看板 Jeremy_Lin 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://0rz.tw/qFdnw Lin shows Knicks why he's a keeper 林告訴尼克 - 你們不留我錯得可大了! NEW YORK -- The artist formerly known as Jeremy Lin was back on his preferred stage, throwing himself fearlessly at the Madison Square Garden basket while recreating something he swore he did not want to recreate. 之前叫做Jeremy Lin 的藝術家回到他喜歡的場所 在麥迪森花園無懼的攻擊籃框, 打出他之前發誓不會在重新出現的 "林來瘋" Yes, this was a worthy sequel to Linsanity. Some sentimental New York Knicks fans showed up in their Lin jerseys, maybe for the last time, and their former point guard showed up with some of his old flash and dash, definitely not for the last time. 是的沒錯, 這的確是很棒的林來瘋續集. 一些多愁善感的紐約客尼克迷 穿著林的球員裝來到花園, 然後尼克的前控衛打出以往的快速衝刺 (電光雷閃XDD) 而且絕對不是最後一次 Lin desperately wanted to beat the Knicks on Monday night, to finish 2-0 against them in his first season with the Houston Rockets, and there was no denying that. As he walked away from his 22-point, eight-assist performance in yet another Houston blowout of the Knicks, as he walked out of his postgame news conference and toward a reunion with family and friends in the Garden stands, Lin revealed he'd promised confidants he would hold nothing back against the most recent franchise to fire him. 今晚的林非常想要打敗尼克, 希望在火箭的第一個球季上打出對戰尼克2-0的成績. 他做到了, 他得了22分, 8助攻, 幫助火箭大比分的砍下尼克. 當他走出賽後記者會去會合他的家人及朋友時, 林說他之前告訴他的死黨 今晚他將毫無保留, 全力對抗這個最近才剛把林火掉的球團 "I just said, 'Tonight, I'm going to be free and fun. I'm going to throw everything else out the window and enjoy the game,'" Lin said. "I think that was the biggest thing, just enjoying this game and nothing else." 我只是說 "今晚, 我要打得很自由好好的玩一下, 我要把所有事都丟開, 享受這場比賽" "我想這是最重要的, 享受比賽, 其他就別管了" It hasn't always been fun in Houston. Lin called his play over the first 23 games "terrible," and he was struggling to find his niche with the ball-stopping James Harden as much as he'd struggled to find his niche with the ball-stopping Carmelo Anthony. 在休士頓並不是一直很有趣, 林說他這賽季的前23場比賽 "爛透了" 就像他在籃球黑洞Melo 中尋找自己的定位一樣, 他也正在籃球黑洞James Harden 中 想辦法找出屬於自己的定位 In fact, Lin had confided in a friend that he felt like he was back in New York with a healthy Melo all over again. It wasn't supposed to go down like this, not after Lin took the big money in Houston and signed a contract the Knicks refused to match. 事實上, 林跟他的死黨說他感覺好像又回到有健康的Melo 在隊中的紐約了 林跟火箭簽了大合約, 尼克不願意跟進, 一切都很好的時候... 事情不應該變成這樣的 Lin was supposed to be the featured star in the backcourt, the dominator of the ball, and then all of a sudden the Harden trade came out of left field -- the same place that had delivered Linsanity to the world last winter. The Rockets had acquired an elite scorer from the Western Conference champ, Oklahoma City, and they were celebrated around the league for their ability to close the deal. 林應該是後場的看板明星, 主要持球者, 但突然間場上左翼出現被交易來的James Harden 場上左翼 - 曾經在去年冬天林來瘋出現在全世界的所在. 