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※ 引述《eslite12 (recta sequi)》之銘言:
eslite12:之前中時有篇關於俄亥俄的文章"翻"得不錯 不知您有看否? 11/09 00:35
burdette:下次一樣會支持原來的政黨一樣的道理 11/09 00:35
burdette:請問是第幾篇? 11/09 00:36
我沒找到 如果OP請版主D一下 2006.11.01  中國時報 美期中選 共和黨勝負指標:俄州、普萊斯 尹德瀚 十一月七日的美國期中選舉,俄亥俄州可能再度成為左右民主與共和兩黨誰勝誰敗的最大 關鍵。英國《泰晤士報》說,如果有一個政治人物和一個州,足代表布希總統和其共和黨 今年所面對的各種問題,那就是俄亥俄州與其選出的聯邦眾議員黛博拉.普萊斯。二○○ 四年美國總統大選時,布希如果沒拿下俄亥俄州,就輸了選舉。俄亥俄州選前被視為最難 分出勝負的一州,結果布希以得票率五一%贏了民主黨凱瑞的四九%,而在普萊斯眾議員 的第十五選區,布希與凱瑞的得票平分秋色。整體而言,俄亥俄州目前是共和黨的天下, 兩席聯邦參議員都屬共和黨,十八席聯邦眾議員有十二席屬共和黨,州級的公職包括州長 和檢察長等也全屬共和黨。過去從未有共和黨的總統候選人能在輸掉俄亥俄州的情形下入 主白宮。普萊斯眾議員所屬的十五選區,則是以俄亥俄州首府哥倫布市為主,哥倫布市是 座最典型的美國城市,其選民結構包括大學生、中產階級和拉美裔移民。普萊斯以往在這 個選區可說是無往不利,目前係六連任眾議員。 但這一切在今年都可能改變;俄亥俄州正陷入一場政治風暴,各種因素如共和黨政治人物 一連串的貪腐醜聞,伊拉克戰爭,不得人心的總統,嚴重失業等加總起來,導致俄亥俄州 很可能成為期中選舉最危險的「一級戰區」。即將卸任的俄亥俄州共和黨籍州長塔夫特去 年坦承違反該州公職人員操守法;俄亥俄州眾議員奈伊三星期前承認貪腐罪名,坦承接受 共和黨說客阿布拉莫夫安排的旅遊和餐宴;普萊斯本人則因宣稱涉及性騷擾醜聞的前共和 黨籍眾議員佛里是她的好朋友,也受到連帶影響。日前普萊斯接受地方電台訪問時,坦承 她今年陷入苦戰。普萊斯個人支持伊拉克戰爭,但由她選區子弟兵所組成陸戰隊後備隊第 十二連在伊拉克死傷慘重,已有廿五人陣亡,民調顯示,哥倫布市的民意普遍反戰。普萊 斯過去的得票率從未低於六○%,今年的民調至今仍落後民主黨對手基洛伊,就整體而言 ,共和黨在俄亥俄州可能減少三席眾議員,為民主黨奪回眾院所需十五席的五分之一。政 治分析家羅森伯說:「俄亥俄州是顯現共和黨全國性問題的窗戶。」 另外 BBC的這篇介紹有說到一些該州的性格 25.10.2004 BBC State profile: Ohio Ohio is a key battleground state in this election. Won narrowly by George W Bush in 2000, it has received lavish attention from the president, and Republicans boast an overwhelming majority of elected officials. The attention given to Ohio is not simply to gain its 21 electoral college votes. Ohio is important because it is seen as the epitome of modern America and the battleground of the Midwest.Its economy has mirrored national trends exactly. The 1990s brought falling unemployment, rising household incomes and growth in the service and high-tech sectors. It also has a typical urban-rural balance and an average ethnic mix. Still, it has been hit hard recently by manufacturing unemployment. The sector has lost more than 10% of its jobs since 2001. Culturally, Ohio has a large sample of Americans within its borders, largely because of the state's settlement by New Englanders to the north and Virginians to the south. There is still a sizeable difference, both politically and culturally, between the state's southern counties and its northern cities. This has made for an unpredictable balance. It was in the northern cities of Toledo and Cleveland that the 1930s Depression threatened to boil over into full-scale class warfare. But Ohio is also where William McKinley, who became president in 1896, built an alliance with labour that began 34 years of Republican national majorities.Since then political control has moved back and forth between the two main parties. Jimmy Carter had a crucial win here in 1976 and throughout the 1970s and 1980s Ohio leaned Democrat. The 1990s saw a reversal in the trend . Although Bill Clinton won Ohio twice, it was with very small margins and was probably helped by a strong showing by Ross Perot. In other elections Republicans have made significant advances. Significantly, this new political alignment appears to be springing from the same north-eastern areas that in the 1930s were a hotbed of New Deal radicalism. New industries have replaced the old and seem to have uprooted the old Democrat values. This will be an election result to watch. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
burdette:謝謝,看來兩年後共和黨在此地難選了 11/09 00:41
burdette:他們應該已經給共和黨和布希很多機會了 11/09 00:44
alibuda007:不過選前討論到的關鍵州VA蒙大拿 田納西 密蘇里都是關선 11/09 01:55
alibuda007:鍵 我比較沒看到在討論俄亥俄 大概覺得勝負差不多了吧 11/09 01:56
alibuda007:我是指看此地一些新聞性節目在討論的情形 11/09 01:56