看板 Knicks 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Knicks interested in Sessions as 'Plan B'? http://tinyurl.com/7fssnfo The status of Baron Davis' back is unclear at this point. So Mike D'Antoni was asked on Wednesday if there is a Plan B in place if Davis can't make it all the way back from an injury that's sidelined him since the beginning of the season. "My hair will go up and I'll start screaming, that's plan B," the coach said with a laugh. "Obviously, go the way we're going. That's plan B as far as we can tell right now." Davis目前狀況未明,所以有媒體問冷笑話是不是心裡想好Plan B了? 冷笑話大笑接著說他會瘋掉(是被火掉吧...) 然後說Plan B就是認命繼續打....... The way the Knicks are going isn't working very well right now. With Toney Douglas, Iman Shumpert and Mike Bibby (and recently, Jeremy Lin) all getting minutes at the point, the Knicks have struggled to find continuity on offense. They entered play Wednesday ranked 24th in offensive efficiency. 尼克近況不太好,然後TD,Iman,BB以及林書豪都在PG這位置上分到一些時間 尼克在進攻上似乎遇到難題,目前進攻效率是聯盟第24名 So D'Antoni was asked about the Knicks looking into acquiring Ramon Sessions if things don't work out with Davis. He didn't dismiss the possibility. New York doesn't appear to have enough tradable assets to entice Cleveland to send Sessions here (they were lost in the Carmelo Anthony deal), But D'Antoni said that, while nothing's imminent, interim GM Glen Grunwald is doing his 'due diligence.' 所以冷笑話被問到如果Davis真的不行,是否將目標放在Ramon Sessions身上? 冷笑話沒有把話說死,他不排除有這個可能性 但尼克並沒有吸引騎士的籌碼,這是一大難題 雖然如此,臨時總經理Glen Grunwald還是盡他所能去做 "I'm sure [Grunwald's] sitting there going, 'Well, what can we do if Plan A doesn't work? Plan B, Plan C -- he's looking at every possibility," the coach said. 冷笑話說, 如果A計畫真的破滅,那就B計畫,C計畫...一直下去(你還有時間嗎...) 他不打算放棄,哪怕只有一點點的希望他也要試試看 "Whether there's possibilities now or not, I have heard any. I don't think so. But I'm sure that it will be thoroughly discussed and looked at and whatever will make our team better, we'll do it." Yahoo Sports reported recently that the Cavs have discussed dealing him to the Los Angeles Lakers. The Cavs have rookie Kyrie Irving at the point, so Sessions may be deemed expendable. YAHOO的報導有說到騎士正在考慮把Sessions交易到湖人的可能性 騎士已經有狀元了,所以Sessions不在他們的藍圖裡 Sessions can opt out of the final year of his contract next season, which has a $4.6 million option. Or he could become a free agent. Sessions明年球季可以選擇跳出合約(460萬美金) According to a Yahoo! report, the Lakers are in interested in Sesssions to help their depleted backcourt. They could offer Cleveland a first-round selection and a top-20 protected pick from Dallas. They also have an $8.9 million trade exception. 據報導,湖人也對他有興趣 湖人可能拿出的籌碼有一個首輪選秀權以及從小牛得到的前20順位保證選秀權(?) 他們還有一個890萬美金的TE可以用 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 另一篇:http://tinyurl.com/7ef48vt 尼克對還在CBA打的四名球員都有在關注 其中小AB與JR看似對現在的尼克有不少幫助 小AB是PG,正是尼克缺的...(報導說的...) 而JR可以提供板凳火力 威錢也不錯 K-Mart則是會在這週末宣布他的動向 其中威錢跟小AB都是受限自由球員 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
