看板 Jeremy_Lin 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1FHHoTbI ] 作者: Fabregas4 (Cesc4ever) 看板: NBA 標題: Re: [外絮] 林書豪幾則新聞 時間: Thu Feb 23 00:49:31 2012 1.'Linsanity' Explored In Book About NBA Sensation http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=147254023 Hachette Book Group says it is publishing "Jeremy Lin: The Reason for the Linsanity," by Timothy Dalrymple. It is due in stores in May, the company announced Wednesday. The book will chronicle Lin's high school, college and early career in the NBA, while highlighting the media explosion ignited by his success as starting guard with the Knicks. Hachette Book Group 要出林書豪的書,書名叫做"Jeremy Lin: The Reason for the Linsanity",大概五月份上架。 書中會記載林的高中、大學時代和剛進NBA的時候,但重點還是在林在尼克爆紅這段過程。 PS.那位作者好像之前就有採訪過林 (http://goo.gl/HlSAn ) 2.Jeremy Lin has turned down most advertising and endorsement offers http://goo.gl/lvOEA Lin’s agent, Roger Montgomery, says the point guard has received “over 1,000 emails” from companies who would like to work out an endorsement deal with him. 林的經紀人說已經有很多公司想找林代言,他已經收到超過1000封mail... Lin has been hesitant to strike agreements, however. He has reportedly turned down offers from a wireless phone company as well as a watchmaker — deals that would be worth “millions.” Many would argue that Jeremy should be striking while the iron is hot, but he has a good head on his shoulders and insists upon being patient. 林已經拒絕多家廠商,包括電信業、鐘錶業....而這些代言費都好幾百萬。 “There’s been so much interest, and so many people reaching out, it is overwhelming,” Montgomery said according to the NY Post. “They’re working to build a team to handle all this, and hiring marketing and p.r. executives. He has met with IMG.” 因為太多人想找林代言,所以他們打算找一些行銷和公關人才來進行評估。 “Every NBA player wants a contract with a luxury watch brand right now,” one branding guru said. “LeBron James is Audemars Piguet, Dwyane Wade is Hublot … But Jeremy is Harvard-educated, and he’s not going to do something flashy that’s just for the money.” 很多球星都想跟名錶合作,像LBJ是Audemars Piguet,Wade是Hublot,但林並不打算 跟上這個潮流。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
lookyour :清流 02/23 00:50
thouloveme :林 稱霸非主流代言吧! 02/23 00:50
bambambam :當牧師的不想花100萬買隻錶 ^^ 02/23 00:51
※ 編輯: Fabregas4 來自: (02/23 00:51)
yun0215 :真的清流 02/23 00:51
thouloveme :LIN大概想代言比較有意義的XD 02/23 00:51
sean302 :可能要整個比賽完結束吧 02/23 00:53
Dsman :清 流 02/23 00:53
sean302 :你看他的採訪都是故事或是籃球相關才會出現.. 02/23 00:53
love0147 :經濟學的就是不同 02/23 00:54
opwin :廣告代言很正常無關清不清流 Lin遲早會接的 02/23 00:54
thouloveme :應該是有信仰的就是不同 不想落於俗套 02/23 00:54
opwin :現在只是在選擇 02/23 00:55
NewStrip :噗哧 單論最後一段 根本很多人連這些錶的價值都不懂 02/23 00:56
thouloveme :所以這些錶有什麼價值呢?? 02/23 00:56
NewStrip :殊不知昂貴名錶的代言並非想像中那麼容易取得 02/23 00:57
lesnaree2 :不可能有錢不賺 應該在等更好的 02/23 00:58
thouloveme :名貴其實滿不符合LIN的信仰理念追求世俗物質名貴 02/23 00:58
