看板 JYJ 關於我們 聯絡資訊
手刀快發!!!終於等到完整MV了~~~魅力男秀秀大發 *同場加映:《TARANTALLEGRA》英文版 1分鐘試聽   音源連結: http://0rz.tw/sTgO0 (資料來源:台灣仙后統計總站) *單曲藍毛俊秀說明(?) http://i.imgur.com/u7QTs.jpg (謝謝akira1121提供)
(已加上小翻譯上去了) 版友提供截圖們 http://imgur.com/y4Kwa (謝謝akira1121提供) http://tinyurl.com/9daz5yh (謝謝kangchan提供) <-有天亂入XDDD http://tinyurl.com/9u7soat (謝謝seedy提供以下*3) http://tinyurl.com/98kwal5 金髮女模推特 http://tinyurl.com/9sjfhpo 漫畫版 http://goo.gl/7dAUd (謝謝cc6002提供以下*4) http://goo.gl/m2OXW http://goo.gl/Pr7jg 燈大人的俊秀阿!!!放開你的手XDDD http://goo.gl/IxbK7 MV的真(?)女主角!!! http://ppt.cc/6sWL (謝謝julia761029提供以下*2) http://ppt.cc/28kf http://i.imgur.com/tUOTo.png (謝謝orange0726提供以下*21!)
http://tinyurl.com/8vdvutr http://twitpic.com/akcc47 http://twitpic.com/akccj9 http://twitpic.com/akccf http://twitpic.com/akcccs http://tinyurl.com/9cj2m8y http://tinyurl.com/ce3wpb8 http://www.imgur.com/PkQZN.gif
http://i.imgur.com/4l6aO.jpg 藍毛西裝look好好看
http://tinyurl.com/bnjjpau 大張桌面圖 更新完整歌詞 大家可以邊看邊唱唷 She said I couldn’t be committed She said I’m too much of a player Come on Uncommitted Uncommitted Uncommitted Ey, ey It was all a dream Reality was far from the safe picture she painted for me She told me I was the one and I believed until the dream dissipated so suddenly I don’t know why she was so compelled to leave Something was messin’ with her psychology I’m confused, she’s sayin’ something’s wrong with me, But how can I fix something I cannot see She said, You’re not ready Baby, you’re not ready for the real thing She told me that I’d be unfaithful and I cannot believe She said, you can't be committed I said, baby I don't really get it She said, you're not the right type only good for one night you'll never stay committed to me How could this be She's telling me I would never let her be my everything (OK) She said I'm a player and I'd never change I feel that I'm ready to leave the game She said she could never trust a player like me But baby, that(?) was part of my history She's telling me breaking hearts is a part of me it's like in my system and it will never leave She said, You’re not ready Baby, you’re not ready for the real thing She told me that I’d be unfaithful and I cannot believe She said, you can't be committed I said, baby I don't really get it She said, you're not the right type only good for one night you'll never stay committed to me x2 