看板 IntlShopping 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.dvdpacific.com/ 請問有人買過或聽過 DVD Pacific 這個網站嗎? 最近因為要和一些朋友團購美國的 DVD,比過幾個網站之後, 覺得這裡平均而言比較便宜,所以有打算下這家的訂單, 但我前幾天註冊該網站的帳號,在填入所有資料後, (包括地址及信用卡資料都得先填寫,但不能先設密碼) 收到了一封 e-mail,內容如下: Thank you for your application for membership to DVD Pacific. Before we can activate your newly created account we will require the following further information from you as detailed below. Unfortunately this is necessary due to the large amount of fraudulent activity we have recently experienced emanating from your country. This will be a one time request only unless you at some time in the future amend your credit card details to a different card. Please send the following information to [email protected] and they will quickly verify and respond with a temporary password allowing you to activate your account and proceed with placement of orders. 1. Front and back of your credit card. 2. Credit Card Statement current for period within the past 3 months clearly displaying account number and billing address or alternatively a Utility Bill (water, electricity, phone etc.) which clearly displays your billing address. You can scan and e-mail these to the accounts address as provided above or alternatively fax them to 1 954 755 9872 to the attention of our Accounts Department. If we do not receive the requested information within 7 days the membership will be cancelled. We trust your understanding of our reasoning for requesting this further information and that it is only necessary due to the increased fraudulent activity proliferating throughout the internet and once verified this will ensure the security of both the card holder and DVD Pacific Inc. Regards, Accounts Department Membership Verification DVD Pacific Inc. www.dvdpacific.com www.cdpacific.com www.adultdvdpacific.com 我比較有疑慮的是我標出不同顏同的那兩點, 信中提到我要 mail 信用卡和帳單的掃瞄檔給他們, 然後他們會寄密碼給我,才算完成註冊,也才能夠在此購物, 不知道有沒有人買過這家的東西?或是碰過類似的情況? 把信用卡的圖檔直接寄給人家感覺有點怪怪的, 而且因為是國外網站,若被盜刷也更麻煩, 不過這個網站做得蠻大的,也不太像是單純騙資料的東西。 我在這邊找到好幾張我想買的 DVD,價錢又非常便宜, 心動之餘又有點擔心,不曉得大家有沒有什麼意見或看法呢? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
mama:對了,而且我帳單地址是中文的,寄去他們也看不懂啊。 12/10 10:44