看板 Knicks 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://ppt.cc/mwnd A source close to unrestricted free agent Chris Andersen said the power forward is open to signing for the veteran's minimum. That's all the Knicks can offer, and they could use a seasoned backup for Amare Stoudemire who knows how to score inside, rebound and block shots. 關於鳥人:今天有消息指出 鳥人願意接受底薪 這就是尼克所能給的最高薪資 尼克可以用鳥人來當阿罵的替補! There's no word yet if Andersen, 34, is interested in the Knicks, who don't comment publicly on any free agents. It's worth noting, though, that Andersen is a client of CAA, which also represents five Knicks: coach Mike Woodson, Carmelo Anthony, J.R. Smith, his younger brother, Chris, and new acquisition Ronnie Brewer. 雖然目前還沒任何消息 但如果尼克對鳥人有興趣 尼克這有大批的人馬能去遊說他 While the Knicks' roster stands at 15 -- the most players a team can have come opening night -- they could add Andersen right now to their books. That's because Chris Smith's contract is partially guaranteed, which means, in this case, he's only signed for training camp. In technical terms, Smith is not an NBA player yet. The Knicks will likely release him before the season starts, and then assign his rights to their D-League team, the Erie BayHawks. 關於尼克的第15人名單 尼克可以把鳥人加進來 因為JR弟的合約就只是部分保證 那就像是只是被邀請來參加訓練營 從技術上來講 JR弟還不算是NBA球員 尼克可能會在 賽季開始前把他釋出然後分派到發展聯盟的Erie BayHawks 鳥人高光:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FmL5wPCwP_I
Four other power-forward candidates include Kenyon Martin, Andray Blatche, Louis Amundson, D.J. White and Donte Greene. According to a source familiar with the Knicks' free-agency situation, Martin "makes the most sense, but he won't play for the veteran's minimum." The window for him to play in New York for a contending team, though, could turn out to be more attractive. 至於其他的人選 K罵:根據消息指出K罵不願意只拿底薪 (這消息來自尼克的簽暑FA團隊 尼克之前有跟K罵談) K罵高光:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkOqckUembk
According to a source close to Blatche, the seven-year veteran has several teams after him. He could be open to the veteran's minimum because no matter how much he signs for, he'll still collect $7.1 million next season from the Wizards after getting amnestied. There are also some insiders who predict he'll go to a situation where he can start for an up-and-coming team, so he can boost his profile and then look for an eight-figure salary next offseason. Andray Blatche: 他也願意拿底薪 因為他明年能可以從巫師那邊領到7.1M 不賴其高光:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NGo8RO23tE
Regarding Amundson and White, a source says they're both in the market for mini mid-level deals -- they made just below that last season -- so if that's the case, that would obviously leave out the Knicks. 另外阿穆森跟DJ白 他們都想找到小中產以上的合約 可能暫時跟尼克無緣了 阿穆森高光:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWtINoiim60
鳥人讚! Free Agent FA Donté Greene mentioned the Knicks as one of 3 teams he's deciding on. DontéGreene高光:http://ppt.cc/SuzY FA國王小將DontéGreene說尼克是他想去的3隊之一 -- ─∥ ── =" ψsherry821224 ────────────── \ Teammates don't  ̄◣  ̄╲  ̄╲ λ play with each _ -.╳ ︶- other, they play ρ\ `, ▲ FOR each other. ─∥ _╱ ╲╲_◢ | ────────…‥. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Jefa910:快簽鳥人!!! 08/04 09:44
skymay:推翻譯 另外說一下CC也是未保障約 08/04 10:18
skymay:感覺上尼克也是想看他訓練營磨合成果再確定的樣子 08/04 10:19
fireunicorn:wow光看陣容很完整了~該有都有了~ 08/04 10:32
HidakaShu:鳥人!!!!!!!! 紐約金塊XD 08/04 10:43
mercuryblue:鳥人最佳選項,K罵痛痛人又很暴躁 08/04 11:14
zero73413:拜託鳥人!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 08/04 11:16
md1011:鳥人也是痛痛人 08/04 12:34
KaKashou:鳥人超痛 08/04 13:33
Jouhnny:要比痛跟EQ有人比鳥人嚴重嗎... 08/04 14:29
bryant001327:鳥人讚 08/04 15:57
moumouer:K罵防守讚,鳥人比較偏補防,有了補防camby感覺K罵功能 08/04 18:21
moumouer:較不重覆,以前看金塊的感想是K罵一受傷整隊防守就降等 08/04 18:24
jayelva:紐約金塊XD! 08/04 18:28
tliu223:K罵的運動力和位置感不錯,錯位時偶爾可以守守對方后衛… 08/04 18:43
lest83:K罵可能就要在等上一段時間 看他會不會改變心意了 08/04 21:10
ILNARA:K罵防守能力絕對是在鳥人之上不少 08/04 21:11
ILNARA:鳥人可貴在 他上場1分鐘 3分鐘 或者10分鐘 每一秒都是拼勁 08/04 21:11
ILNARA:全力跟對手肉搏 還有任何髒活都可以做(髒活這點K罵亦是.. 08/04 21:12
ILNARA:鳥人是那股拼勁經常會感染隊友還有觀眾~!! 08/04 21:13
cliffchen16:快簽快簽!!!!!!!!! 08/04 22:25
Lenny115:希望能補到K罵 K罵的防守真的被很多人低估了 08/05 00:56
Realwell:太扯了,紐約金塊隊重現度真的有夠高XDDDD 08/05 02:36
JoshSmith:又來個沒腦的 08/05 03:50
lest83:有消息說Donté Greene 說尼克是他的選擇之一 08/05 08:15
※ 編輯: lest83 來自: (08/05 08:19)
penny1and1:NY Nuggets!!!!!!!!!!!! 08/05 08:49
cty:Donte Greene 6-11 體能不錯 打法似乎偏大後鋒? 有三分能力 08/05 09:23
cty:但命中率有點慘 08/05 09:23
mercuryblue:單考慮球場作用當然k罵 但考慮其他方面真的是鳥人好 08/05 14:06
gogobala5566:不管底薪簽到哪隻都是加分 CP值絕對都是破表的 08/05 14:11
esther81828:NY Nuggets XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 08/06 23:54
mjsp99:紐約金塊尼克隊 XD 08/07 23:18