事,但顯然還不夠 我想Kuz打了一場出色的比賽,她比我更具積極性,多次上網並取得致勝球 她佔據了今天所有的優勢。 Q. Been six months since you injured the elbow. Are you surprised it's taken so long to get it right again? Q: 你的手肘已經受傷六個月了,你曾經驚訝它過了這麼久都還沒好嗎? JUSTINE HENIN: It is long, yeah, but I knew it could be long. Also could be home this week and I was here to compete. Not at my best yet, but I think I did a lot of improvement in the last few months. I knew it was serious problem. It's not the end yet. I will have to be patient. 是很漫長,但我知道它會這麼久也可能會讓我這禮拜就回家,我在這裡沒有表現出 最好的一面,不過在過去的幾個月我已經取得很多的進步,我知道這是個嚴重的問題, 而它還沒有結束,我只是需要耐心點。 Q. So if this wasn't a Grand Slam, would you have delayed your comeback a bit longer? Q: 所以如果這不是大滿貫,你會選擇延後復出嗎? JUSTINE HENIN: I don't know. I don't know. Yeah, it's important to come back and to play, to make my arm stronger; in another way, it's not that easy to you don't compete at your best. But it's a choice, and I made that one. I think it was still a good one. 我不知道,讓我的手臂變強壯,再重新回來打比賽都是重要的事,另一方面來說 以不是最好的狀態打比賽不是件容易的事,但這就只是個選擇,而我選了這個 所以我想這依然是個好的決定 FastScripts by ASAP Sports --- 雖然比賽內容很讓人崩潰 但justine知道自己在幹嘛就好了 她做了這選擇,而球迷也只能支持她了! Always Support to you 傷不好真的也無法再繼續要求什麼:s 所以請好好養傷 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
gn02174082:記者問一堆怪問題....,這傷真的好久好久都還沒復原 01/21 14:57
gn02174082:只能說慢慢來吧.... 01/21 14:57
singlecolor:後面應該是問Ju 賽前是否覺得能搞定她 01/21 14:59
singlecolor:其實比分也蠻接近的 只是傷勢仍是隱憂 01/21 15:00
mcpclare:推f大神人翻譯 真的很快速阿!! 希望ju自己有設定目標就好 01/21 15:01
football:感謝 我現在腦袋空空的 哈 01/21 15:01
mcpclare:新浪網評論一面倒唱衰..麻煩Comeback Queen跌破他們眼鏡 01/21 15:02
singlecolor:新浪網大多數的評論 老實說 不值得參考 01/21 15:03
singlecolor:都是隨風起舞 危言聳聽罷了 01/21 15:03
football:自己翻就是不想看大陸新聞拉 反正唱衰又不用花本錢 01/21 15:03
football:評論這種東西 每個人都有自己的意見但我們還是要去判斷 01/21 15:04
football:這種時候就只能艱辛的繼續支持她了 01/21 15:04
mcpclare:回si大f大 還好ju看不懂中文阿 哈哈哈!! 01/21 15:04
gn02174082:推樓上諸位,只能說黎明來臨之前必有黑暗呀... 01/21 15:07
hioat609:我也相信是受傷造成的~希望能趕快百分之百好起來!!加油~ 01/21 15:19
hioat609:到現在不太敢相信Ju會出局..剛剛午睡起來以為是夢....... 01/21 15:30
hioat609:剛剛看到WTA標題放Ju離場的背影..看到我眼睛都酸了...... 01/21 15:38
counterpunch:亂入一下..我覺得啦 Henin復出後狀態和以前差滿多的 01/21 15:41
counterpunch:或許粉絲們也要降低期待比較好 畢竟她也不年輕了 01/21 15:42
counterpunch:又常受傷復出 來來回回很難找回以前的狀態 01/21 15:43
singlecolor:我覺得只是傷勢造成的起伏 看她復出後的勝率之高 01/21 15:48
singlecolor:就證明年齡不是問題 尤其在女網 這因素影響並不大 01/21 15:49
linlingraf07:推翻譯!另推勇敢堅強的Ju,希望手傷快快好~~ 01/21 15:49
gn02174082:(淚目敲碗)我們要健康的Ju !! 01/21 16:03
counterpunch:年齡和體能對強攻型的或許不是問題,但對Henin這種以 01/21 16:07
counterpunch:腳程精準打法來說,腳步到不到位差很多 01/21 16:08
football:客觀地來說,她現在體能應該無法到頂尖 01/21 16:11
football:但慎選比賽 好好養體力 把傷勢也養好 01/21 16:11
