看板 Hsinchu 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《eric ()》之銘言: : 連結整理: : 行政院長信箱 http://0rz.net/961DR : 新竹市警察局長信箱 [email protected] : 行政院警政署長信箱 [email protected] : 新竹市長信箱 http://www0.hccg.gov.tw/apsys/cl/cl102_edit.cfm?type_no=41 : &mcn=%AD%BA%AA%F8%AB%C7&mdn=ou=0000,ou=hccg000,o=hccg,c=tw : 教育部部長 : 內政部部長 http://service.moi.gov.tw/ecss/bin/ite001q1.asp : 如果有板友還有連結可以提供 請幫忙repost上來~ : --- : 再幫推一下 : 我也寄一封到院長的信箱囉 : 大家一起一人一信吧 目的是希望有關單位能迅速處理,要不然事情會"很大條"的. Dear Sir, The motorcycle gang has been a serious problem for the citizens in Hsinchu city recently. The gang generates a lot of terrors on the streets by speeding and chaosing the strrets, and killing people. They have been significantly threatening people's life everywhere in Hsinchu. Unfortunately, the local government and the police haven't been able to solve this security problem. The inability of local government puts every citizen's life in jeopardy and put themselves in violating the laws which protects good citizens who paying the income tax. It is also a huge shame that this kind of things happen in Hsinchu which represents the image of Taiwan's high-techs in the world. It is important to let you know that if the problem continues to rise, it will be likely reported soon on the international news channels such as CNN, CBS, NBC, and etc. It is definitely a slashing face on Taiwan. Sincerely regards, A good international citizen -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
sapporo:你要考慮到不是每個人都看的懂英文........ 09/17 08:39
GGing:他的祕書應該會翻成中文再給他看吧 09/17 11:31
lorance:2擔心的是,懶得翻,就刪掉 09/17 11:44
CestLaV:擔心的是,,,翻譯軟體翻... 09/17 16:31
Rhymer:啊...希望新竹治安問題能引起CNN等媒體的注意^^ 09/17 22:51
piggywu:最好把Science Park加進去,forward給矽谷的公司.. 09/18 00:22
※ 編輯: looklight 來自: (09/18 04:01)
smiletomysel: 已徵滿 08/26 22:48