看板 Juventus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
〔以下兩篇節錄蝶哥加盟後的發言〕 http://www.channel4.com/sport/football_italia/may26g.html “I am excited and proud at the chance to play for such a prestigious side,” Diego said. “I have dreamed of this since I was a kid. 蝶哥說:「對於能為這樣一隻豪門效力我感到非常興奮與光榮。」 “After my experience in Portugal and in the Bundesliga I will be able to test myself at the highest level in a very competitive championship. 「在經歷過葡萄牙聯賽與德甲之後, 我將能夠在極具競爭力的聯賽中以最高的水平考驗自己。」 “It is the right moment in my career to make this important step and I am convinced that Juve will be able to do great things. 「這是在我職業生涯中踏出重要一步的合適時機,我相信尤文能夠大幹一場。」 “Now I want to concentrate on leaving Werder in the best possible way with a win in Saturday's Cup Final against Bayer Leverkusen.” 「現在我要專注於以最好的方式告別不萊梅, 就是贏下週六對小拜的德國盃決賽。」 -- http://www.channel4.com/sport/football_italia/may26t.html “I chose Juve because they are one of the best teams in the world and we have been discussing this move for two and a half years now,” said the man who took Werder Bremen to the UEFA Cup Final. 蝶哥說:「我選擇尤文是因為他們是世界上最好的球隊之一, 我們已經討論這樁轉會長達兩年半了。」 “I always had a soft spot for Juventus and it was the best option for me.” 「我一直留了個位置給尤文,這是於我而言最好的選擇。」 “Italian football is very competitive and there are extremely strong teams here, especially in defence. It will be a difficult League, but a team like Juve have everything it takes to win the Scudetto. 「義大利足球競爭激烈,這裡有著非常強大的隊伍,特別是在防守層面, 聯賽將很艱難,但是像尤文這樣的球隊具備贏得聯賽冠軍所需的一切。」 “Do I have a message for the fans? It's a great pleasure to be part of a club like Juve and I hope to bring them immense joy.” 「我有沒有話要告訴球迷?非常榮幸能成為尤文的成員, 希望能給他們帶來無盡喜悅。」 Diego will not be able to prise his Number 10 jersey off captain Alessandro Del Piero’s back yet, but he already has his eye on the future. 關於十號。 “I will wait, because Del Piero has such a marvellous history and is an idol the world over, so I am sure the Number 10 is in good hands. 「我會等待,因為老皮擁有令人驚嘆的歷史又是世界級的偶像, 所以我確信十號在對的人手上。」 “Really, it's no problem and I will choose another number. When I can, I'll pick the 10.” 「真的啦,沒問題啦,我會選其他號碼,當我可以的時候再來選十號。」 -- 這傢伙是個有智慧的野心家。 -- 「晚輩今天是來勸架,並不是來結怨的。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Okuthor 來自: (05/27 21:05)
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