火箭把去年西區冠軍的得分好手搶過來, 而且還為了成功搞定這交易而大肆慶祝 But as much as Lin thought he'd failed his Houston coaches, Kevin McHale and Kelvin Sampson had failed him, too. They allowed Harden to iso the point guard into oblivion, leaving Lin to stand statue-still in the corner as a spot-up shooter, something he was never meant to be. The one night Harden was out with an injury, the night Houston's coaches had no choice but to turn to their point guard, Lin dropped 38 points on the Spurs. 但當林認為他辜負了火箭教練團的期望, McHale跟Sampson 也同樣辜負了林 這兩個教練讓Harden 一直單打到林整個就被遺忘了, 讓林只能角落當個站立看板似的 定點射手, 一個他從來都不適合的角色. 當有一晚Harden 受傷不在場上, 當那一晚教練別無選擇的尋求他們的控衛 林在馬刺面前打下38分 Back at the Garden, Lin decided he was tired of being the mediocre player his numbers (10.8 points, 6.0 assists, .395 shooting from the floor) suggested he'd become. He didn't care that Harden was in uniform, ready to score 28 points of his own. 回到熟悉的花園, 林決定他受夠了, 他不要在當目前數據表現顯示的平凡球員 (10.8分, 6.0助攻, 0.395命中率) 他也不管Harden也穿著球員裝在場上, 準備自己拿下28分 "Stay aggressive, be really aggressive -- that was my mindset coming in," Lin said as he walked the Garden hallways, a lively bounce in his step after his sweetest victory as a Rocket. "Be aggressive, have fun and let everything fall where it may." "保持侵銳, 侵略如火 - 我上場時就保持這想法" 林在場後花園里的走道這樣說道. "保持侵銳, 享受比賽, 剩下的就讓他們自然發生吧" Nothing fell quite like the Knicks' perfect record at home. 結果就是尼克的主場不敗神話破碎 "I was so comfortable in the game," Lin said. "I saw so many of the same people, all the season-ticket holders and people like that. It was crazy. It was like yesterday." "我在比賽中很舒服" 林說 "我看到好多我認識的人, 那些買季票的球迷阿等等, 很瘋狂, 就好像昨天一樣" In a pregame news conference, Lin called the experience of walking through the Garden door as an opponent "weird." He said he tried and failed to maneuver his way through the renovated building, making like the clueless rookie out of his undrafted past. 在賽前記者會, 林說在花園廣場上從"對手"那區走出來挺怪的 他說他試著在重新裝潢的球場中移動可市還是迷路了, 看起來就像以前笨笨的非選秀新秀一樣 Linsanity, the maker of the phenomenon said, "was the time of my life." The 38 he scored on Kobe's Lakers, the shot against Toronto, the magazine covers, the overnight ascension from apartment-crashing, couch-hogging scrub to worldwide celebrity -- Lin said he'd remember those things forever. 林來瘋的創造者說道 "林來瘋那段時間是我人生的美好的一部分" 在Kobe面前對湖人攻下38分, 暴龍絕殺, 雜誌封面 從借住人家公寓沙發的傻小子變成全球明星 - 林說他會永遠記住這些 But he also told everyone he was in an entirely different place now and on an entirely different journey. "I don't think anybody from the Rockets' organization is expecting me to recreate anything," Lin said, "and I'm not either." 但他也跟大家說他現在在一個完全不同的地方, 也開始完全不同的旅程 "我不認為火箭有任何人希望我重新創造出啥瘋的" 林說 "我自己也不想" He headed out onto the Garden floor for pregame warm-ups, stopping to share a few laughs with Amare Stoudemire. A circle of photographers and cameramen followed Lin to the scorer's table, where he laced up his shoes and listened as Sampson, McHale's lieutenant, gave him an animated pep talk. 在賽前熱身林來到球場上, 跟Amare聊天打鬧, 一群攝影記者跟著林來到 計分桌前, 在這他邊幫鞋帶邊聽Sampson, McHale 的上尉, 跟他說一些老調牙的激勵士氣的話 And then Lin faced off against a Knicks team trying to make do without Carmelo Anthony, out with a bum ankle. Funny, but Lin always played his best basketball when Melo wasn't on the floor. 