看板 Juventus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.football-italia.net/aug10o.html Marchisio amazed by Zanetti exit Monday 10 August, 2009 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Juventus midfielder Claudio Marchisio says he does “not understand why Cristiano Zanetti was sold” to Fiorentina. The transfer was officially confirmed today for around £1m, but took some of his teammates in Turin by surprise. CZ今天證實以1m英鎊左右的轉會費加盟紫百合,隊友震驚。 “I did not expect Cristiano's sale and I haven't spoken to him yet,” commented Marchisio. 馬奇說:「我沒料到他會被出售,也還沒跟他講上話。」 “I do not understand why he was sold, I really didn't see this coming. He is a friend and helped me so much.” 「我不能理解為什麼他被賣了,我真的沒想到, 他是我的朋友而且給我很大的幫助。」 Marchisio has received his debut Azzurri call for Wednesday's friendly against Switzerland and can consider this a 'promotion' with less competition for places at Juve. 馬奇剛接到義大利國家隊的初次徵召,將在週三對戰瑞士, 對這項轉會可以看作是對他的『晉升』,因為競爭變少了。 “In theory I could have more space, but with so many competitions we are in this season, we could both have played regularly.” 「理論上來說我能夠獲得更多上場空間,但是我們本季比賽這麼多, 我們可以一樣規律地踢上比賽啊」 -- 除了省錢以外不是項好轉會,畢竟摸摸受傷,開季前一個月應該上不了場, 現在剩下砲森、馬奇、洗衣機、海格能打4312的3, 勉強再算上卡莫跟小兄弟,夠硬派的防守型中場其實不多。 黑暗法師是去了哪?我忘了… -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
yesing:租給Siena魔練去了...用這個魔感覺比較強XD 08/11 00:35
Okuthor:魔煉是吧?非常好~ 08/11 00:36
Supra:有報導就說我們對Gago有興趣 08/12 01:08
Supra:要說防守的話 應該只有momo Melo 砲森不夠>< 08/12 01:10