看板 Knicks 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://0rz.tw/9eCAT Tyson's Olympic diary, Part 2: Adjusting 老錢的奧運日記 PART2:調整 Here's Tyson's second entry: GAME ADJUSTMENTS Hey, everyone, we're now 2-0 after beating France and Tunisia, and I think we're getting better game by game. I think throughout this entire process, different guys are going to step up at different times. That's the beauty of being on an Olympic team. We've got so much talent, so I think that if we try to bottle all that stuff down with offensive sets, it takes away from our ability to create. We do have sets that we run, but for the most part we're out there creating. 嘿 大家好 我們在經歷過法國跟突尼西亞後 已經是2勝0敗囉~我認為我們正藉由比賽 變得更好中! 我想在經歷過這些過程後 其他人都會在其他時間更加加強自己 這就是身在奧運球隊的好處阿 我們有足夠的天分 所以我想如果如果我們把所有的 進攻手段都放入瓶子中 這將使我們失去創造力 我們需要去多做一些戰術來讓我們跑 (這裡看不太懂 SORRY) 但大部分的時候我們都有自己的任務跟角色 I think we've been doing a great job of adjusting and coach Mike Krzyzewski is doing an excellent job with preparing us. He's very good at keeping you in the moment and making sure that you're ready and prepared -- but at the same time, that you're loose enough to know who you are as a basketball player. Coach K actually recruited me a little bit out of Dominguez High School in California back in 2001. I'm sure I was on his radar, but he knew that I was going to the NBA. 我認為我們都已經做了一些不錯的調整工作 K教練在訓練我們時做了極棒的工作 他很擅長於保持你的狀態並且確定你已經準備好了 並且 在你過於鬆懈的時候 他會提醒你是個籃球選手 其實K教練在我還是高中生的時候就有注意到我了>///< 我很確定我有在他的搜尋名單中 但他知道那時的我已經打算要去NBA了 For those of you who are worried about my left-hand injury from the Tunisia game, it's feeling better. I dislocated my finger right before Team USA training camp in Las Vegas, and it swelled up on me. I was trying to get in shape and I was playing pickup, and I dislocated it. It is what it is, but I'll be fine. 噢~那些擔心我在突尼西亞戰所受的傷 我現在可以跟你說 別擔心我現在感覺好點了 我的手指在拉斯維加斯訓練營之前就脫臼了 那時我的手指腫了起來 當時我正努力維持我的狀態 然後當我在打pickup時 我脫臼了 這就是發生過程 但我會好起來的! (小心阿 老錢 美夢隊的隊醫是阿拓的阿Q^Q) 附圖:http://ppt.cc/C7S0 第一夫人的愛得抱抱加持! OLYMPIC VIBE I think the moment that I walked through the tunnel during the opening ceremonies, and came out and heard the USA chants, was the moment I realized I was at the Olympics. Just taking a glance throughout the Olympic Stadium and seeing the rings and walking around the track with the other countries and athletes, and just seeing the different colors and the different cultures, it was just one amazing experience. 我認為當我從奧運開幕隧道走出來時 我聽到了美國國歌 那時我忽然意識到了 我在打奧運阿!!! 就只是看了一眼奧運的體育場 然後看看其他國家的運動員 看到了很多不同的顏色跟文化 這是一次令人驚嘆的體驗阿! I played in the 2010 FIBA World Championship in Istanbul, Turkey, but I don't know if anything compares to the Olympics, being able to witness other athletes and just the vibe around the city, seeing the rings everywhere, seeing different flags, watching people accomplish their dreams. That has just been incredible. 我曾經在土耳其拿過2010年FIBA世界冠軍 不過我不知道有甚麼可以跟奧運來對比 你能見到其他國家的運動員跟一種公正的氣息圍繞在這座城市 並且在每個地方都看 到不同的國旗!看到人們完成他們的夢想 這真的是令人難以置信的! It's been crazy everywhere my teammates and I go. Even when we went to the Olympic Village with some of the other athletes, it was crazy. It's a big reason why we can't stay in the village, because everybody wants to meet us, sign autographs and take pictures with us. I would rather be able to just relax and walk around. It's also crazy when we play an opposing team because they all want our autograph afterward, or they want to take pictures with us or sign their shoes. 有些瘋狂的事發生在我們身上 每當我們跟其他運動員到了奧運選手村時 當時的場面有些 瘋狂 那些事就是我們不能住在選手村的原因 因為大家都想要見我們 然後跟我們 要簽名跟合照 所以我寧願可以休息然後在附近散散步 另外一個瘋狂的事是當我們在 場上跟敵隊打完比賽後 他們都跑來跟我們要簽名或是想要跟我們合照或是在他們鞋子上 簽名!!!!天阿!! We're actually staying at a hotel. One day, we went to the village to see some of the other athletes and I went into the track dorm, and was talking to a couple of the track athletes. Lolo Jones was like, "You should lay on the bed. Look at how small this bed is. There's no way you could fit in it." I was with Kevin Love, Andre Iguodala and the rookie, Anthony Davis. I told Kevin to take a picture of me on the bed to see how short it was, and I put it on Twitter. 