Uncommitted U, Uncommitted I've never admitted I'd never never get it But somewhere she could be right x2 She said, you can't be committed I said, baby I don't really get it She said, you're not the right type only good for one night you'll never stay committed to me x2 -------------------------------------------------------- 再附上TVFXQ大的好讀翻譯版: http://disp.cc/b/671-48Q5 -- ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ 雪人Sharon http://www.wretch.cc/blog/pneedp ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ ██▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
seedy:kt大手刀快!!!!!!!! 08/17 11:01
sfhk4682:超快!!ㄤ康米咧!!!! 08/17 11:01
julia761029:等HD跑完再看.....好期待好期待!!! 08/17 11:02
orange0726:歐摸...好好聽唷!!!!!!!!!!! 08/17 11:04
ujlvon:終於等到完整版啦~~~~~~~好好聽~~~~~~>////<~~~ 08/17 11:05
orange0726:我聽懂是英文了XDDDDDY 08/17 11:06
TVFXQ:SHE SAY A~A~A~ 08/17 11:07
perfumelady:先拜為快! 08/17 11:07
akira1121:http://imgur.com/y4Kwa 帥慘....好喜歡這個笑容Q_Q 08/17 11:08
Hersilia:我又突然想起有天亂入畫面的MV了啦....<囧> 08/17 11:10
ktam:her大我也是!剛跟我同事看到最後 不自覺把有天的臉當成女主了 08/17 11:10
seedy:好好聽沉醉中!!! 我也喜歡秀那個笑容...藍毛秀太帥了>/////< 08/17 11:10
orange0726:也好喜歡這個扭...http://i.imgur.com/tUOTo.png 08/17 11:11
perfumelady:1:36那聲"ok"聽起來有點突兀 08/17 11:12
kangchan:http://tinyurl.com/9daz5yh 推剪影XDD 帥慘了俊秀!!!! 08/17 11:12
Hersilia:後勁好强....=//////////= 08/17 11:12
orange0726:有天不要再出現了啦!! XDDDDDDDDD 08/17 11:12
seedy:看到這麼可口的秀....有天是該亂入....XDD 08/17 11:14
orange0726:http://tinyurl.com/8vdvutr Oh Junsu... Oh Junsu. 08/17 11:15
keikolove:好聽慘了!!!! 一直repeat~~~~~~ 08/17 11:15
perfumelady:那個笑容好好看唷~ >///< 08/17 11:19
julia761029:我好喜歡「I cannot see」的眼神表情 08/17 11:20
orange0726:動圖來了 http://twitpic.com/akcc47 08/17 11:27
julia761029:我超受不了那個倒帶.....= = 08/17 11:28
orange0726:http://twitpic.com/akccj9 http://twitpic.com/akccf 08/17 11:30 orange0726:被電死了 http://twitpic.com/akcccs 08/17 11:31 akira1121:突然亂入一下 http://tinyurl.com/9m8efbq 這是...? 08/17 11:31 seedy:帥!!! http://tinyurl.com/9u7soat 08/17 11:37 orange0726:http://tinyurl.com/9cj2m8y 08/17 11:37 orange0726:xhttp://tinyurl.com/ce3wpb8 08/17 11:39
chipe7424:俊酥這次造型好有魅力喔!! MV拍得好有質感~~大發~~ 08/17 11:47
orange0726:http://www.imgur.com/PkQZN.gif 08/17 11:56
orange0726:http://www.imgur.com/SdVEp.gif 08/17 11:57
orange0726:http://www.imgur.com/C6HnJ.gif 08/17 11:57
orange0726:http://www.imgur.com/d8zrM.gif 08/17 11:58
