看板 KARA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
原文 @ http://ppt.cc/u0l, -- The lawsuit of the three members of Kara is just a protocol- Tae Jin Ah: "There is still a possibility of mutual consent” Seoul, Korea — The three members of Kara (Kang Jiyoung, Jung Nicole, Han Seung Yeon), who are in discord with their agency, DSPmedia, because of their contract, are going through the legal processes. But the processes are only a protocol and they say that there is still a possibility of mutual consent. 就是說,之前所提的"法律程序"僅僅是某種"協議",因此"不是不可能"有挽回機會。 It was announced that on the 16th, the three members presented a warrant to the Seoul Western District Court, authorizing the law firm Hangyeol Hanwool as their attorney. 在 3 月 16 日孩子們這邊提交了委任狀,並授權新的律師。 Accordingly, there were talks of whether the discussions between the lawyers of both sides led by Tae Jin Ah, the chairman of the Korea Singers Association, failed. 先前曾有報導指出由韓國歌手工會會長太真兒發起的調解行動以失敗作結。 However on the 18th, through a phone call with TV Report, Chairman Tae Jin Ah dismiss the rumors by saying, “To my knowledge, the lawyers of both sides have almost come to an agreement. It is taking longer than expected but actually, they are in the last stages.” 大老在電話中表示,就他所知,兩邊律師已經"幾乎"達成了共識: "他們花的時間比預期的久,但是現在談判已經到了最後的階段。" He also said, “The lawsuit filed previously and the warrant presented by the three members are just legal protocols. Even though the legal proceedings are continuing, discussions are still taking place and if they reach an agreement, the lawsuit will be withdrawn.” "先前提出的告訴及律師的委任都只是法律上的協議。" "就算訴訟仍在進行,如果談判上可以和解,那提告就會撤銷了。" In February, when the lawsuit for the existence of exclusive contracts was filed to the Seoul Western District Court, Kang’s father said, “The lawsuit is part of a planned legal process and can be withdrawn anytime depending on the negotiations.” 姜爸表示,提告本來就是他們計畫的一部分,當然視談判的結果,也可以隨時撤銷。 However, even though they are in the last stages, the fact that both sides aren’t reaching an agreement is an uneasy factor. It seems the conditions requested by the three members to DSP, such as a reduction of the contract until August of 2012 and the change of management, are difficult to proceed with. 不過,他們的談判尚未完成也是個問題。 縮短合約長度以及更換管理人員的要求對 dsp 來說似乎很難接受。 According to a person familiar with both sides said that one of the two requests have been agreed on and there is still a possibility of mutual agreement. 哲青表示,其中一項要求已經得到同意。 The Kara situation started on the 19th of January with the announcement by the three members of Kara of the termination of their contracts with their agency DSPmedia. If both sides do not come to an agreement, the situation is expected to settle in court. 但是如果最後還是沒有共識,大概就必須對簿公堂了。 -- 最後一段有點負面,不過整個看來應該是好消息... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
a1102343: Kara Must be five 03/18 15:27
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