看板 Knicks 關於我們 聯絡資訊
只節錄他對瓜的說法 Syracuse coach Boeheim: Take that, critics of Knicks' Melo 雪城教練Boeheim:來談談那些對MELO的批評吧 http://ppt.cc/d4lP As Anthony weaved a record-setting Olympic night, Syracuse coaching legend Jim Boeheim, a Team USA assistant, just kept thinking: Why does his former college prodigy get knocked so often? 當瓜在奧運得到了一個紀錄之夜的時候 雪城的傳奇教練Jim Boeheim(美國隊的助理 教練) 卻想著是:為什麼他的前大學金童會如此的受到批評呢? “He gets criticized for what he does, and that’s being an offensive machine, ’’ Boeheim told The Post after Team USA humiliated Nigeria in a record-setting 83-point rout, 156-73. “I’m tired of reading it. He doesn’t play like LeBron James. He can pass, but he’s a scorer. He’s an offensive force. That’s what he does. He’s an offensive scorer, and internationally, he’s unguardable at the 4. You really need a 3 to guard him, but then he can take him inside.’’ 雪城教練:"他常常受到一些做了甚麼還有身為得分機器的批評(像自幹拉...等) 雪城教練說:"我已經對解讀這些事感到疲倦了 瓜沒辦法像喇叭詹那樣 瓜的確可以傳球 但是他是個得分手 她是個進攻核心 這就是他常做的 她是一名進攻得分點 在國際上 他可以打到4號 但你需要用3號來看守他 不過他還是可以用力量擠進去的!" “He shot well in Syracuse, but he was best scoring and attacking inside,’’ Boeheim said. “He shot 35 percent [from 3] for me. One thing he’s done is really worked and improved his outside shooting.’’ "他在雪城時很準! 不過他當時最強的是往內線打的能力跟攻擊籃框 他在當時三分命中率只 有35% 不過他現在真的讓他的外線變好了!" Still, the knocks continue: Too selfish. Not a winner. Doesn’t play defense for a full game. And coach-killer. 不過儘管如此 他還是被批評太自私了 不是一個勝利者 沒辦法整場都好好防守 而且是個教練殺手!" “I talked to him when he went to New York,’’ Boeheim said. “Whether it’s a good team or not, they will blame you if they lose. Last year, they didn’t have the team to win against Miami. They didn’t have a point guard. They didn ’t shoot it at the 2. They had many deficiencies. No NBA player can win a championship alone. LeBron James tried it in Cleveland and couldn’t do it. "我曾經告訴過他 如果你要來紐約 不管你們是不是一個不錯的團隊 只要你們輸球 他們就會譴責你 去年尼克沒辦法打贏熱火 他們甚至沒有PG 他們也沒有一個可以投外線的SG 他們還有很多缺陷 沒有一個NBA球員可以靠自己贏得總冠軍 喇叭詹曾經在騎士試過了 但他失敗了" “And Melo knows it will be on him this year,’’ Boeheim added. “He’s doing everything he can do to get ready for the season, and this Olympics is great for him because he’s going to be in great shape for training camp.’’ 而瓜知道這將會是屬於他的一年 他已經準備好在新賽季去做任何事 奧運對他幫助很大 因為這將會讓他保持不錯的狀況進入訓練營 (畢竟瓜的場外控管不算好 有奧運真的是好事!) Boeheim and former Knicks coach Mike D’Antoni have been on the same Olympic staff for six years. D’Antoni’s falling-out with Anthony is a touchy subject because Boeheim is friends with both of them. The two have gotten along fine since the Olympic team gathered in Vegas on July 5, but wounds are still healing. 