看板 IELTS 關於我們 聯絡資訊
[Erickson's Session on IELTS Grammar Free of Charge] 額滿 額滿 額滿 A high percentage of the IELTS candidates I have instructed, regardless of their backgrounds, have one thing in common. They do not fully comprehend the basics of grammar so that they learn by rote. This situation is worsened by the fact that they have difficulty applying grammar rules to most of the problems they encounter in the IELTS exam. 不論背景,大部分我指導過的雅思考生有著一項共同點: 就是無法完全理解文法的來龍去脈因而死記硬背,導致在 雅思考試時難以應用所學去解決考題。 To meet the challenge, Erickson started compiling a series of materials aimed at maximizing the transfer from what they have learned to solving problems in the real exam. 為解決此問題,我著手編製一系列教材協助考生在真實考試情境 學以致用。 ※ 編輯: trix0966 (, 03/13/2017 10:57:04