看板 Knicks 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Knicks interested in Lou Amundson http://ppt.cc/2fHn Lou Amundson's agent has had an ongoing dialogue with the Knicks about bringing the bruising center to New York. Several teams, including some with more money to offer than the Knicks, have also expressed interest in Amundson. According to Chris Tomasson of Fox Sports Florida, Amundson has drawn interest from Charlotte, which can offer the $2.5 non tax-payer exception. The Knicks can offer only the veteran's minimum to Amundson. Amundson's agent, Mark Bartelstein , says Amundson is in no rush to make a decision. " Glen (Grunwald) and I have talked," Bartelstein said. 阿穆森的經紀人跟尼克有了一些會談 另外有其他對阿穆森有興趣的球隊 可以給他更多的錢 有消息指出 阿穆森已經收到山貓的250萬報價 而尼克只能給他老將底薪 阿穆森的經紀人說:"阿穆森不打算急著做出決定 我跟GG有談過話" "(Amundson) is the best big man on the market, so there's no reason to be impatient." Amundson isn't the only free-agent big man being linked to New York. Donte Greene , formerly of Sacramento, said the Knicks are one of three teams he's considering. Kenyon Martin appeared to be a potential target, but recent reports have stated that the veteran is considering the Lakers and Nets.It doesn't appear Martin has any interest in signing for the veteran's minimum. "阿穆森是目前市場上最棒的大個子 所以我們沒必要急著做出決定 不過阿穆森並不是 唯一一個被傳出有在尼克目標內的人 還有國王的Donte Greene 他自稱尼克對他有興趣 另外K罵也是淺在選擇之一 不過最新的報導是說他在考慮湖人跟籃網 但目前沒有跡象顯示他會願意簽底薪(湖人有小中產 而籃網跟我們一樣只有底薪) According to colleague Jared Zwerling , former Nuggets big Chris Anderson is open to signing for the veteran's minimum. Other candidates include DJ White and Andray Blatche . The Knicks have 13 guaranteed contracts, and in theory can add two more to get to the maximum roster allotment of 15. Many have speculated that the Knicks will add a reserve forward of Amundson's ilk before Opening Night. The 6-9, six-year veteran averaged 3.5 points and 3.7 rebounds in 12.6 minutes for Indiana last season. 根據JZ的報導 前金塊的鳥人願意簽署老將底薪 其他的候選人則是DJ WHITE 跟Andray Blatche 尼克現在有13張保證合約 理論上他們可以再添加兩個人 很多人都推測尼克想要把阿穆森加進開季名單 這個6-9的PF去年在溜馬場均3.5分 3.7版 場均上場時間12.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 阿罵已經開始跟歐拉朱旺訓練了喔~~ 他將會從5號練到19號 附上照片:http://ppt.cc/f3Z6 http://ppt.cc/J-6d 另外阿罵的求婚影片流出:http://ppt.cc/3sAC 附上瓜跟罵的照片:http://ppt.cc/~jPn 下一季你們兩個好好加油吧Q^Q! 補上阿罵這幾天歐拉朱旺訓練營心得 @Amareisreal has been working with Hakeem Olajuwon this week in Houston along with Denver's JaVale McGee. Hakeem focusing a lot on Amare's footwork on his go-to moves, plus teaching how to read the defender and how to counter how teams defend him in the post. Amar'e said he was going to keep a notebook during this two-week tutorial and memorize all he can to get his money's worth ($50G per week is the tuition). 阿罵跟mcgeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee一起跟歐拉朱旺訓練 歐拉朱旺這禮拜重點教學放在阿罵的腳步(按:快偷學一下夢幻步阿~~ 還有教他關於防守觀念的理解!!還有如何低位單打的招數! 阿罵說他現在拼命在做筆記 她希望他這兩個禮拜花得錢能花得有價值! 好學的阿罵!gogogogo! 圖:http://ppt.cc/8ndf http://ppt.cc/9DOi mcgeeeeeeee鉤射! http://ppt.cc/Rczj -- ─∥ ── =" ψsherry821224 ────────────── \ Teammates don't  ̄◣  ̄╲  ̄╲ λ play with each _ -.╳ ︶- other, they play ρ\ `, ▲ FOR each other. ─∥ _╱ ╲╲_◢ | ────────…‥. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
skymay:推 謝謝翻譯和補充 奇怪到打算再補幾隻?XDDD 08/08 07:17
david319:球員名單可以放到15人.....所以可以再補強兩人 08/08 11:42
WAmarsman:籃板痴漢阿盲 08/08 12:47
nykah20:尼克需要的是阿芒這種籃板癡漢!! 08/08 12:57
esther81828:推翻譯 08/08 14:21
mercuryblue:他似乎可打鋒線2位置 08/08 20:04
更新阿罵訓練狀況! ※ 編輯: lest83 來自: (08/08 22:34)
esther81828:等等補推!!阿罵加油啊啊啊啊啊啊 08/08 22:35
lest83:這裡有很多張:http://ppt.cc/GwQV 08/08 22:36
lest83:話說mcgeeeeee鉤射手長喔 他應該去跟賈霸學的XDD 08/08 22:37
lest83: 好 08/08 22:37
esther81828:他大概想學的是低位吧XD 08/08 22:40
lest83:阿罵訓練影片:http://ppt.cc/IEpr 08/09 14:13
dj6601:Amundson好呀!影片裡阿罵以前就會spin move怎還特地花錢學 08/09 23:15
lest83:可以想成再加強阿XDD 08/10 00:03
cty:http://tinyurl.com/9f8ds5r 阿罵新的影片 08/11 09:13