看板 Juventus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.football-italia.net/aug24d.html Diego enjoys Serie A debut Monday 24 August, 2009 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diego has won over the Juventus fans in a hard-fought victory over Chievo and feels he is approaching his real form. “We knew it was going to be difficult and always will be, as that is the situation in Italy,” he said of the 1-0 result. 迭哥說:「我們知道這會很艱辛,一直都是如此,在義大利情況就是這樣。」 “Chievo are very organised and were tough to beat, but at the end of the day we took home three very important points.” 「切沃很有組織,難以擊敗,但是到最後我們帶著非常重要的三分回家了。」 The Brazilian has made in total only three appearances for the club since completing his £20m move from Werder Bremen, as he has struggled with muscular problems. 他在20m英鎊轉會加盟之後僅出賽三場,因為肌肉問題。 “I am in good shape. There is still a way to go before I can be on top form, but I already feel ready to face any opponent.” 「我狀態良好,不過要回到最佳水平還有一段路要走, 但是我已經感覺自己準備好要面對任何對手了。」 Diego was given a standing ovation at his substitution in Turin and was frequently the subject of chants from the enthusiastic crowd. 他在都靈被換下時獲得全場起立鼓掌,比賽中也被狂熱球迷頻繁傳唱。 “In Germany I scored 12-13 goals per season on average and think I can continue that trend in Italy, but my real objective is to win the Scudetto. Individual statistics come later.” 「在德國我一個賽季平均能進十二、三球,我認為自己在義大利也能持續這走勢, 但是我真正的目標還是奪得義甲冠軍,個人數據可以晚點再說。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
kimimaru:心態、球技都成熟啊!!中興有望阿!!!! 08/24 13:09
dimhdp10:蝶哥跑動範圍超廣的 真的是很不錯啊 08/24 13:11
yesing:蝶哥自我感覺良好~ 08/24 13:14
righthand:蝶哥讓人想起某刑警 :P 08/24 13:16