看板 Juventus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.channel4.com/sport/football_italia/may3l.html Juve collapse confounds Ranieri Sunday 3 May, 2009 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Claudio Ranieri admits he doesn't know why Juventus are faltering so badly and will only continue “if the club has faith in the Coach.” The Bianconeri were held to a 2-2 draw by Lecce and are now without a win in five games, dropping four points off Milan in second place. 聯賽五連不勝。(還有義大利盃敗給藍鷹淘汰) “We were visibly more tired than Lecce and we'll talk over the reasons in the week. They train hard and run with great enthusiasm, so I don't know what could've happened.” 拉拉說:「我們顯然比萊切更疲憊,這週我們會深切討論原因, 他們訓練很努力而且跑起來熱辣辣的。」 The Stadio Olimpico crowd was furious and aimed numerous chants against the players, tacticians and club directors. 自家球迷也熱辣辣,唱著許多狂嗆自家球員、教練跟球會董事的歌。 “It isn't pleasing to see those protests, but sometimes they can act as a motivating force,” noted Ranieri. 「看到那些抗議不太爽,不過有時候它們能成為激勵的力量。」 “We may run more, but we're not really going anywhere because we are tactically not as united and organised. In effect it tires us out. 「我們可能跑動很多,但是真的哪也去不了, 因為戰術上並不團結有組織,實際上這樣榨乾了我們。」 (主教練批評自己的戰術是哪招?) “I already said 10 days ago that we have to stay quiet and do our best. As with every business, at the end of the season we'll see if the objectives have been reached and our plans for the future. 「十天前我就說過,我們必須保持安靜,拿出最佳水平, 各司其職,賽季末我們就會看見目標有無達成與自己未來的計畫。」 “If the club still has faith in its Coach then we can carry on. It has been a terrible month, so we have to roll our sleeves up and dig ourselves out of this hole. 「如果球會仍對自家教練有信心,他們就會繼續用他, 這個月份慘不忍睹,所以我們得捲起袖子把自己從洞裡挖出來。」 (神經病,剛挖完洞自己跳進去現在又要挖出來。) “I only see one Juventus and we are all working together to achieve our objectives. We try to win the games, but recently have struggled to do so and we know that more than anyone.” 「我只看到一個尤文圖斯,我們全都共同努力以達成自己的目標, 我們嘗試贏得比賽,但是近來有所掙扎,這我們比誰都清楚。」 Once again Juve conceded on counter-attacks and were caught out in stoppages against Lecce. 又一次被反擊絕殺。 “I am not accusing the defence specifically, as we score and concede all together, but we have been leaking goals repeatedly for a month. 「我不會特別指責後防,我們都是一起得分一起失分的,不過這個月丟球頻繁。」 “The fans are right to be disappointed and so are we. We wanted to end the season on a high and are not managing it. In football what you do today counts, not the day before, so we must get ourselves back on track.” 「球迷失望很正常,我們也一樣失望,我們想高調結束賽季卻沒能成功, 足球界只有今天的戰果算數,昨日的努力拿不到積分, 所以我們必須讓自己回到軌道上。」 This afternoon Fabio Cannavaro flew in to Italy for his medical in Perugia, ready to complete a free transfer from Real Madrid. 卡納飛抵義大利在佩魯賈進行體檢,即將完成轉會。 “There is no meeting with Cannavaro on the agenda,” commented Ranieri. 「跟卡納見面不在行程之內。」 -- 「晚輩今天是來勸架,並不是來結怨的。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
yesing:啦啦現在一整個啦啦...等等就來"再見~再見" 05/04 18:22
lavor:天線寶寶說再~~~~見~~~~~~ 拉拉:你好~~~~~ 05/04 18:25
Okuthor:最新消息是斧頭已經舉起來了,可能會先找 05/04 18:33
Okuthor:費大叔代班,人望夠,隊長都聽他的球迷也 05/04 18:34
Okuthor:愛他,可以一次解決更衣室混亂與球迷暴動 05/04 18:34
yesing:不意外,要過渡沒人比費大叔更理想 05/04 18:47
Okuthor:不過重點還是要看斧頭有沒有砍下去啦~ 05/04 18:59
yesing:下場打輸我看就鐵掰了吧... 05/04 19:35
omoichen:啦啦連再見都要拖拖拉拉的... 05/08 14:52