football:在現在的女網應該還是可以有一番作為的 01/21 16:11
football:很難以去判斷,今天的跑不到位是哪種問題 01/21 16:12
football:她現在的確沒有過去的主宰力,但也不至於連期待都無法 01/21 16:13
singlecolor:現在談年齡啊體能啊都還太早 她是我見過心智最強大 01/21 16:17
singlecolor:的女人耶 你以為鐵血女皇叫假的啊 XD 01/21 16:17
singlecolor:如果四十歲的伊達公子都能靠著打點 擊敗一堆種子 01/21 16:20
singlecolor:對比她年輕個十來歲的紅土女皇來說 當然更不是問題 01/21 16:20
counterpunch:Henin令人敬佩 不過我認為WTA心理最強大還是小威XD 01/21 16:32
counterpunch:伊達的標準和Henin不一樣吧? Henin對自己的期許是大 01/21 16:33
counterpunch:滿貫奪冠 而不是偶爾擊敗個種子 01/21 16:34
singlecolor:小威發球失靈就等於沒得玩了 Henin落後好幾局還能 01/21 16:38
singlecolor:屢次上演逆轉勝 所以我覺得她的心智更強 01/21 16:38
singlecolor:還有伊達可不是偶爾擊敗而已喔 當然這只是個反證 01/21 16:39
redzon:小威就算什麼都失靈 大滿慣還是有可能奪冠的 因為鋼鐵意志 01/21 17:41
redzon:以前我覺得小威、海寧、莎娃都有鋼鐵意志 現在只剩小威了 01/21 17:42
football:只能說不管喜歡與否,該承認的就是得承認 她的意志可怕 01/21 17:43
singlecolor:= =a 其實我沒否認捏 只是想表達逆轉勝對我的震撼 01/21 17:48
singlecolor:比較大而已這樣 01/21 17:48
counterpunch:沒錯 以前我覺得小威、Henin和莎娃意志力應該不分上 01/21 17:49
counterpunch:下 但現在小威是遠遠凌駕其他人之上 01/21 17:50
counterpunch:反觀Henin和莎娃在這方面都退步了 01/21 17:51
singlecolor:這個...我指的是全盛時期 01/21 17:52
singlecolor:以後是未知數~ 01/21 17:53
football:我是在說我自己拉 關於"不管喜歡與否"XD 01/21 18:05
football:我想傷勢對這兩人的確有不少的影響,不過這也不是藉口拉 01/21 18:06
football:就靜觀其變吧 01/21 18:06
※ 編輯: football 來自: (01/21 18:08)
singlecolor:推靜觀其變~ XD 01/21 18:20
lifehi:小威關鍵時刻鋼鐵意志 異於常人 很恐怖 01/21 19:10
counterpunch:小威也很常上演逆轉勝戲碼 落後時不慌亂 而且我覺得 01/21 19:12
counterpunch:她碰到對手MP時好像更興奮XDD 01/21 19:13
singlecolor:大威退賽 現在Euro sport在重播Ju的比賽 01/21 19:26
lifehi:我根本不敢看重播 = = 01/21 19:32
redzon:nono,no重播 01/21 20:23
singlecolor:看到Ju怒吼了耶 01/21 20:33
singlecolor:唉呀呀 最後那個雙誤真是要命 有機會拿下第二盤的 01/21 20:49
football:到最後只有發球,一路走來始終如一( ′-`)y-~ 01/21 21:00
linlingraf07:發球我覺得還是身高的關係耶!so我只求少雙誤,穩一點 01/21 21:03
linlingraf07:好好養傷~~法網機會還是頗大的,加油!! 01/21 21:05
hioat609:一直到現在還是無法接受事實..剛剛看到重播看一點就關了 01/22 02:51
hioat609:他真的是我2003年開始看網球以來最喜歡的網球選手!! 01/22 02:51
hioat609:今天這樣真的很失望也祈求老天拜託讓她傷趕快好... 01/22 02:52
hioat609:今天降讓我很焦慮會不會之後都看不到他拿大滿貫了... 01/22 02:53
hioat609:一直覺得很感傷...畢竟在看可能也沒幾年了...加油Henin!! 01/22 02:54
hioat609:我還是相信你可以拿大滿貫的不管幾座~但我最希望你永遠 01/22 02:55
hioat609:健康!!! 01/22 02:55
hioat609:還有看到大威這樣也覺得很不忍(雖然不是他球迷)..畢竟她 01/22 02:57
hioat609:跟Ju是同期選手...很無奈又滿30歲了~看到大威不知道為什 01/22 02:58
hioat609:麼讓我更焦慮了.....我也希望Ju能有小威的鋼鐵般意志~因 01/22 02:59
hioat609:為擁有最好的技術畢竟不夠的...Henin加油加油永遠支持你! 01/22 03:01
counterpunch:國外主播說Henin這場拍頭速度出不來,所以推測肘傷 01/22 17:26
counterpunch:有影響到揮拍..Henin她自己不是也是在訪問時說影響她 01/22 17:28
counterpunch:3天了,所以應該是上一輪跟Baltacha打時傷有加劇吧 01/22 17:29
counterpunch:養好傷應該還是大有可為吧 只是要耐心等待就是了 01/22 17:31
a9a99:那一摔真的不得了 還是需要時間恢復 失誤真的太多了 01/23 21:44
wentasu:肘傷應該是R1就在影響 R3這場好多機會都沒掌握 攻擊掛網 01/25 09:54