MOJS:外電推推 02/02 20:49
MOJS:尼克籌碼超少 02/02 20:49
guavataro:幹脆把馬大少簽回來算了~~ 02/02 20:49
MOJS:八人大轎還請不動 02/02 21:00
j27050707:XDDD 02/02 21:01
lest83:別選k罵就好了= = 02/02 21:02
MOJS:這些人簽到一個賺一個..應該吧XD 02/02 21:04
MOJS:我們內現在傷了JH後也缺人手,Novak貢獻不大 02/02 21:04
j27050707:真的...都是即戰力 02/02 21:06
j27050707:Novak除了三分都不太行... 02/02 21:07
MOJS:Sessions 390 420 450 今年和後兩年的薪水 02/02 21:22
MOJS:我們有Balkman Shumper Douglas可以換 02/02 21:23
j27050707:感覺對他們不太有吸引力...但若是換到他的話 02/02 21:24
j27050707:PG有:Sessions跟BB,BD(?),LIN 02/02 21:25
j27050707:IMAN就可以去打SG了,TD就可有可無了? 02/02 21:25
MOJS:當然..或是Fields和JH 02/02 21:25
MOJS:我要先看一下騎士缺什麼= = 02/02 21:25
MOJS:我看了一下騎士板,他們說一輪簽就換了XD 02/02 21:26
MOJS:我們有Walker和Fields算一點小籌碼.. 02/02 21:27
MOJS:因為我實在不知道Session的價值.. 02/02 21:27
j27050707:能不出FIELDS跟IMAN最好... 02/02 21:28
j27050707:他們有狀元,所以應該是邊賣邊看 看最好的就賣了吧 02/02 21:29
j27050707:他大概就是一個"堪用"的pg吧...比現在的所有人都好用吧 02/02 21:29
MOJS:等吧 A計畫能成功比較好.. 02/02 21:30
MOJS:球票價格:尼克斯最貴,湖人排第二 02/02 21:30
MOJS:這個價位是聯盟平均票價的兩倍 02/02 21:31
MOJS:當你的票能賣的比人家貴兩倍的時候,老闆還會在乎戰績嗎? 02/02 21:31
MOJS:對了..如果以Melo和拳王為基礎去換DH+配菜 感覺怎樣? 02/02 21:33
MOJS:純粹幻想討論而已.. 02/02 21:33
j27050707:老板感覺就是賺錢就好...... 02/02 21:43
j27050707:如果出到melo+拳王的話 感覺魔術除了DH沒有菜可以配耶.. 02/02 21:44
j27050707:然後當然希望不要出melo拉哈哈 感覺換中鋒從拳王換成DH 02/02 21:44
j27050707:沒有比較好耶...只是這樣換完到時候會有空間簽好pg 02/02 21:45
MOJS:欸..例如Melo+拳王換DH+火槍這樣..沒什麼空間拉 02/02 21:46
Jefa910:教練加油 02/02 21:46
j27050707:喔喔 我以為水槍快到期了 02/02 21:49
j27050707:要到13/14...超久 02/02 21:50
j27050707:RUMOR不是AMARE+拳王<--->DW+水槍嗎 02/02 21:51
MOJS:所以我說純粹煥想= = 02/02 21:52
j27050707:我的想法是...如果沒有好PG解放阿罵...阿罵如果可以換掉 02/02 21:53
j27050707:最好......雖然他約超大應該沒有人會想吃... 02/02 21:53
j27050707:看他最近這樣打他痛苦我也好痛苦= = 02/02 21:53
j27050707:#1F9LvZmK這篇的4感覺ok...不過也只是幻想 02/02 22:04
yitong52:我覺得Melo的進攻能力已經是聯盟前五的王牌等極了 02/02 22:27
yitong52:他第四節打開僵局得能力 那種有錢是也買不到 02/02 22:27
yitong52:以阿罵主的籌碼去換才有可能是我們要的 勿戰 02/02 22:28
yitong52:我只是跟著老BB來當尼克迷的 這是跟了一季下來的客觀看法 02/02 22:28
yitong52:有時候看著看著 阿罵跟甜瓜根本就兩個進攻洞洞互斥... 02/02 22:29
yitong52:兩個都是頂級的進攻Finsher 熱火也有兩個甚至到3個 02/02 22:30
yitong52:可是他們第一那濕婆至少有套進攻防守的完整系統 02/02 22:31
yitong52:第二LBJ和Wade的策應也是頂級的 這就是阿罵甜瓜較不足的 02/02 22:31
yitong52:熱火去年PG也是個洞 但是LBJ就是個可以當主控的球員 02/02 22:33
yitong52:尼克沒有 那尼克就必須去找一名有速度會打檔切的PG 02/02 22:33
YeYepowDtea:推樓上! 02/02 22:44
whalejack:yitong52太有道理了 02/02 22:49
yitong52:舉個最簡單例子 同樣新成軍的三巨頭 我在熱火差不多季中 02/02 23:15
yitong52:開始 我就發覺熱火那恐怖的半場輪轉防守已經成型了 02/02 23:15
yitong52:熱火用這套戰術+LBJWADE針對防守彌補禁區優勢 很可怕 02/02 23:16
yitong52:一直到冠軍戰這套真的太累人而且小牛進攻系統更完美 02/02 23:17
yitong52:還有個關鍵心理素質也是SS極司機才半下陣來 而熱火就是破 02/02 23:18
yitong52:不了小牛的針對區防 兩隻爭冠隊伍都有自己的本錢再拼 02/02 23:18
yitong52:尼克到現在看不出所以然 真不知是球員磨合不好還是教練團 02/02 23:19
yitong52:整個該換了 02/02 23:19
MAGICMCGRADY:說真的..別期待BD,我覺得他會整季報銷 02/03 01:27
Jefa910:不太知道真正狀況就別覺得他會報銷啦 時間到了再擔心吧 02/03 01:54
yitong52:他復出我也不期待 顛峰期早過了 感覺一樣會PG群瓜分時間 02/03 01:57
yitong52:他那個傷也有點嚴重 他體態本來就偏胖 肌肉群要回來也沒 02/03 01:57
yitong52:那麼快跟上緊湊的比賽排序和節奏 02/03 01:57
RainCityBoy:阿罵如果可以出清 就趕快賣一賣吧 02/03 17:29
RainCityBoy:如果可以換一位a級pg 就好了 02/03 17:29
MOJS:這樣有比以前的金塊好? 02/03 17:30