然後林就開始面對沒有Melo 的尼克, 有趣, 因為林一直可以在沒有Melo 在場上的情況下打出最好的籃球 The point guard was the last Rocket introduced, and the crowd gave him a healthy round of applause. "It was actually a lot better than I thought," Lin said. His replacement, Raymond Felton, opened with a quick jumper and a hint that their shared season-long narrative -- Felton has been the superior player -- wasn't about to change. 火箭中最後出場被介紹的就是這位控衛, 觀眾給他一個很棒的掌聲 "比我想像中的好" 林說 Felton, 他的替代人員, 一開場就跳投得分, 像是暗示著整個球季以來 他們兩個一值在說的也不會改變的事情 -- Felton 是個很棒的球員 But Lin immediately answered with a layup off a backdoor cut, sending a message of his own. The same fans who had showed their appreciation during introductions started booing Lin when the ball found him, and when he in turn found lanes to the goal. 但林馬上用走後面的上籃來回應, 用他的方式給大家訊息 開場時給予林掌聲的觀眾開始噓他了, 不論球到他手上, 還是他找到通往目標的康莊大道 The Rockets ran a layup line on the Charmin-soft Knicks, with Lin and Harden leading the charge. In the second quarter, the former teammate Lin likened to "a big brother to me last year," Tyson Chandler, decided he'd seen enough and flagrantly fouled the man of the hour with a right forearm to the head. 尼克軟弱的防守讓火箭攻擊禁區上來像喝水一樣, 林跟Harden 帶頭攻擊 到了第二節, 林的前隊友, 對林來說像是老大哥一樣的Tyson Chandler 認為他看夠了, 直接對林的頭上打上一記右拐, 拿下一個技術犯規 "I totally understand when someone comes in your lane, you want to make sure they think twice about coming back," Lin said. "So he hit me hard." "喔我完全了解當有人衝向你的時候, 你會要讓他知道你不好惹免得你一衝再衝" "所以他狠狠的把我打下來" 林說 The point guard threw a bit of a hesitation dribble into his response before adding, "I still kept coming though." 然後林猶豫了一下考慮一下要如何回答, 說道 "我還是會繼續衝" He wasn't stopping for anything or anyone, not this time. He had 16 points at the half, and soon enough the juggernaut that had been 10-0 at home was down 27 in the fourth quarter. 沒有任何事, 或任何人可以擋住他, 今天不行. 上半場他就得到16分 馬上, 這個在主場拿下10連勝的巨神兵, 再第四節已經差距到27分 Mike Woodson didn't even bother to play Felton in the fourth -- another victory for Lin, who survived some poor 3-point shooting (he still needs to work on that) and one mocking chant of "Airrrr-bawwwwl." Lin executed a few daring drives to his left (he's done some work on that) and ultimately inspired the same fans who had booed him to boo the Knicks. 光頭Woodson 甚至懶得讓Felton打第四節了 -- 林的另外一場勝利 今天他三分投得不好 (這方面他必須持續練習), 而且還有一個大麵包 不過他今天也左切得了一些分 (這方面他已經做了一些練習), 最後讓噓他的球迷 改噓尼克 "It was great to be back," he said, "and it was a lot of fun to play on that court again." "很高興能夠回來" 林說 "在這場上比賽很舒服" With 2:25 left, another former Knicks point guard, Toney Douglas, wrapped his arms around the first stringer, and Lin was off to the bench for good. He shared hugs with Steve Novak, Chandler and Knicks assistant Herb Williams after the final horn, and then did a spirited jog for the showers. 在時間剩下2.25分, 另外一個前尼克控衛, Toney Douglas, 開始在場上了 然後林回板凳休息了. 在鍾響後, 他跟Novak, Tyson, 以及尼克助理教練Herb Williams 擁抱 然後踩著輕快的步伐去洗澡了 Lin would say he found a connection with Harden, at last, and that it represented "a big step in the right direction in terms of figuring it out." Of course, it's on Lin to figure it out, too, to find a way to make it work with Harden after he lost his chance to make it work with Anthony. 