orange0726:http://www.imgur.com/jF52q.gif 08/17 11:58
orange0726:頭好暈 http://www.imgur.com/gzlg5.gif 08/17 12:00
orange0726:http://www.imgur.com/MKDTF.gif 08/17 12:02
orange0726:http://www.imgur.com/n7sRr.gif 08/17 12:07
orange0726:http://www.imgur.com/bxKHe.gif 08/17 12:08
orange0726:http://www.imgur.com/26tJ0.gif 08/17 12:08
Itomika:西裝好帥!! (尖叫) 沒有床戲怎麼有點小失落...XD 08/17 12:22
hulamg:好好聽好帥>//////< 08/17 12:24
H0303:前奏好好聽哦 08/17 12:28
sindyelee:真的好好聽!!!無限循環ing 08/17 12:29
orange0726:試聽Tarantallegra英文http://vdisk.weibo.com/s/aHfkJ 08/17 12:36
maone:帥慘了,怎麼這麼好聽,我完全聽不到安康米咧了 >////< 08/17 12:52
julia761029:曲子沒走性感既失望又安心XD 08/17 12:53
pllo:下午很難淡定上班了 >/////< 08/17 12:54
pllo:跟女主角們貼著我吃醋了 >/////////< 08/17 12:56
pllo:不過還是最愛深髮色的造型....XDDDD 08/17 12:57
lunslin:好聽!編曲讚讚讚! 08/17 13:01
maone: Tarantallegra英文一樣好聽阿!!!! 08/17 13:03
ilia:好聽~而且俊素的英文咬字進步很多 08/17 13:04
yafangchi:俊秀好性感喔!讚! 08/17 13:09
julia761029:http://ppt.cc/6sWL 我對這幕比較揪心XD 08/17 13:10
erato:好好聽! 開頭還在笑他的ㄤ康米咧 聽到後面就笑不出來了(讚許 08/17 13:10
erato:的意思) 很認真的欣賞起來 08/17 13:11
orange0726:我有電子檔,但我不會上傳 XDDDD 08/17 13:12
julia761029:http://ppt.cc/28kf 還有這到底有沒有親到? 08/17 13:12
lacvert:好聽好聽~~~ 08/17 13:12
kangchan:休息時間終於打開來聽 好好聽耶天啊 英文咬字有進步!!!! 08/17 13:20
kangchan:沒有親到 除非俊秀嘴巴嘟得比有天還高 不然距離好~~~遠 08/17 13:21
seedy:金髮女模推特 http://tinyurl.com/98kwal5 轉秀吧 08/17 13:22 TVFXQ:好多圖 趕快甩好讀XDDhttp://disp.cc/b/671-48Xu 08/17 13:32
orange0726:秀的英文進步很多,秀你也可以繼續認為tomorrow是凍住XD 08/17 13:44
paperdoll:超好聽!!!!!!又性感!!!!!!! 俊秀international !!! 08/17 13:51
Sheknow:救命喔就是無限貼近無限互摸........(倒 08/17 14:02
Sheknow:跟前女友是順髮~恩...都好帥>/////////////< 08/17 14:06
orange0726:新照 http://i.imgur.com/4l6aO.jpg 08/17 14:10
orange0726:XIA http://i.imgur.com/HfZfB.jpg 08/17 14:11
Sheknow:新歌不錯 不過咻咻的英文咬字讓我有點出戲XDDDDD 08/17 14:11
Sheknow:我需要多聽幾次來催眠自己一下XDD 08/17 14:12
Elsiechi:好好聽!!而且這樣子好帥>///< 08/17 14:12
cc6002:動圖太多直接貼網頁 http://goo.gl/n9Ple 08/17 14:23
Elsiechi:歌詞是完整的? 總覺得好像有少? 08/17 14:32
cc6002:http://goo.gl/7dAUd 好像有重複... 08/17 14:35 cc6002:http://goo.gl/m2OXW 唱歌中 08/17 14:38
julia761029:我也覺得歌詞好像不完整~ 08/17 14:49
ktam:歌詞已經做過更新了喔~ 08/17 14:55
seedy:漫畫版 http://tinyurl.com/9sjfhpo 08/17 14:59 orange0726:大張桌面圖 http://tinyurl.com/bnjjpau 08/17 15:03
lichu:咬字跟發音都好漂亮 !! 完全無力招架~ 08/17 16:16
asami:我的媽呀!!新歌旋律好好聽!而且秀秀超帥的!! 08/17 16:24
cc6002:http://goo.gl/Pr7jg 俊淑長大了啊(擦淚) 08/17 17:06
mefe:超好聽~~~頭皮發麻>///< 08/17 17:07
Sheknow:cc....我也想拭淚....真想哭....|||| 08/17 17:18