這裡再說瓜跟冷哥的問題 不過雪城教練跟他們兩個已經是多年好友 他說他們兩個 已經合好了 “The first year it went well, but then the whole thing exploded,’’ Boeheim said. “I just don’t think it was a good fit. It didn’t fit well when Melo came back with [Jeremy] Lin. They couldn’t fit it back together because Mike went in a different direction.’’ "第一年他們兩個還很順利 但是之後整個事件都爆發了 我只是不認為他們會很適合 當瓜回到林來瘋時磨合的並不順利 他們可能不適合在一起 因為冷哥當時正在使用另外一種執教風格" Boeheim gets MSG Network on his Syracuse cable system, and says he watches virtually every single Knicks game since Anthony came aboard. He’s still worried about the team’s fortunes, no matter how spectacular Anthony is. 雪城教練說瓜在MSG的比賽他都會看 不管瓜的表現有多驚人 他仍舊很擔心這支球隊的未來 “The bigger question is: Can Amar’e [Stoudemire] and Carmelo fit together going forward,’’ Boeheim said. “Because J-Kidd will get the guys the ball. It’s how they play off each other. There’s still a lot of questions marks. Will the point guard situation be OK with Kidd, Felton and Amar’e’s body holding up?’’ "最大的問題一直都在瓜跟阿罵的磨合問題 因為老基的加入或許會讓他們兩個知道 如何配合對方 但仍有很多問題存在 就是老基 肥頓是否在PG位子上相處愉快 還有 阿罵的健康問題?" (阿罵 下一次爆發給大家瞧瞧阿Q^Q) If the Knicks underachieve, Boeheim doubts it will be due to Anthony. “He makes winning basketball plays,’’ Boeheim said. “I know he can win. He won for me, and I know what’s he’s capable of.’’ 如果尼克的表現不如預期 雪城教練懷疑這是否會是因為瓜瓜 "他打了很多場勝利 我知道他可以贏得勝利 他曾為我贏得勝利 我了解他的能力" 另外大導演的期望 “Look, I hope Carmelo Anthony saw LeBron holding that championship trophy. Amar'e's my man.But I'm tired of looking up at those old championship banners. “No lollygagging, no half-stepping, no shenanigans, no tomfoolery. Got to get serious, got to.” SPIKE LEE:"聽著 我希望瓜瓜有看見喇叭詹拿起總冠軍旗子的那一幕 阿罵是我的兄弟 但是我已經對於總是只看到那些舊的總冠軍旗感到厭倦了 收起你們的玩笑心吧 該是認真 嚴肅的看待這件事了!" 還有今天是EWING 50歲生日優~ 希望EWING能回來當助理教練~ Happy 50th Birthday to Patrick Ewing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8T2l5Emzu-I&feature=youtu.be
-- ─∥ ── =" ψsherry821224 ────────────── \ Teammates don't  ̄◣  ̄╲  ̄╲ λ play with each _ -.╳ ︶- other, they play ρ\ `, ▲ FOR each other. ─∥ _╱ ╲╲_◢ | ────────…‥. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: lest83 來自: (08/05 22:49)
uuuc1223:該認真了 08/05 23:03
jayelva:可以借轉瓜板嗎? 感謝 08/05 23:40
lest83:可0.0 08/05 23:41
jayelva:轉錄至看板 C_Anthony 08/05 23:42
cvop720:瓜瓜衝~阿罵衝!!!!!!!!!!! 08/06 01:53
Aswind:瓜冷和好.. 這嘎五可能?? 08/06 03:20
kaojet:做人留一線日後好相見啊~ 08/06 10:32
aeCynzia:我不是瓜迷 但每次看到對他的批評 都覺得我活在平行世界 08/06 17:50
aeCynzia:印象中他靠他的進攻方式 已經救了尼克的比賽好多次了 08/06 17:52
iswearxxx:為什麼連史派克李都認為他們不認真啊= = 08/06 19:09
lest83:可能跟阿罵怒打滅火器有關吧= = 08/06 19:12
etintin:反證這些批評難以消失 只期待甜瓜未來狠甩巴掌 08/06 22:48
bluebabe:雪城教練說:"我試著... <-原文好像是 I'm tired 我厭倦了 08/06 23:09
bluebabe:"我厭倦了這些報導" 08/06 23:11
真的欸= = 沒注意到 感謝b大~ ※ 編輯: lest83 來自: (08/06 23:20)