yun0215 :老實說我還真不知道名錶的代言合作很難ORZ 02/23 00:58
bambambam :樓上他會跟你說有工藝的價值 haha 02/23 00:58
lb00202549 :所以不管大小牌球員 都有個人的經紀人? 02/23 00:58
icelocker :理論上幾乎都會請 02/23 00:59
alangkiss :看看勞力士的代言人是誰....名表代言難度超高阿~~ 02/23 00:59
newgunden :就只是先找Agent而已 02/23 01:00
ALIEN50 :Lin現在代言的是上帝 02/23 01:00
yun0215 :勞力士是老費呀XD可是像Longines台灣區的代言就是 02/23 01:00
bambambam :agent 賺你賺的10%而已...幹嘛不請? 02/23 01:01
KillLakers :代言台灣觀光吧 XDDDDDDDDDDDDD 02/23 01:02
yun0215 :林志玲&打網球的楊宗樺...所以沒有讓我覺得難度很高 02/23 01:02
thouloveme :代言聖經 代言哈佛大學經濟系  02/23 01:02
Virness :代言沙發..... 02/23 01:06
bambambam :說實在主要也是一堆名錶都不沒代言人所以難度高 02/23 01:07
OoJudyoO :代言ikea 02/23 01:08
osape :推代言ikea...代言板凳好像也不錯 02/23 01:11
abyssa1 :他只想代言基督教 02/23 01:11
skiptomylou3:我覺得他不打NBA真的會去傳教~ 02/23 01:12
Marxing :有夠清流... 完全不care錢 02/23 01:15
cmid05 :他只是全部都接會累死吧XD 02/23 01:16
HeyChia :板凳XDD 02/23 01:16
Flutter0425 :他想代言神吧科科 02/23 01:17
tao2046 :最後代言公益XD 02/23 01:18
josephke :回來台灣拍三洋維士比 馬力夯 或蠻牛啦 02/23 01:21
positMIT :水啦 02/23 01:26
digimaster :他現在薪水那麼低 代言那些高檔東西沒說服力 :D 02/23 01:27
nch6710 :代言遊戲機吧 02/23 01:27
idhsin :吃的呢? 麥當勞? 02/23 01:32
jyunwei :他可能想代言東海大學吧 02/23 01:36
sweetcorncan:聖經代言人XD 而且他又這麼謙虛絕對適合 02/23 01:38
spittz :代言沙發 02/23 01:40
spittz :說真的我不覺得lin的型象跟名錶速配說...@@ 02/23 01:40
thouloveme : 代言NBA 剛剛好 02/23 01:44
langeo :他已經是神的代言人了 02/23 01:47
aeolus317 :他幫教會代言應該不收錢....... 02/23 01:50
sel68391 :代言台灣阿= = 02/23 02:10
blueslovetw :跟賽德克巴萊....一樣 XDD 林慶台大叔~~~ 02/23 02:10
bibiwei :他只想打球 02/23 02:27
BLABLA007 :LIN的經紀人再想辦法用最短時間賺最多錢... 02/23 02:41
BLABLA007 :畢竟不可能全部都代言 XD 02/23 02:41
BLABLA007 :暑假沒幾個月跑代言跑不完 02/23 02:42
corn726 :他真清流..一般都會能接盡量接、有得賺就賺..畢竟他 02/23 02:51
Mman :現在先全神貫注在打好比賽 代言是附加雖然錢更多 02/23 02:51
corn726 :不知道他會不會突然不紅了,但他卻沒有..信念真強 02/23 02:51
cloudyc :蟹殼黃 02/23 03:01
Bonaqua :有志當牧師的人,我想名利應該不是他打球的目的 ~ 02/23 03:03
yun0215 :我想到了...可以代言豬血糕...有說過喜歡吃www 02/23 03:06
yun0215 :看看這樣美國人會不會有意願嘗試一下www 02/23 03:07
tarinmind :------------大家真了解LIN 真肯定 真武斷------ 02/23 03:24
ewjfd :王X賢應該滿想請他代言美牛的吧 02/23 03:55
PlayStation3:清流中的清流.. 02/23 04:20
kauw :70萬鎂突然變小錢 要跟老虎一樣拍廣告削翻了 02/23 05:14
mackulkov :基督教不一定跟賺錢違背喔 他們只要奉獻一樣多就是善 02/23 05:15
kauw :林書豪表姑鄭汝芬透露頂新集團計畫出一千萬美元 02/23 05:17
kauw :邀林書豪代言康師傅中國百事可樂等飲料產品 02/23 05:18
kauw :爽翻天 一家公司就1000萬美金了.. 02/23 05:18
kauw :NBA屎疼尼克總裁還不快抓緊了 要飛了 02/23 05:19
amadis01 :他大概只想代言傳教方面的事XD 02/23 07:32
llwopp :林:抱歉,我的約簽給上帝了 02/23 07:45
cinnie :他賽後記者會 都有戴手錶 就代言他戴得那品牌好了 哈 02/23 08:31
pounil :他只想打球吧 努力的留在NBA打久一點 02/23 08:35
GTR34 :IKEA吧...比較合乎故事性 02/23 08:36
GTR34 :害我也想買個沙發來當床 XDDDD 02/23 08:37
pigboss :黑人會找他免費代言Love Life 02/23 09:29
dyuie :他可以代言小林眼鏡 02/23 09:44
newtypeL9 :我也覺得代言眼鏡很合適XDDD 02/23 09:54
newtypeL9 :直接把賽前的那套擊掌套上去就好了 02/23 09:54
amgdaaaa :X 02/23 11:36
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: JokePtt (, 時間: 02/23/2012 12:20:17