看板 KingofPop 關於我們 聯絡資訊
稍微翻譯一下,若有錯誤或不足,還請幫忙修正。 ※ 引述《taxman (taxman)》之銘言: : 出 處 : http://www.etonline.com/awards/grammys/2010/2010/02/83552/index.html : Sources close to Michael Jackson's family reveal details behind the : King of Pop's children's acceptance speech of their late father's Grammy award : on Sunday night. 大概是說,有來源揭露MJ的小孩接受在Grammy頒獎時上台致詞的背後細節。 : The source says Blanket became overwhelmed moments before his brother : Prince Michael and sister Paris took the stage. 消息說在哥哥姐姐要上台之前,Blanket變得不知所措。 (大概是太緊張了,畢竟他才七歲) : Joined by their cousins, Prince accepted his father's Lifetime : Achievement Award, saying of his dad, "Through all his songs, his message was : simple -- love. We will continue to spread his message and help the world." : ET's source says Prince wrote his own speech for the awards ceremony and : had been practicing for a couple of weeks. 在堂(表)兄弟陪同下,Prince接受他父親的終生成就獎,並說,綜觀他父親的歌曲, 他想傳達的就是--愛。也說會持續散播他的理念並幫助世界。 ET來源顯示,演講稿是Prince自己寫的,而且他已經練習了兩三個禮拜。 : Paris also spoke to the audience, saying, "We love you daddy." : Paris did not want to speak to the audience but her grandmother : Katherine Jackson is said to have prompted her to say something. Paris也上台致詞。本來Paris不打算致詞,但是J媽"被"吩咐去鼓勵Paris說些什麼。 : Afterward, the children attended an awards dinner. 之後小朋友們有參加晚宴。 : Onlookers say Prince didn't let the Grammy award out of his sight. : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 路人甲乙丙說Prince都沒有讓這個獎座離開他的視線。(是這樣翻嗎?) : http://www.etonline.com/awards/grammys/2010/2010/02/83546/index.html : http://www.etonline.com/awards/grammys/2010/2010/02/83544/index.html : 影片中有Gaga 碧昂絲 黑眼豆豆 亞瑟 談MJ致敬表演的感想 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
dormice:系低 他很關心爸爸的獎座 Pairs We love yoy daddy~!!! 02/03 21:42
mj830122:難怪.. paris真的就像沒打稿 說出想講的 但也最感人 02/04 00:27
u7273:推Paris講的話 雖然都很簡短 但都超感人 02/04 02:40
chinalyr:PARIS每次說的話,都會令我想哭~ 02/04 20:33
sinsuan:感覺Paris跟在追思會上比起來,好像心事重重,她大概很難 02/04 22:08
sinsuan:過幫daddy領這個獎,以及他所說的看不到daddy的表演 02/04 22:09