看板 Knicks 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Kickin' it with a Knick: Brewer, Part 2 http://ppt.cc/0I1c 與小酒的私密談話 part2 Q: With the uncertainty in Chicago, based on your team option and Derrick Rose's long-term injury, were the Knicks more compelling because there was an opportunity to start at shooting guard for a contending team? Brewer: I think when I looked at the Knicks, there wasn't necessarily a position where I was like, "Hey, this is where I can start." I felt like I could have a significant role on this team. I think I can play a lot with the things I do. I think I complemented a lot of players on the team and the system complemented me. Chicago went their own direction. I had a great experience there. I was able to play for a phenomenal coach in a phenomenal city. The fans were great, but I just felt they were going in a different direction that I didn't want to go in. I think it was mutual that we parted ways. Q:根據你在芝加哥的不確定性 請問來尼克是否是因為這裡有更好的機會去爭取先發SG? 小酒:"我認為當我選擇來尼克時 我並沒有想說"欸 那邊我一定可以先發" 我只是覺得 我在這邊能當重要的角色 我認為我可以為球隊做很多 我認為我可以為這支球隊這個系統 補上很多 芝加哥有他們自己的方針 我在那邊有不錯的經驗 我可以為一個非凡的教練 跟非凡的城市打球 球迷們(芝加哥)都是很棒的 但我只是認為他們要改變方針了 而我不適合 這是互相影響的 所以我們(小酒跟芝加哥)分手了 Q: You worked well off screens in Chicago, knocking down the midrange jumpshot. Do you envision doing that in New York, as well as extending your range beyond the arc with Carmelo Anthony, Amare Stoudemire and Raymond Felton mostly penetrating? Brewer: In the offseason, I'm always working to get better, so for sure I want to extend my range so I can be a better 3-point shooter, especially in the corners. I feel like I can be a guy who comes off pick-and-rolls and makes the decision to either kick it to a perimeter player or be able to drop it down to Tyson (Chandler) or Amare, or get to the basket with my athleticism and finish at the rim. I feel like coming off down screens and catching and shooting, I can play off that as well. Q:你在芝加哥的無球跑動非常棒欸 找空檔開後門 你認為你可以在紐約做到同樣的事嗎 小酒:"在休假期 我總是試著讓自己變更好 為了確保我可以把我的攻擊範圍再擴大 我可以成為更棒的3分射手 尤其是在底角 我想我可以成為那個在P&R之後 在外圍等球 攻擊的選擇之一 也能在老錢或阿罵旁邊開對方後門的那名球員 我喜歡跑出空檔後C&S I'm always continuing to add things to my game to make me a better player, because Carmelo is going to get a lot of attention. To me, he's one of the best iso players in the game, and he's going to get double-teamed and triple-teamed a lot of times. He's an unselfish player when he makes the right play and makes the extra pass. 我會一直學習新技能加入我的比賽中 這會讓我成為更好的球員 因為瓜瓜就是個吸怪機器 對我來說 他是最棒的單打球員之一 他可以吸引到雙重包夾甚至三重包夾 還有他不是自私的球員 他會做當下最好的PALY跟傳球! Q: I know you're in Arkansas right now training. What's your routine like? Brewer: I work out at the University of Arkansas. They welcome me with open arms. I come and work with the strength coach, David Deets, Monday through Friday. Then I come back and do agility work with him and I do court work with some guys who I went to school with and played at Arkansas. I've been keeping in shape and extending my game. Q:我知道你現在在Arkansas訓練 你的日常生活是甚麼安排的呢? 小酒:"我在Arkansas大學訓練 他們非常歡迎我 我跟那邊的體能教練 David Deets 一起訓練 每當我回來跟他還有一些以前一起打球的夥伴一起訓練 我感覺我的狀態 還有球感都保持得不錯! The pickup games on campus are pretty good. The current (Arkansas) team usually participates in every pickup game. Joe Johnson has been down and sometimes Jannero Pargo comes down to play. Also, Brandon Dean, Teddy Gipson, Courtney Fortson, who just signed back with the Rockets, and Sonny Weems comes back and plays. They're usually really good runs. 這裡有些小比賽跟練習 裡面有Joe Johnson 有時也會有Jannero Pargo 還有Brandon Dean, Teddy Gipson,Courtney Fortson跟Sonny Weems 他們都是很不錯的人才 Q: What do you enjoy doing off the court? Any fun hobbies? Brewer: Since I've been back in Arkansas, I've been doing a lot with my foundation, trying to give back to the community. We're actually about to have a back-to-school giveaway this Friday for surprise backpacks and stuff like that. And I was raising money for the Boys & Girls Clubs, trying to build a gymnasium down here. Q:那麼你離開場上後 有甚麼休閒娛樂或喜好嗎? 