其實我們是住在旅館的 有一天我們去選手村見其他的選手 然後我進到了一個田徑選手 Lolo Jones的房間 她說:"你應該來躺看看我的床的 看看我那小小床 這裡沒有辦法容納你 我當時跟LOVE 還有小AI 狀元兩津在一起 我跟LOVE說你應該要拍一張我在那小小床的照片 讓我上傳到推特! 附圖:http://ppt.cc/S4KW I think the most humbling thing was when an athlete from one of the other teams said that his greatest honor was to be on the floor with us. When you hear that kind of stuff, you have that much more respect for the game. You really appreciate the opportunity that you have and you understand the responsibility that you have to represent yourself, as well as your country, because a lot of people are watching. That was one of the biggest moments I had. For him to say that, it meant a lot. 我認為震撼人心的事是當一個來自其他隊伍的選手說"他最大的榮幸就是跟我們一起在球場 上 當你聽到這些時 你必須更尊敬比賽! 你必須感激你能有這樣的機會來代表自己 跟自己的國家並且負起責任 因為很多人都在看 這就是我所擁有最偉大的時刻" 聽到他說了這些話後 這對我感觸很多 DAY OFF Wednesday was our first day off and it was a great experience. People in London have been very welcoming. I was really able to get out and venture into the city, and I was in the east side of London. I wanted to go through the streets of the city and take some pictures of some of the graffiti out here and see some art, as well as shop at some boutiques and see the culture a little bit. 禮拜三是我們第一次的休息日 這是個很棒的體驗 在倫敦的人們都非常熱情 我可以去外面並且參觀這座城市 我去了東倫敦 我走在街道上然後拍了一些照片 參觀了一些精品店還有看了一些藝術品 也看到了一點點文化的不同 In my first diary entry, I didn't know how to describe the fashion because I just got to London, but I will say that people pay attention to their fashion out here and are very detailed with their look. I do appreciate that. I went to a shop called Layered and I went to another one called Hostem in the east side of London. 在我第一個日記裡 我說我不知道如何描述這裡的時尚 因為我還沒參觀過倫敦 現在我可以跟大家說了 這裡的人們是非常注重他們的時尚的 他們的外觀都非常細密! 我非常欣賞他們的時尚 我曾去了東倫敦一間叫Layered的店 還有一間叫Hostem I also had my first tube experience, which was crazy. The tubes are the subway system out here, and they're very small. It's really a tube. I could not stand up straight in it. It's pretty much a rugby match as soon as the doors open on each stop. It's like survival of the fittest; everybody trying to jump in and get in and get a spot. Everybody's holding their space and their ground. It's like a sumo-wrestler match. 我也有了我第一次壅擠的經驗 這是非常瘋狂的 因為他們的地下鐵非常的小 那真的很擠 我不能筆直的站起來 這就像是一場橄欖球比賽 每次到站門都開很快 這就像是弱肉強食一樣 大家都努力的去搶到自己的空間 每個人都在捍衛自己的空間 在這坐地鐵根本就是相撲比賽阿!!! It was crazy, but I actually enjoyed it because it's what they're accustomed to every day. People who were in line to get tickets and stuff like that were coming up to me for autographs. It was such a madhouse. After a couple of stops, I was able to get a seat and some people were talking to me. 這真的是瘋了 但是我其實很享受 因為這就是他們每天所適應的生活 人們排隊買票然後擠過來跟我要簽名 這樣真的很像精神病院 在經過一些站後 我終於有座位可以坐了 還有一些人來跟我聊天 Stay tuned for my next entry! In the meantime, you can follow me on Twitter @TysonChandler and check out my website TysonChandler.com. For Tyson's first diary entry, where he talks about arriving in London, adjusting to the Olympics and bonding with his teammates, click here. 期待我的下集吧~或者你可以關注我的推特~ 心得:名人真的很辛苦= =" -- ─∥ ── =" ψsherry821224 ────────────── \ Teammates don't  ̄◣  ̄╲  ̄╲ λ play with each _ -.╳ ︶- other, they play ρ\ `, ▲ FOR each other. ─∥ _╱ ╲╲_◢ | ────────…‥. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: lest83 來自: (08/02 23:30)
skymay:推拳王!!! 另外PP今天沒打好像是因為腎絞痛...>"< 08/02 23:39
lest83:畢竟老了...他跟kidd譨分到25分鐘應該就不錯了吧 08/02 23:40
lest83: 能 08/02 23:41
esther81828:希望PP保重 08/02 23:41
esther81828:推拳王!! 08/02 23:41
kmferin:感謝翻譯!拳王真的好注意時尚喔XD 和穿運動服上夜店的不 08/02 23:44
kmferin:一樣XDDDD 08/02 23:44
insachi:在倫敦穿運動服想上club會被security擋下來 08/03 00:02
jerrystarks:82年生的說他老了= =" 08/03 00:02
sherry821224:推拳王! 08/03 00:35
osape:推拳王,傷病真的是球員隱憂,希望好好治療... 08/03 01:24
penguin23:推拳王 那個床相較之下真的好小XDD 08/03 02:00
swingle:倫敦地鐵超小,有幾條線的車廂大概只有200公分高吧 08/03 05:48