cc6002:樓上拍拍 不然換個女主角 http://goo.gl/IxbK7 08/17 17:29
shiaoyu11:樓上的圖會把小孩嚇哭XDDD 08/17 17:31
shiaoyu11:好好聽喔菌素大發!!!!! 咬字很漂亮!!! 08/17 17:32
perfumelady:可是朴女那張紅唇真的讓人有一親芳澤的衝動耶!>///< 08/17 17:32
Sheknow:XDDDDDDDDDD 新女主角好恐怖喔(喂 08/17 17:36
jjjhhh:旋律和編曲都好好聽 英文咬字..恩~充滿菌素的個人風格啦 XD 08/17 17:53
※ 編輯: ktam 來自: (08/17 17:59)
joybaritone:教主英文咬字進步好多 想當初英文專輯那張 我只有有天 08/17 18:26
joybaritone:唱的部分聽得懂 在中和俊秀的都聽無... 08/17 18:27
hulamg:我也覺得進步很多^^b(這樣在中哥壓力大了XDDD 08/17 18:31
sinau:剛剛看到台灣仙后統計站有人提到藍色的是假髮耶~ 08/17 18:33
sinau:好驚訝喔~哈哈 這髮型真的很好看 08/17 18:34
ktam:假髮嗎?也太真了阿!! 08/17 18:41
kangchan:記得俊秀是深色髮(就是玩咖的髮色)去美國~藍的好看耶 08/17 18:45
kangchan:好神奇~看過英文歌詞後 俊秀的發音咬字就變得很好耶XDDD 08/17 19:00
seedy:http://tinyurl.com/8v5qlxe fr:@maximaximaxi (MV女模推特) 08/17 19:01
paperdoll:樓上那張秀秀好可愛>////< 08/17 19:04
julia761029:maxi不是女模之一 他是俊秀的造型師 08/17 19:15
seedy:謝謝julia大^^ 08/17 19:17
vingpp2001:俊秀的英文很俊秀XDDD但有進步了 08/17 19:18
julia761029:不會不會^^ 俊秀這次去美國 一直在扁他的造型師XD 08/17 19:20
orange0726:還是原來的女主角好了XDDD 08/17 19:20
julia761029:MAXI如果是MV女模 我會哭阿....XD 08/17 19:25
ybxj:這次我竟然聽懂俊秀在唱的英文!!!XD 副歌的aaa一直在我腦海徘 08/17 19:55
ybxj:徊不去XDDD 08/17 19:55
leerching:壞男孩金俊秀,MV拍的很讚! 08/17 21:15
q1a2z3:韓英塔啦嘎 remix http://goo.gl/LLsNh 08/17 21:30
cc6002:REMIX好酷!! 英文版的唸經那段背景音不太一樣~唱法也變了 08/17 21:39
julia761029:喔...我好好奇 可是我想等拿到CD再聽...T^T 08/17 21:40
icega:隼人桑說的咒語我猜應該就是英文版的那段XDD 08/17 21:43
seivathad:咬字前段出戲~但後段很順~ 俊秀有些鏡頭的「美」真的堪 08/17 22:02
seivathad:比女主~ 08/17 22:02
mefe:回家又蕊了好幾次~~ 真是什麼類型的音樂都駕馭得很好阿咻咻 08/17 22:26
jjjhhh:我也覺得隼人桑說的咒語應該是俊秀在背英文歌詞:P 08/17 22:28
ayumi0128:東西通吃啊...看到十指緊扣..嘖嘖!俊秀表情好銷魂。 08/17 22:44
mumui:俊秀這次帥慘了XD 難得英文聽得懂~~~ 08/17 22:48
akira1121:他勒嘎的英文版好好聽~~>"< 08/17 22:49
genie1210:超好聽!!!俊秀不管什麼歌曲都詮釋得好好!!! 08/17 22:57
ryujsin:好聽 希望能趕快聽到LIVE版 08/17 23:09
Itomika:藍髮真的好好看 怎麼有人染這種2次元的髮色一點都不奇怪 08/17 23:40
taco1022:越聽越好聽!! 08/17 23:41
std87177:超愛這可愛的小順毛 > \\\ < She~said~~ 08/17 23:44
ray20441:很好聽欸~~!!! 08/17 23:48
kangchan:英文版的他咧嘎的咒語好東方味~~ 08/17 23:52
esgytt:真的!!二次元髮色真的超適合他~~ 08/17 23:53
ttomoee:http://youtu.be/JZMFKh2xDvA 他勒他勒嘎~韓英混合的MV 08/17 23:57
kangchan:英文版的TARANTALLEGRA感覺俊秀會唱得很忙~ 08/17 23:59
cc6002:http://goo.gl/L0AU4 菌素的九分褲 有種萌感 (? 08/18 00:09
julia761029:我超愛他九分褲+皮鞋 露腳踝的造型!好帥~ 08/18 09:49
erato:英文版他朗他咧嘎後面多加的那段吟唱好讓人頭皮發麻啊!超讚! 08/18 14:46
mossa:菌素大發~~~~ 08/18 23:55
hildie:一直覺得俊秀已經做得最好,但他總有辦法讓下一次更好:) 08/20 02:00
tonecai:推樓上~~~ 俊秀教主根本是神一般的存在阿!! 08/23 21:05