看板 IELTS 關於我們 聯絡資訊
推薦一位英文家教 須要上課過同學之心得,請爬文 在8月份有許多分享文 1.科目:IELTS speaking and writing, SOP 留學文章修改 2.地點: skype webcam線上教學(老師在英國) 3.時間:一至五 早上 中午及晚上 4.價錢 :每小時1100元,一次課程為10小時,折扣後共10000元 須在上課前3天完成匯款 每次上課老師會指定課後寫作1篇文章且批改(Task1 or Task 2) 請同學們不要濫用老師批改作業的心意,謝謝 SOP申請文件批改1000字為 4000元(first draft,final draft) 5.教師性別:男 44歲 6.學歷:Manchester Metropolitan University , History TEFL/TESOL Teacher Teaching Qualified 7.連絡方式:請用英文回信到 [email protected] 8.自介或經歷: about me ... Let me tell you a little bit about myself, I hail from Manchester in northern England, which obviously makes me a native speaker. I have spent my entire life working with the English language, having been in journalism since graduating from university. More recently I have dedicated my time to helping students improve and enhance their English - it's very challenging at times, but also very rewarding both personally and professionally. About my service ... I offer total dedication to my students and am very proud of my service that I offer. I tailor my lessons to the exact needs of the person that I am teaching. The basis of improving your spoken English is a 'personal document'. This contains over 20 questions about your life for you to answer; these cover the past, the present and the future. We will work through these together during each study period - with you answering and talking about each question. Then, after each lesson I will write about the things that you have told me and send you a copy of your revised personal document. Working in this way will enable you to express yourself confidently and competently when you come to sit your IELTS exam. My service also covers every aspect of essay writing. With lessons dedicated to simple and effective techniques that will help you to improve your skills in this section of your examination. This is done by using a variety of handouts and teaching materials. Each week I assign a task that you use these techniques and send me one completed IELTS Type 1 or Type 2 essay. These graded and assessed by me. Normally it is returned to you within 4 days. The essay marking rule will be robustly followed. There is a sample essay attached so you can see the detailed and thorough nature of my marking. Practical details about your lessons ... All lessons are conducted using Skype - please add me to your Skype contacts to do this -. The price of 1100TWD per hour includes all handouts and essay marking. In addition to this, it also includes my help, advice and professional knowledge available to you. The fee for your lessons can be deposited into the Taiwanese bank account: Please contact me at any time ... You are welcome to contact me at anytime by email, if you have a smart phone and prefer to text you can contact me using Wiechat. Please use my British number to do this. Phone number will be provided by email. Finally ...if you are interested in having lessions with me, you would find 3 documents in your email intray. The first of these is a questionnaire. This will enable you to tell me about your English ability so that I ensure that your lessons suit this. I have also attached a hand out that will give you an insight into the quality of my teaching and the type of support that you will receive in addition to each lesson. Finally - there is an essay that has been assessed and returned to a previous student, which will illustrate the breadth and quality of my IELTS written work marking to you. Thank you for your interest once more. May I take this opportunity to wish you every success in your future study. I look forward to hearing from you. Best wishes, Chris Leach. 大家好,我是英國人而且在新聞界服務已超過20年的時間,身為您的家教我可以提供英語 專業,提升您的英語會話與寫作能力,如您有興趣的話,請與我聯絡! 謝謝 同學們 可和老師討論 IELTS 上課方式 老師會依照每個學生的程度與要求,規劃不同 上課方式,以期同學能達到目標成績 老師為人非常熱心 且 積極幫助同學,教學態度認真 負責 有豐富ielts教學經驗,很適合雅思考試經驗,再衝刺的同學!! 目前 已有許多學生(台、政 )接受老師的指導,有許多人達到overall 7.0 , S/W 達成7分的成績,老師在寫作上 有獨特細心英國人寫作的方式 不只在IELTS考試上,在日後的文章寫作上你也會覺得受益無窮,不單只是為了考試 老師在口說上,也會在練習中 記下你的錯誤,在課堂間立即給與你建議與修正 同學們都很滿意老師的教學,寫作批改上,也非常仔細,非馬虎了事 經她們一致認同,老師教的比坊間的補習班 家教,仔細 細心,有技巧 不只達成目標成績 也提升了整體的英文能力,老師下課後 會與學生閒談 給與英國生活的建議 與 英文學習material 媒體的推薦,昰非常友善的老師 在SOP 文件修改上,20年文字記者經驗,文字洗練,適切允當,委託修改同學都很滿意 如果需要上過課同學的心得或感想,我們也很樂意提供願意分享意見的同學讓你連繫 請大家有興趣者 使用英文 寄信給 [email protected], 請來信 至[email protected] 複製貼上 email 地址 以避免 key in 錯誤 地址 謝謝 ※ 編輯: chilou 來自: (08/02 14:56)
radford:如何付費呢? 08/02 15:27
chilou:匯款至老師TW銀行帳戶,請email老師詳情,會有很完整的答覆 ※ 編輯: chilou 來自: (10/02 23:23) ※ 編輯: chilou 來自: (10/22 23:39) ※ 編輯: chilou 來自: (10/27 15:57)
jason950128:可以請教一下網路速度是否會影響上課的品質還是... 12/12 09:28
※ 編輯: chilou 來自: (04/16 10:12)