當我回到Arkansas 我會在我的基金會做很多事 我們上次送學校一種特別的後背包 我捐了一些錢給Boys & Girls Clubs 試著在那邊建一個健身房 If I'm not doing that stuff with my charity and not playing basketball, I try to relax a little bit and try to fish with me and my family and go see movies. Nothing too exciting, but when I'm back home, I'm usually just hanging out with my friends because it's not that big of a town. I basically know everybody and a lot of my friends still live here, so I hang out with them a lot. 如果我沒做慈善也沒打球 那麼我會跟我的家人去釣魚或看電影 每當我回到這裡 我會跟我的朋友們鬼混在一起 因為這座城鎮並不大 基本上我認識每個人 而我的朋友 還有很多仍住在這裡 Q: I've got to ask you about fishing. Where do you go and what do you catch? Brewer: It depends. Sometimes we go fish for catfish. A lot of times, just trout and crappie. Every summer, I take two fishing trips where I take my parents and some of my friends and we go to Bull Shoals or White River (in Arkansas) and we fish for rainbow trout. We usually do lakes and ponds, not so much rivers. The rivers are so far away from where I actually stay. Q:我可以問你關於你釣魚的事嗎? 還有哪裡是你常去釣的地方呢? 小酒:"這要看情況 有時候我們去釣鯰魚 更多的時候只是trout and crappie(魚的一種吧) 每當夏天到了 我都會有兩個釣魚之旅 我跟我的朋友 家人會去Bull Shoals或 White River 我們不全然都是去河邊 也蠻常去湖邊或小池塘 畢竟河川離我住的地方有些距離 原來小酒也愛釣魚 可惜JJ不在了Q^Q... 順便附上阿罵宣傳他的書的影片:http://ppt.cc/LFjg 推 esther81828:我可以幫忙翻翻耶XD 08/02 15:21 → esther81828:這翻完可以丟隊版嗎? 08/02 15:21 推 esther81828:[嗯我不要發新篇好了直接翻在這裡 08/02 15:28 → esther81828:他說 08/02 15:29 → esther81828:嘿我是阿罵,在場上的時候我全心投入打球, 08/02 15:29 → esther81828:但在場下的時候,我投入閱讀。是的沒錯,我愛閱讀。 08/02 15:29 → esther81828:看書就像打球一樣可以讓你變得更好 08/02 15:30 → esther81828:當我看了一本好書,我變得更聰明、更強壯,而且我 08/02 15:30 → esther81828:打賭你也會。 08/02 15:31 → esther81828:嘗試看看吧! 08/02 15:31 → esther81828:這本書是根據我11歲時的事情寫的 08/02 15:32 → esther81828:那時候我就已經夠高了,我打了很多球 08/02 15:32 → esther81828:寫作很好玩,我也享受閱讀 08/02 15:33 → esther81828:就這樣XDDDDDDDD 感謝e大幫翻阿罵的介紹XDD~ -- ─∥ ── =" ψsherry821224 ────────────── \ Teammates don't  ̄◣  ̄╲  ̄╲ λ play with each _ -.╳ ︶- other, they play ρ\ `, ▲ FOR each other. ─∥ _╱ ╲╲_◢ | ────────…‥. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: lest83 來自: (08/02 12:56)
esther81828:1推小酒 08/02 13:05
cty:推 感謝翻譯 08/02 13:10
HidakaShu:謝謝翻譯 很期待開季之後可以常常看到他開後門的畫面 08/02 13:13
osape:推小酒!! 08/02 13:15
cvop720:推倒小酒 08/02 13:58
jayelva:樓上......XD 08/02 14:10
lest83:樓樓上XDDDDDDDDDD 08/02 14:32
esther81828:不XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 08/02 14:41
cvop720:可以偷偷問一下,阿罵那本書內容大概是什麼嗎? 08/02 15:06
cvop720:我聽力很好..但是英文不太好,聽不懂阿罵的介紹XDDDDD 08/02 15:07
esther81828:我可以幫忙翻翻耶XD 08/02 15:21
esther81828:這翻完可以丟隊版嗎? 08/02 15:21
esther81828:[嗯我不要發新篇好了直接翻在這裡 08/02 15:28
esther81828:他說 08/02 15:29
esther81828:嘿我是阿罵,在場上的時候我全心投入打球, 08/02 15:29
esther81828:但在場下的時候,我投入閱讀。是的沒錯,我愛閱讀。 08/02 15:29
esther81828:看書就像打球一樣可以讓你變得更好 08/02 15:30
esther81828:當我看了一本好書,我變得更聰明、更強壯,而且我 08/02 15:30
esther81828:打賭你也會。 08/02 15:31
esther81828:嘗試看看吧! 08/02 15:31
esther81828:這本書是根據我11歲時的事情寫的 08/02 15:32
esther81828:那時候我就已經夠高了,我打了很多球 08/02 15:32
esther81828:寫作很好玩,我也享受閱讀 08/02 15:33
esther81828:就這樣XDDDDDDDD 08/02 15:33
kuroro1012:謝謝翻譯!!!小酒溫馨!也好想看阿罵的書喔!!! 08/02 15:34
esther81828:我也想買阿罵的書(艸) 08/02 15:35
cvop720:推esther81828!!!謝謝你。好想看(翻滾) 08/02 15:53
esther81828:亞馬遜上應該買得到XD 08/02 16:04
lest83:感謝E大!!! 08/02 16:12
※ 編輯: lest83 來自: (08/02 16:12)
cvop720:原價5.99,這系列目前好像出了兩本..運費應該比書貴? 08/02 16:16
cvop720:電子書目前好像沒有...淚,先看預覽解解饞 08/02 16:17
esther81828:阿罵親筆寫的書耶我超想要QQ 08/02 16:53
cvop720:看了預覽的那幾頁,是阿罵小時記憶回憶錄.. 08/02 18:41
cvop720:有寫到跟哥哥的相處QQ....我也超想要 08/02 18:42
jayelva:跟哥哥的相處啊 一定很催淚QQ 08/02 18:56