看板 Juventus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.football-italia.net/aug26h.html Cannavaro shows Ciro respect Wednesday 26 August, 2009 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fabio Cannavaro reveals how his relationship with good friend Ciro Ferrara has changed since becoming a Coach and calls Fabio Grosso to Juventus. “The first time I started calling him ‘Coach’ he was stunned,” revealed the defender in the Gazzetta dello Sport. 卡納談到費大叔:「我第一次開始稱呼他為『教練』的時候,他嚇到了。」 “But it is the right thing to do. I'm friends with Ciro and we even run a charity foundation in Naples together, but now he is my Coach and he has to make his tactical choices.” 「不過事情本該如此,我跟他是朋友,甚至在那不勒斯一起經營慈善基金會, 但是現在他是我的教練,他必須做出戰術選擇。」 The pair are not only long-standing Bianconeri figures, but also both hail from the poorer areas of Naples. 這兩人不單是尤文的象徵,也同樣都廣受那不勒斯貧困地區愛戴。 “I am proud to be Neapolitan. We have something more, it is a city with a unique aura and way of living, even if people can joke about it. There are insults from the stands, but that's just trash talk, it's not racism.” 「我以身為那不勒斯人為榮,我們擁有更多事物, 那是一個具有獨特光輝與生活方式的城市,儘管人們總愛拿它開玩笑, 看台上有許多辱罵,但是那只是垃圾話,並非種族主義。」 With peers Ferrara and Leonardo becoming Serie A tacticians and Canna turning 36 next month, will he have a future on the bench too? 窺見費大叔與米蘭起用李奧成為新帥,卡納下個月年滿三十六, 是否也想過成為教練? “I don't know, but for the last couple of years I have been taking notes about the training sessions. Football is my world.” 「我不知道,不過最後這幾年我都有在注意訓練流程,足球就是我的世界。」 His return to Juve was marred by protests from some of the ultras who did not forgive him walking out during the Calciopoli scandal of 2006. 他回來還是有很多人幹譙,無法原諒他在2006年電話門醜聞出走。 “I was nervous at my debut against Chievo. Now I have cleared the air with the fans and told them the reasons behind that transfer, so I can go forward and the only thing I can do now is to play well. 「初戰對切沃我很緊張,現在我已經跟球迷講清楚說明白轉會背後的原因了, 所以我能夠繼續往前,現在惟一能做的就是踢好每場球」 “The spirit and hunger for success are the same as in 2006, because these have always been the key strengths of this club. 「這種精神與對成功的渴望一如2006年,因為這始終是這家球員的關鍵力量。」 “The team I joined the first time was already in place and had won trophies, whereas now we have a Coach and many young players who are starting out.” 「我第一次加盟的時候這隻球隊已經到位而且獲獎無數, 反之,我們現在有的是剛起步的主帥與眾多年輕球員。」 Diego and Felipe Melo have reinforced the Bianconeri, but another player is on his way, as Grosso is expected to complete the transfer from Lyon tomorrow. 蝶哥與海格已經加盟,靈魂附體左後衛也可能在明天到來。 “I hope he will come,” added his Italy teammate Cannavaro. “I don't see many other world class left-backs available. 對此卡納說:「我希望他能來,我沒看到市場上還有其他世界級左後衛。」 “Fabio remains one of the best and with more experience he can bring that something extra to the side, even if we have two promising youngsters like Christian Molinaro and Paolo De Ceglie.” 「他仍是佼佼者,也能多帶給這隻球隊許多經驗, 儘管我們已經有摸你那囉跟德切利兩位潛力新秀。」 Juve are top of the table and could extend that lead over Inter after Saturday's Derby della Madonnina. 週六米蘭德比。 “I expect a surprise, as the teams haven't quite gelled yet. Inter have a stronger squad, but the best doesn't always win in a derby.” 「我期待一場驚喜,因為球隊都還待整合, 國米陣容比較強,但是強者不見得就能贏得德比。」 -- 曾經我也對他臭幹譙,極度不希望他回鍋, 可是不知道為什麼看了他幾篇訪談就被催眠了… 這人瞭解我們。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
dimhdp10:要擔心的是球季進行中Canna體能狀況下滑 08/26 23:45
dimhdp10:之後是否還能維持像這場的高檔表現 08/26 23:46
dimhdp10:然後Grosso真的要來啊?不知道比Criscito 08/26 23:47
dimhdp10:貴多少吶......orz...... 08/26 23:47
yesing:據說是2M,所以我們放棄巴西那位12M的 08/26 23:48
yesing:換句話說,我們用Marco換來了神魂附體... 08/26 23:49
Okuthor:其實我很討厭中衛輪替,不過Canna勢必要跟 08/26 23:55
Okuthor:Legro輪番上場的,(嘆)04年就是中衛輪替 08/26 23:55
Okuthor:被打爆Lippi才下台的… 08/26 23:56
swingboy:GROSSO真的要來喔 希望是真的 08/27 00:23
Bluetyreal:格羅索要是俱樂部踢的跟國際賽一樣好 08/27 12:50
Bluetyreal:也算是個頂級左後衛...不過.... 08/27 12:51
gianluigi:其實我還是愛卡納...沉默螺旋都不敢講XD 08/27 14:23
yesing:突然想到...威爺這就是口閒體正直啊 XD 08/29 23:17