看板 Juventus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.football-italia.net/aug12i.html Zanetti: 'Juve lied about me!' Wednesday 12 August, 2009 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fiorentina signing Cristiano Zanetti blasted Alessio Secco's “absurd lies. Juventus had no intention of renewing my contract. They lacked respect.” The midfielder completed a surprise transfer to the Stadio Artemio Franchi and director of sport Alessio Secco suggested yesterday that it was their last chance to cash in on the veteran. 體育董事塞可昨天解釋說這是最後一個賣掉CZ的機會。 “Let us not say absurd things, this story needs to be explained properly. I took into account Juve's behaviour towards me and looked around at my options,” Zanetti told the Gazzetta dello Sport. 但是CZ開砲了:「別說那些荒謬的話了,事情應該被恰當地說明, 我只是考量了尤文對待我的方式跟自己還有的選擇。」 “They never had any intention of renewing my contract and I was the only player there with a year left to run on his deal. 「他們從來沒打算跟我簽新約,我是隊上惟一只剩一年合約在身的球員。」 “They lacked respect. I heard Secco saying some things that I really must rebut. He claimed I had asked for a first team place, but I have never in my life requested such a thing. 「他們缺乏尊重,我聽到塞可說了一些我實在必須反駁的話, 他聲稱我要求先發位置,但是我這輩子根本沒要求過這種事情。」 “My guarantees are hard work on the pitch. Secco said I demanded a three-year contract, which is another absurd lie. 「我的保證是在賽場上奮力而戰,塞可說我要求三年約,這更是個可笑的謊言。」 “How could I request a three-year deal when we never even discussed my contract? I didn't speak to Secco at all.” 「當我的合約從來被被討論過的時候我是要怎麼要求三年約? 我根據沒跟塞可談過。」 The Bianconeri director also noted that selling Zanetti for £1m was a bargain, considering he had so many injury problems. 塞可還說只賣1m超便宜是因為CZ傷病太多。 “I don't think I was the only one to be injured at Juventus in the last year,” retaliated the 32-year-old. CZ說:「我不認為我是尤文去年惟一受到傷病困擾的。」 “If that was the problem, they could have offered me a one-year pay-as-you-play contract.” 「如果是這個問題,他們大可給我一份有上場才支薪的合約。」 Instead he penned a two-year deal with Fiorentina and the option for a third, returning to the club where he started his career. 所以他現在跟開始自己職業生涯的紫百合簽下兩年約。 “I feel absolutely fine. A year ago people acted as if I was the only one with trouble. Instead as the months went on we all got injured. 「我感到棒透了,一年前人們看待我好似只有我會有麻煩, 結果幾個月下來大家都受了傷。」 “I was very angry, but now I feel better. This matter is over for me. I am happy, very happy, to be at Fiorentina. 「我曾經非常生氣,但是現在好多了,這件事已經過去了, 我很高興,非常高興,能‘來到紫白合。」 “I would never have said no to Fiorentina, as they know how to treat people. That's enough for me.” 「我永遠不可能拒絕紫白合,他們知道如何待人,對我來說這就夠了。」 -- 換了管理層之後有多少球員負氣離開之後開砲我已經數不清了, 塞可是個蠢人我想應該也不用多說了。 昨天看到塞可的發言我就覺得事情一定有鬼, 我不覺得CZ會講那種話,所以也不想貼出來罵,結果這下又羅生門了, 但是我絕對不會站在塞可那邊。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
yesing:還好我昨天嫌麻煩沒翻賽科科那篇... 08/12 19:21
kimimaru:Horse's.......這樣感覺很賤... 08/12 19:47
PowerCable:很怪 不過我也不想站賽可這邊 08/12 20:29
PowerCable:如果不是人也是這樣走的... = =+ 08/12 20:29
yesing:賽科科沒做出什麼偉大事業讓人想站她這邊 08/12 20:33
PowerCable:我學長的情報我們租借巴薩後衛了 是嗎? 08/12 20:48
swingboy:不是前一陣子的事了嗎XD 08/12 20:51
dimhdp10:搜尋關鍵字"Caceres"就有文章啦 08/12 20:52
dimhdp10:Secco太超過了 希望CZ知道球迷是挺他的 08/12 20:59
yesing:對不起是我標題沒註明巴薩後衛的錯.... 08/12 21:25
PowerCable:內文看到了.. 摸乳太多 真的還是要確認 08/12 21:53
PowerCable:是我沒認真爬文. 我本來還以為有別隻耶 08/12 21:53
Zanetti6:CZ根本就不是那種會吵著要先發的球員= = 08/13 00:00
Zanetti6:他不曾罵過前東家(羅馬 國米)耶 如果是真220.137.191.220 08/13 00:01
Zanetti6:的 看來真的火大了 跟著打乙組遭這種待遇220.137.191.220 08/13 00:02
Zanetti6:可是他向來低調不引戰端 這報導可信度... 08/13 00:02
Supra:德哥 和 CZ 事件讓人覺得高層沒腦加冷血 08/13 00:59
yesing:我現在相信不是人是被逼退休的了 08/13 01:02
PowerCable:有腦冷血有利運作 無腦熱血有情義 08/13 01:42
PowerCable:無腦加冷血 = =a 可以換一個嗎?? 08/13 01:43
yesing:不算無腦,說是不夠精明的商人我覺得很貼切 08/13 20:02
PowerCable:我認同你的說法更貼切 08/14 00:16