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德國提議設歐洲經濟特區 http://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E6%98%8E%E9%8F%A1-%E5%BE%B7%E5%9C%8B%E6%8F%90%E8%AD%B0%E8%A8%AD%E6%AD%90%E6%B4%B2%E7%B6%93%E6%BF%9F%E7%89%B9%E5%8D%80-153907579.html http://tinyurl.com/6q8jyz8 (中央社記者林琳柏林25日專電)德國「明鏡」週刊報導,針對歐元區財經艱困國家,德 國政府已擬訂刺激經濟成長6點計劃,包括在這些國家設立經濟特區。 報導指出,德國政府準備在歐洲聯盟討論如何促進歐洲國家經濟成長時,提出這6點方案 。 除了設立有租稅優惠及較寬鬆投資規定的經濟特區,德國政府也建議這些國家比照兩德統 一後處理原東德國營產業的做法,設立信託基金處理虧損嚴重的國營事業。 在提高年輕人的就業機會方面,德國建議改革教育,採取德國一般中學和職業學校雙軌教 育制度,職技學校的學生可以在企業見習,讓青年學子有更符合產業發展需要的專業技能 。 這項計劃也建議財經艱困且失業率飆高的國家進行制度改革,包括修改對就業保護的規定 及調整有關勞資關係的規定,以減輕企業主在賦稅及社會保險給付方面的負擔。1010525 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Six-Point Growth Plan Berlin Proposes European Special Economic Zones http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/german-government-wants-to-create-special-economic-zones-in-europe-a-835224.html With Europe beginning to look for alternatives to its exclusive focus on austerity, the German government has developed a six-point plan to foster economic growth in Europe, SPIEGEL has learned. Included in the proposal is the creation of special economic zones in struggling euro-zone countries. SPIEGEL has learned that the German government has developed a proposal calling for special economic zones to be created in crisis-plagued countries at the periphery of the euro zone. Under the plans, foreign investors could be attracted to those zones through tax incentives and looser regulations. The proposal is part of a six-point plan the German government plans to introduce into the discussion on measures to stimulate economic growth taking place in the European Union. The proposal also calls for the countries to set up trusts similar to the Treuhand trust created in Germany at the time of reunification that then sold old off most of former East Germany's state-owned enterprises in order to divest those countries' numerous government-owned companies. The plan also calls for the countries to adopt Germany's dual education system, which combines a standardized practical education at a vocational school with an apprenticeship in the same field at a company in order to combat high youth unemployment. The plan recommends that countries with high unemployment also adopt reforms undertaken by Germany, including a loosening of provisions that make it difficult to fire permanent employees and to create employment relationships with lower tax burdens and social security contributions. SPD Demands Growth Components Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the center-left Social Democratic Party's (SPD) floor leader in parliament, has made greater economic stimulus measures a precondition for his party's support for the European fiscal pact agreed to in March by 25 EU countries that is still awaiting ratification in the Bundestag. "Without taxation of the financial markets, without a strengthening of investment power and without an expansion of the loan volume available to the European Investment Bank, the SPD will not go down the same path as the federal government," Steinmeier told SPIEGEL. The comments marked the first time the opposition leader linked growth measures to support for the fiscal pact. Previously, he had fought other members of his party making that demand. "I guarantee you, there will only be a fiscal pact if it includes complementary growth elements," Steinmeier said. "If they aren't in it, then the SPD will not agree to it." The demand puts Merkel in a corner given that passing the fiscal pact will require a two-thirds parliamentary majority. The chancellor will need support from the ranks of the opposition. "Other conditions are that the concerns of the federal states need to be cleared up and that the question of parliamentary participation must be clarified," he said, referring to the voice that would be given to the Bundestag in making decisions relating to the fiscal pact. Steinmeier also called for the creation of a European debt repayment fund. He said that euro bonds, which are currently being promoted as a way out of the crisis by French President François Hollande, could only be introduced "if they come with strict conditions and we have harmonized European economic and finance policy." dsl/SPIEGEL ※每日每人發文、上限量為十篇,超過會劣文請注意 ⊕標題選用"新聞",請確切在標題與新聞來源處填入,否則可無條件移除(本行可移除) -- 「就像其他各類集體主義一樣,種族主義也尋求不勞而獲。它尋求自動獲得知識﹔它尋求 自動評價人們的品質而忽略運用理性或道德判斷的責任﹔而更重要的是,它尋求自動的自 尊(或偽自尊)」 Ayn Rand<The Virtue of Selfishness> -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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