看板 Knicks 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://0rz.tw/NM7Ed Knicks Sign J. R. Smith’s Brother 尼克簽了JR的弟弟 11:19 p.m. | Updated Chris Smith said he experienced poor cellphone reception for most of Tuesday. When Smith was able to get a rare signal, he received a text message from his agent, Marc Cornstein, that read, “Call me ASAP.” 11:19分的更新 JR弟說他接到了一通很爽的電話 他接到了他的經紀人Marc Cornstein 給他的訊息"盡快回摳~!" A day later, Smith, a guard from Louisville who is the younger brother of J. R. Smith, realized a dream when he signed with the Knicks. 一天後 JR弟的夢想實現了 他跟尼克簽約了!! “I’m ecstatic,” Chris Smith said. “The process was really amazing. It means a lot for me and my family.” Cornstein and Smith declined to disclose the details of the deal, but it is probably a one-year, nonguaranteed contract. JR弟:"我爽得要死! 這個過程是令人驚嘆的 這對我跟我的家人來說意義深重阿!" JR弟跟他的經紀人都拒絕透露這個合約的細節 很可能只是一年非保證約 (也有人說是兩年非保證約) “We’re thrilled with the deal,” Cornstein said. “Chris is excited about signing his first N.B.A. contract and playing next to his brother.” Smith was the first one to let Knicks fans know he was joining his brother. He announced the signing on his Twitter account by posting a picture of himself signing the contract while sitting next to General Manager Glen Grunwald. JR弟經紀人說:"我們對於這個合約感到非常興奮 JR弟也對於他的第一份"NBA"合約 還有跟他的哥哥一起打球感到很興奮" JR弟的第一件事就是讓尼克球迷知道他加入他哥哥了 他把照片貼到推特上 Then Smith sent the picture to his brother to alert him to the news. “I was pretty much just smiling,” Smith said. “Then, I started thinking about what can I do to stay here and be an asset to this team.” 當JR弟把照片貼到推特上後說 "我現在的表情一定是笑得很開心 我開始在思考我在這裡能做甚麼跟如何成為這支球隊 的資產!" (都是史密斯讓我有點搞混= =) Smith, 24, will get his chance to make the roster when training camp begins in early October. The odds will be against him. The Knicks already have seven guards on their roster. Cornstein said one advantage Smith has is his brother. J. R. Smith should help his brother learn Coach Mike Woodson’s system and how to get prepared for training camp. JR弟 24歲 他將會得到進入尼克訓練營的機會 他將會面臨一些挑戰 因為尼克已經有7名 後衛了 JR弟的經紀人說:"JR弟的優勢就是他哥 JR應該會幫助他弟學習武僧體制並且準備" (PG:肥頓 老基 老PP JR弟 SG:JR 小酒 香波) “I think it can help tremendously in having your big brother there and getting advice from him on a day-to-day basis,” Cornstein said. Smith will be joined by forward Chris Copeland as the only players likely to enter camp without a guaranteed contract. JR弟經紀人說:"我認為JR的存在可以給予極大的幫助" JR弟將可能跟CC一樣都是尼克陣容中唯二是非保證約的人 Smith and Copeland played for the Knicks’ summer league team last month in Las Vegas. Copeland led the team with 13.8 points a game. The 6-foot-2 Smith averaged 5.2 points and 2 rebounds. His best game came against the Toronto Raptors when he had 10 points and 3 rebounds. JR弟跟CC都有打尼克的夏季聯賽 CC拿到場均13.8分 而JR弟則是場均5.2分2籃板 Smith said he remembered talking to Woodson during the summer league and that Woodson encouraged him to get better. “I learned how to use the pick-and-roll and to be actually humble,” Smith said. “That’s a big process in this league. I found that out pretty early.” JR弟說他記得他跟武僧在夏季聯盟時 武僧有鼓勵他變得更好 JR弟:"我學到如何打P&R 還有讓自己更謙卑點 這在這聯盟是相當大的一步" At many of the Knicks’ summer league games, J. R. Smith sat courtside to watch is brother play. The two also spoke after games. “He’s very excited for me,” Chris Smith said of his brother. “It’s great for my situation. I just finished college and I’m starting a new life. He’s really helped me with all these aspects of life.” 談到JR JR弟說:"我哥對我很興奮! 這對我來說是很棒的情境 我才剛結束大學生活 我將要開始新的生活 他真的幫助我很多" Cornstein said the Knicks began negotiations with Smith soon after the summer league ended. “He was able to make somewhat of an impression on the Knicks and just not in games, but also in practice,” Cornstein said of Smith, who the Knicks see as a combo guard, “I think he showed some of his versatility.” JR弟經紀人說:"尼克在夏季聯賽結束後就有跟他談了 他在尼克心中留下了一些印象 但是不是在比賽中 而是在練習中 我認為他可以表現出他的多功能" Smith could be assigned to the Erie BayHawks, the Knicks’ Development League affiliate, if he doesn’t stay with the team after training camp. 如果JR弟終究沒辦法在訓練營後留下來的話 那麼他可能會去尼克發展聯盟的球隊 Erie BayHawks Now, Chris Smith is hoping to build his career next to his brother. “Everything is set for me to be a successful story,” he said. “I know I’m a rookie. I feel like I have a great chance.” 現在JR弟期望他可以在哥哥身邊走出職業生涯! "任何事對我來說都是個成功的故事 我知道我還很菜 我覺得我還有一個不錯的機會!" 以CC跟JR弟來看的話 JR弟的位子很危險吶 畢竟我們後場滿了= = 你自己加油吧~ -- ─∥ ── =" ψsherry821224 ────────────── \ Teammates don't  ̄◣  ̄╲  ̄╲ λ play with each _ -.╳ ︶- other, they play ρ\ `, ▲ FOR each other. ─∥ _╱ ╲╲_◢ | ────────…‥. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
esther81828:推推,希望弟弟可以打出來Q^Q 08/02 22:40
skymay:推翻譯 JR弟加油吧!! 08/02 23:34