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Knicks Coach Mike Woodson Travels the Globe To See His Players 武僧跑遍全球去關心他的球員 圖:http://ppt.cc/O42I Following an 18-6 finish to the regular season, interim coach Mike Woodson received support from many Knicks players who hoped he'd return next season. With the interim tag removed and Woodson now the man in charge for the foreseeable future, he and his revamped veteran team are ready to get down to business. Though an entire 82 game season and a full training camp will certainly help their cause, Woodson has wasted no time beginning to lay the ground work.Not waiting until fall, there's apparently no time like the present. 在武僧執教後 用18勝6敗的戰績結束這賽季 臨時教練武僧收到了很多尼克球員對他的支持 他們都希望武僧下一季可以回來 而現在武僧"代理"總教練的"代理"已經被拿掉了 他跟他所打造的老將團隊已經準備好要來做一番事業了 雖然一個完整的82場賽季跟 完整的訓練營可以幫助他們解決問題 但是武僧他沒有為了放暑假而放著那些工作不管 武僧沒有等到秋天才開始工作 很明顯的他現在忙到都沒時間了 Since reaching a new agreement to remain with the Knicks, Coach Woodson has spent his summer traveling the globe, taking time out to visit and train with a number of his players. Whereas last summer, NBA players were not able to interact with team officials because of the lockout, this year we've begun to see how much of an impact such relationship building can possibly make. 當武僧跟尼克達成協議的那時候起 武僧花了整個夏天在各地旅行 他把時間都用在去 查看他可愛的球員們身上 去年暑假 NBA球員們因為封館而不能接觸球隊的官方人員 今年我們已經看到人際關係的建立可以造成多少影響了 In addition to watching New York's summer league team play in Las Vegas (where current Knickerbocker James White and non-guarantees Chris Copeland and Chris Smith showed off their skills), the favored coach has made a number of other stops too. 武僧除了去拉斯維加斯當夏季聯賽的教練(那裏有小白,CC還有JR弟) 這位總教練還去 了很多站 Woodson traveled to London earlier this month, where he watched Carmelo Anthony and Tyson Chandler begin their eventual quest for an Olympic gold medal. Ironically enough, he also interacted with the man he replaced, former Knicks coach Mike D'Antoni (an assistant coach for Team USA). Though he indeed took some time to watch the Olympics, Woodson was not in town to watch his players officially bring home the bacon. Instead, the coach was in Houston earlier last week. 武僧這個月上旬旅行到倫敦,去觀看瓜瓜跟老錢的奪金戰,諷刺的是她也有跟冷哥 交流了一下 (武僧:冷哥你進攻攻略本借我看一下拉@^@) 雖然武僧的確花了一些時間再看奧運,但武僧並沒有看到他的球員正式獲得金牌的時刻 因為就在上個禮拜武僧已經來到休士頓了 According to my pal Jared Zwerling, Woodson had reached out to his former NBA teammate, Hakeem "The Dream" Olajuwon to initiate his training sessions with Amar'e Stoudemire. The head coach, along with assistant coach Herb Williams, reportedly both flew in to see how workouts were going up close and personal for themselves. 根據JZ的報導,武僧向歐拉朱旺提出求救,希望他傳授一些東西給阿罵,這位總教練跟著 他的助理教練Herb Williams一起搭飛機親自來看歐拉朱旺的教學 There are high hopes for the impact these said workouts will have for Stoudemire come next season. After an underwhelming year, Woodson hopes to have the M.V.P. caliber STAT the Knicks were spoiled with in 2010-11 at his full disposal in time for training camp. 他們對於阿罵特訓營有很高的期望,在阿罵經歷了過去那無味的一年,武僧希望當阿罵 來到訓練營時,他已經是那個2010年的MVP候選阿罵 The coach appears very dedicated to the development and mentality of his players. Making the effort to have extensive interactions with a number of them, Woodson clearly seems like he knows how to motivate. If all this isn't enough, the team's record to finish out last season should speak for itself. 