看板 JayPark 關於我們 聯絡資訊
MV (?) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gmnrx25OvI
http://dumbfoundead.com/track/clouds-ft-jay-park-clara released 23 April 2010 Features Clara Chung Jay Park (AOM) fr:http://dumbfoundead.com 補上rap: Yo Everybody works hard for their goals to achieve But like the ocean and sea Man, the motion is free So nothing ever adds up the way we want it to I guess my math teacher was just a substitute Everybody hits a rough path Turbulence in the sky Life's a cow I made a burger and I'm serving it with some fries Gotta make do with the cards we dealt And though it's hard as hell I know that God will help Cause although I live in Seattle It's not always gonna rain There'll be some sunny days coming up this way Everybody wanted to see me struggle and running away from pain But I know the wondrous things that are coming to visit again someday So no worries I just stand there with a smirk on my face Although I know some people out there throwing dirt on my name But it's all good I still show 'em some love Cause unlike that girl from the movie I ain't holding no grudge fr. Jay's gallery !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
kyona:來了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 04/24 14:26
inmi:請問字幕組上班了嗎XD!!!!!!!! 04/24 14:28
inmi:吼~好高級的下載(?) <---無知XD! 喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔 04/24 14:32
inmi:所以還是在23發耶...只是晚了點XD! 04/24 14:35
choomia1108:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HOT 04/24 14:37
kyona:a板大還在睡覺XDDDD 04/24 14:40
kyona:可以跟DFD要歌詞嗎 我們JAY蹦都很貼心有放歌詞的說XDDD 04/24 14:41
sandmans:未聽先推!!!!!!!!!! 04/24 14:45
sueyuwen:好高級的下載+1 好聽阿~~~~ 04/24 14:49
inmi:還有可以放blog的語法//////////////////////////吼!馬上放!! 04/24 14:50
ananwe:下載真的高級阿~~~~XDDD 04/24 15:01
kimyoung:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!先推!!!!!!!!!!!! 等字幕組在顯身手XDDD 04/24 15:17
lead0820:喔喔喔!!!來了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 04/24 15:21
inmi:吼/我要等我們專業的字幕姐接們(?)韓飯翻的都會送椅子好好坐 04/24 15:22
inmi:根本就不是椅子是床了吧/超方便淚趴(淚奔變來的XD)的XDDDDDD! 04/24 15:22
lead0820:版主好激動XDDDDDDDDDDD 04/24 15:26
mego:喔喔來了!!!呼喚親愛的字幕組阿~~~~!!!!!! 04/24 15:46
wadak:!!!!!! FREE!酷 04/24 15:49
LindaLin:好讚喔~~~T__T 04/24 16:50
※ 編輯: inmi 來自: (04/24 16:58)
agsdf:好喜歡開頭老歌的感覺 有點復古的感覺 好舒服~~~ 04/24 22:03
novivi:mv最後的畫面招牌就是"PARK"耶,因為這裡面有兩個"PARK"XD 04/24 22:04