林大概會說, 他終於找到可以跟Harden 合作的契機了. 這代表著 "把事情釐清這方面來說, 這市在正確的路上邁向了一大步" 當然, 在失去想出辦法跟Melo 合作的機會後, 林也必須搞清楚如何跟Harden 合作 But this much is certain for the 24-year-old Lin, still a rookie quarterback: He is going to be a good player in this league for a long time, even if Felton wins a ring for the Knicks. 但有件事很清楚, 對這位新秀四分衛來說, 他將會在這個聯盟中成為一個很好的球員, 並當上很長一段時間呢 儘管Felton 可能會為尼克戴來一個戒指 So as much as Lin savored the sight of fans wearing his old Knicks jersey ("I was like, 'Wow, that was really cool,'" he said), he needed to get on with the next stage of his career. 所以當林救贖了那些穿上17號尼克球衣的球迷們時 (林說 "wow, 很cool") 他也必須攻下他職業生涯的下一個灘頭了 "I'm glad it's over," he would say before joining his family and friends in the stands, "just because, in some ways, I wanted closure." 再跟他朋友及家人會面前他說 "我很高興這結束了" "因為, 某方面來說, 我希望有個結局" Jeremy Lin got what he wanted Monday night when he left the Garden with plenty more than a 2-0 record against the Knicks. 這個晚上, Jeremy Lin 得到他想要的, 比幹掉尼克2-0還多 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: akainorei 來自: (12/19 16:25) ※ 編輯: akainorei 來自: (12/19 16:27)
w08152266:推翻譯 12/19 16:28
kd1523:昨天的比賽也讓一切落幕,再見了。 12/19 16:30
s97730021:推~~~ 12/19 16:38
airawesu:翻譯辛苦 12/19 16:40
alldishuang:黑洞……XD 12/19 16:48
essendo:推~ "很高興這結束了" 向前看吧! 12/19 16:52
PTT0000:感謝翻譯與分享XD 12/19 16:59
PTT0000:昨天在MSG看到Lin在場上久違的笑容,這地方一定對他意味 12/19 17:00
verna312:感謝翻譯 總版那篇根本亂翻= = 12/19 17:00
PTT0000:許多,但的確是該做個了結重新出發的時候了。加油!XD 12/19 17:00
verna312:這次真的做個了結了XDD 繼續前進吧LIN GO GO GO !!! 12/19 17:02
bluesunflowe:原來全世界都知道冰箱是用"Lin當底角男"戰術...冏" 12/19 17:02
djviva:感謝翻譯 12/19 17:04
drcula:四分衛,真是一個好的形容詞,哈哈 12/19 17:09
PTT0000:blue大,真高興愈來愈多專家跟媒體注意到底角男戰術了XD 12/19 17:13
wengna:推推~ 12/19 17:14
fairy0413:感謝翻譯~ 12/19 17:16
rutenac:感謝翻譯! 12/19 17:26
handlesome:寫的好 翻的也很讚!! 12/19 17:50
Evelyn9056:感謝翻譯 12/19 17:50
apass:這個記者一定是LIN粉~~寫的很棒~翻的也很棒>W< 12/19 18:00
silviasun:感謝翻譯! 12/19 18:03
minghanwu:leaving Lin to stand statue-still in the corner XDD 12/19 18:07
putare:感謝翻譯~~ 12/19 18:24
renie57:感謝翻譯! 12/19 18:53
PTT0000:不知道Lin跟朋友說的那段話是否真有其事,休士頓辜負他 12/19 19:18
knockdemon:謝謝翻譯 12/19 19:27
wuling1001:完美的結局XD 穿Lin17的被救贖了 希望穿Lin7的也可以! 12/19 19:35
sillywhoever:這是真正讓我感動到眼眶發熱的一篇總整理! 12/19 19:50
wuling1001:這才是真正的Linsanity 2:0 XD 12/19 19:54
ts0821:這樣也接間給教練群一點壓力,全世界都知道豪哥不是這樣用滴 12/19 20:24
Picton:感謝翻譯! 12/19 20:51
kerotamama:希望Lin的迷惘和掙扎也告一段落 就打得像自己吧 加油! 12/19 21:11
olivelee:感謝翻譯!寫的真好!紐約記者寫出的文章都好有FU.. 12/19 21:26
tseng1304:感謝翻譯!! 12/19 21:39
olivelee:補推! ^^ 12/19 21:43
newtypeL9:推翻譯跟文章 12/19 21:45
gaudiron:感謝翻譯!寫的真好!很有Fu 12/19 22:13
jt:謝謝翻譯! 紐媒寫Lin都很有Fu呢! 12/19 22:14
sarahls:感謝翻譯~~ 12/19 22:48
fateorz:寫得好 翻得棒 推~ 12/19 23:44
redplum:作者:Ian O'Connor XD 12/19 23:55
clover316:好文翻譯也好看ˇ 告一個段落又能是嶄新的開始。 12/20 02:31
nancyh:推!! 感謝翻譯! 12/20 08:19
claudia1419:說休士頓辜負他那段真的是林自己說的嗎? 12/20 08:24
claudia1419:私底下跟朋友說的那段話來源到底是什麼? 有點質疑 12/20 08:25
pila0830:推! 沒有melo的Lin總是打得特別好XDDDDDD 12/20 12:32