武僧極其關注她可愛的球員們的發展跟心理狀態,並盡力的去做出一些大規模交流 武僧似乎很清楚的知道如何激勵他的球員,如果這些還是不足以說明的話 那麼上一季季末的戰績應該可以說明一切 Aside from simply scheduling and/or initiating workouts to help his guys improve, Woodson isn't afraid to get down and dirty himself, either. This man does not mind putting in the work at all. In addition to his stars, the coach also ventured to California to meet with Jeremy Lin and Landry Fields, prior to them both signing elsewhere in free agency. 除了用一些簡單的行程或是安排一場訓練營幫助他的球員以外 武僧不在乎放下身段或讓自己變得狼狽,這個人並不介意把一切都投入工作中 他除了關注他的球星以外,在豪哥跟LF都還沒被別隊簽走前,他也曾到California去 會見他們 The Knicks certainly carry an abundance of high expectations and hopes with them from fans and media alike going into next season. With the pressure already mounting, at least Coach Woodson can say he's putting his best foot forward (along with his players) in hopes of assuring his team achieves success. 尼克的球迷跟媒體們當然可以抱持的大量的期望跟希望來看下一季 在這些壓力的環繞下,武僧至少可以說他已經跟著他的球員做了最棒的一步去期望 他的隊伍可以成功 JZ說 Gotta like Mike Woodson's commitment this summer to making pit stops around the country and in London to check in/root on his Knicks guys. As Jared Jeffries once said, Mike D'Antoni is focused on his system, whereas Mike Woodson is more focused on player relationships. #Knicks JZ說武僧遵守了他的承諾到各地去關注他的球員,就如同JJ曾經說過的 冷哥注重的是它的戰術系統,而武僧則更加注重他跟球員的關係 -------------------------------------------------------------------- http://ppt.cc/CEbv 附上鳥人的消息 圖:http://ppt.cc/QTVm Chris Andersen has received some offers from NBA teams. He does have a favorite team he wants to play for, but his reps won't say just yet. Chris Andersen’s offers have been from the $1.2 to $5 million range per season. 鳥人已經收到很多隊的報價了 他想要去他想打的球隊打球 但是他的經紀人說 這還沒定案 鳥人收到的報價從1.2M到5M...不等 There is the question of what will happen with a police investigation — his home was searched in an “internet crimes against children” probe, one where his attorney claimed it was part of an extortion plot . However, that investigation came to light in May, if the police had hard evidence this would be beyond an ongoing investigation. That said, nobody is talking so it still looms. 鳥人的問題在於它有場刑事調查,他在5月的時候她家被查出有涉嫌對小孩犯罪 不過他的律師聲稱這是場勒索陰謀,如果警察有除了目前所調查的以外,更確切的證據的話 也就是說,目前沒有新一步的進展,這件事仍還壟罩在鳥人身上 -- ─∥ ── =" ψsherry821224 ────────────── \ Teammates don't  ̄◣  ̄╲  ̄╲ λ play with each _ -.╳ ︶- other, they play ρ\ `, ▲ FOR each other. ─∥ _╱ ╲╲_◢ | ────────…‥. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: lest83 來自: (08/15 00:36)
aeCynzia:不曉得鳥人的事情已經都結束了嗎? 可以回來NBA打球了嗎? 08/15 00:50
esther81828:推推推武僧爸爸 08/15 00:55
esther81828:希望鳥人可以把他場外的事情處理好,他真的還不錯的 08/15 00:55
這個這篇倒是有提到 只是剛好沒翻而已XD ※ 編輯: lest83 來自: (08/15 01:04)
esther81828:有我有看XD 所以希望他的律師可以好好處理完這件事 08/15 01:08
esther81828:武僧對壞小孩很有一套XD 08/15 01:08
jayelva:武僧好感人 08/15 01:37
Heechul710:武僧真的好用心!!! 08/15 13:13
spitznono:還蠻期待下球季 這球季不順就怪罪封館吧XD 08/15 14:14
skymay:http://ppt.cc/IBu3 武僧訪問 08/16 09:11
cty:說真的 武僧應該是這幾年來看過在尼克隊最認真的教練 08/16 14:53
cty:如果E.Curry J.James等人還在 應該會被盯很緊XD 08/16 14:56
ZIDENS:鳥人:可是金塊 我回不去了 08/17 19:47
Jefa910:鳥人:壞小孩? 我是壞小鳥!! 08/20 09:03
esther81828:樓上(笑噴) 08/20 11:38